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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: cfh on October 01, 2008, 03:59:11 PM

Title: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: cfh on October 01, 2008, 03:59:11 PM
I only need one IGT, having a hard time figuring out which to keep.
both have their advantages. What are you all opinions on which
title is more fun, more collectible, better value, etc etc.



S2000/Vision, probably better than the above two? i don't know...
frankly it seems a bit lame to me, and takes FIVE minutes to boot!

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: tjkeller on October 01, 2008, 05:07:24 PM
Wow...VERY tough call there. Those are some very nice games. :3-

Of the three, I would say that the Haywire Deluxe is the MOST Collectible & Desirable. Plus it seems to be easier to find
kits for the 9" chop top.

16" 3-Line TD is very desirable as well and the 16" box displays more graphics and results in more appeal.

That said, the S-2000/Vision has much more promise. As far as entertainment value, I would find a kit that was not as "lame".

Personally, I would find a way to keep all are a bigger man than I if you can part with any of them. BUT, if I ABSOLUTELY
had to cut back to "11one1" and only "11one1" I would probably have to keep the s-2000/Vision and find a kit that I enjoy. :5-

It will be interesting to see what others think as this, at least for me as well, would be a tough decision to make. :25-

Best of luck on this one!

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: cfh on October 01, 2008, 05:14:04 PM
yes the RW&B bonus vision game is very uninspiring. i actually like to
pay the haywire dlx more. the triple diamond, to me, is the least fun.
but like you said it's cool because of the 16" top and the 3 line play.
but due to the fun factor i was leaning towards selling the Triple Diamond.

I  think i would like to keep one S+ and the one Vision. I have noticed 9" vision
kits are hard to find. gee i wonder if i could take the triple diamond
16" top and swap it with the vision 9" top? then i would have a 16"
vision and a greater availability of kits, and sell the triple diamond.

i have 15 williams dotmations to move in the house! so i have to
axe whatever i can, and the IGTs are lame compared to the dotmation

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: Thor777 on October 01, 2008, 05:52:03 PM
If you decide to sell that S2000 vision...please let me know   :88-

The Haywire is probally the best to keep as even though the Diamond is popular there seems to be a lot of them around.

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: knagl on October 01, 2008, 06:38:21 PM
I agree that it's a really tough call.

I'd keep the vision for sure, even with kits being harder to find.

Since you can run S+ kits in the vision game (correct me if I'm wrong, someone), I'd keep the Haywire Deluxe *kit* and sell the 9" S+.  Buy a cheapie Red White and Blue 9" kit or similar for like $40 and throw that in the 9" machine, and then sell that machine.

That way you keep the Haywire Deluxe kit that is pretty rare and desirable, you can throw it in your 9" vision game if you really want to play it (or buy a 9" top for your 16" game), and you still get rid of a machine.

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: idesign on October 01, 2008, 08:03:44 PM
S+ top boxes and S2000 top boxes are not interchangeable.  You can run the Haywire in the vision with a SB01000 chip and the correct GME chip set like SG000312. Just disconnect the lcd when you do it.

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: tacman on October 01, 2008, 08:07:13 PM
I agree with Kevin, with the vision you have the opprtunity to use S+, Vision or S2000 kits in the unit. I've never really tinkered with the upper lcd screen but you can either remove it and the bracket or just cover over it with the upper glass. The only drawback is the glass only being illuminated by that small bulb to the left of the lcd. Of course using those cold cathode 12" lights in white may take car of the illumination problem with the screen still inside.

 Dan (tacman)

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: idesign on October 01, 2008, 08:23:33 PM
Dan, there is supposed to me a full size fluorescent bulb is the back just like on other machines. 

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: cfh on October 01, 2008, 09:30:33 PM
Ok well let me rephrase this then... of the two S+ units,
which would you guys keep? the triple diamond or the haywire dlx?

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: Thor777 on October 01, 2008, 10:45:54 PM
I agree with Kevin, with the vision you have the opportunity to use S+, Vision or S2000 kits in the unit. I've never really tinkered with the upper lcd screen but you can either remove it and the bracket or just cover over it with the upper glass. The only drawback is the glass only being illuminated by that small bulb to the left of the lcd. Of course using those cold cathode 12" lights in white may take car of the illumination problem with the screen still inside.

 Dan (tacman)

Well...On my S2000 vision I have the small bulb to the left of the LCD AND a regular florescent above and behind the LCD so That probally won't be a problem...

    If you want I will take the Vision machine off your hands and that will make one less choice to make  :72- :72- :72-  :97- :97- :97-

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: tacman on October 01, 2008, 11:32:39 PM
Clay, if its coming down to just getting rid of an S+. Find the best machine between the two and then put the Haywire Deluxe kit in it and keep that one. Sell the other. JMHO.

 Dan (tacman)

 :25- :25- :25- Didn't see that one was  a 16" thee other 9"- Well still keep the Haywire Deluxe!!!!

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: Thor777 on October 02, 2008, 12:10:51 AM
Clay, if its coming down to just getting rid of an S+. Find the best machine between the two and then put the Haywire Deluxe kit in it and keep that one. Sell the other. JMHO.

 Dan (tacman)

Hey Tacman...thanks for the help with the VB questions  ..helped me a lot...good Karma to you  :89-

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: rickhunter on October 02, 2008, 12:06:04 PM
Ok well let me rephrase this then... of the two S+ units,
which would you guys keep? the triple diamond or the haywire dlx?

Keep the Haywire Deluxe OR buy an inexpensive kit for the 9" machine, keep the triple diamond 16" machine and the 9" Haywire Deluxe Kit and buy a 9" boxtop for your 16" machine!!!  :71- :71- :71-

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: Thor777 on October 02, 2008, 06:50:59 PM
Ok well let me rephrase this then... of the two S+ units,
which would you guys keep? the triple diamond or the haywire dlx?

Keep the Haywire Deluxe OR buy an inexpensive kit for the 9" machine, keep the triple diamond 16" machine and the 9" Haywire Deluxe Kit and buy a 9" boxtop for your 16" machine!!!  :71- :71- :71-

I'll make it simple...    :25-    Keep the Haywire Deluxe   :30-   :89-    :3- 

(and sell me the vision!)  :97- :97- :97-

Title: Re: Which IGT to sell?
Post by: knagl on October 02, 2008, 08:00:31 PM
buy an inexpensive kit for the 9" machine, keep the triple diamond 16" machine and the 9" Haywire Deluxe Kit and buy a 9" boxtop for your 16" machine!!!

My vote is for the part of Rick's post that I quoted here.  Keep the 3-line game and the 16" cabinet, keep the 9" Haywire Deluxe KIT, and sell the 9" S+ with a different (inexpensive) kit in it.

(...and you don't even have to buy a 9" box right now -- you've got that 9" vision that can run your Haywire Deluxe game.)