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General NLG Chat => Rants and Raves (SEE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ENTERING!) => Topic started by: U.S.AutoService on November 01, 2009, 11:55:39 AM

Title: split the winnings ?
Post by: U.S.AutoService on November 01, 2009, 11:55:39 AM
I would like some input.  Lets say you go to the casino and take your girlfriend with you.  You two go quite often cause its close.  You spend some cash here and there on the tables and slots.  She hardly spends any of her money, but is happy to spend yours.  If she looses the money you give her she comes and finds you with her hand out again. (she plays slots by herself mostly) You play tables and slots.  But most of the times you come home broke, she comes home happy it was not her money.  Well, now one day you both go and sit in the high roller room and sit down at a $1 machine and she sits in the chair to be entertained like always.  You dig out a  $100.00 and plunk it in, the outline muti-coin machines starts to take you cash away, then hits for $2425.00 .
     How do you split this win ?  Its his money, she is in the chair. She gets the cash from the attendant and asks how much do I get ?

 things to consider:
    Losses are never split
    his money, not hers

What I did do was give her $525.00

  :137-   U.S.Auto Service

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: a69mopar on November 01, 2009, 12:04:31 PM
Hmm, girlfriend. I guess it depends on wether she will tell "the wife" if she doesn't get enough.   :96-
$525 seems good.  Was she O.K. with that?  It's been so long since I had a girlfriend, and I married the last one, for her, I would have given about the same, and she would have been very happy, although, she most likely would have bought something (tools, clothes, a watch etc) for me with the money.


Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: StatFreak on November 01, 2009, 12:12:41 PM
What a loaded question! It reminds me of why I'm glad to be single. :88-

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: Slottex on November 01, 2009, 12:39:31 PM
Stat loaded is an understatment, no matter what you give them they are not truly happy ! 99.9% of the time they are in a no loose situation. :25-

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: Railroad94 on November 01, 2009, 12:57:24 PM
Sounds right.    Much easier when your married you eat the loss  :8-  and 50/50 split on the win  :5-

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: rickhunter on November 01, 2009, 02:27:12 PM
You let her keep the whole thing.  My point of view on the "money thing" is that if you are giving it away, you shouldn't expect it back.  If she had lost the whole thing, would he had expected her to give back the losses?   It's like lending money.  Once you lend it, don't ever expect it back, if you get it back, it's a bonus.  That's why you should never lend money to anybody unless you can afford to loose it.  As far as I'm concerned, if losses are never split, then you shouldn't expect to split the winnings, even if she hit the 1MM jackpot.  I would leave it up to her to decide.  It's her w2g, unless she wants you to put your name on it.

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: Railroad94 on November 01, 2009, 03:04:32 PM
ooops her W-2G     Did you have all the taxes taken out, hope she does long form so it's a write off otherwise somebody might be a little mad come tax time

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: a69mopar on November 01, 2009, 03:45:32 PM
You let her keep the whole thing.  My point of view on the "money thing" is that if you are giving it away, you shouldn't expect it back.  If she had lost the whole thing, would he had expected her to give back the losses?   It's like lending money.  Once you lend it, don't ever expect it back, if you get it back, it's a bonus.  That's why you should never lend money to anybody unless you can afford to loose it.  As far as I'm concerned, if losses are never split, then you shouldn't expect to split the winnings, even if she hit the 1MM jackpot.  I would leave it up to her to decide.  It's her w2g, unless she wants you to put your name on it.

   I had to reread the original post, I see she was playing the machine, and agree with Rick, unless you made a statement about the winnings being yours (at the time of giving the money), then you gave her the money, it's her winnings, she should have decided how much to give to you, and hopefully it would be at least $525.


Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: Buzz on November 01, 2009, 05:20:30 PM
Wouldn't  it depend on how bad you want to keep her for a girlfrend ? You play you pay, maybe it's the other way around    :103- :103- :79-

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: Railroad94 on November 01, 2009, 07:40:34 PM
Next week part 2..........     

I was gambling with my X girlfriend at the casino lastweek     :79-

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: Neonkiss on November 01, 2009, 10:02:34 PM
 :208- :208- :208- :208- :208-

Next week part 2..........     

I was gambling with my X girlfriend at the casino lastweek     :79-

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: U.S.AutoService on November 01, 2009, 10:10:55 PM
             So more details I guess are needed.   We have three casino here in Detroit.  She stopped and hit the atm for  $200.00 before we went to the first one, I had some cash already on me.  At the first casino (Greek Town) we walked together and I kinda followed her around like a puppy dog.  Watching her playing $10 here and $10 there for a while, she was about broke, so I was letting her sit and I would shovel in the bills to the machines and let her pay that too.  Under a $100.00 I would guess..  then we saw a  Mata Hari machine and I guided her towards it (we like those machines) and I stood like a gentleman should and feed another $200.00 in the beast.  No pay off from that place, so we left to the MGM to tray our luck,  She was walking around looking cause she was broke , and I played a table and won about $700.0 and left, not a bad place for an hour.  So off to Motor City Casino and right to the high roller room to the Mata Hari machine we have played in the past, and of course allow my lady to sit, out pops my wallet and insert a $100.00.  Nothing spoken, no here this is yours, just as I always do, feed the machines and let her slap the buttons. We do it this way a lot, its expected .  But this time the big win came on the 3 spin, and she asked me knowing to a point that it was not her money,  how much can I have.  So I figured over the course of the day I had forked out my cash and my cash paid off.  I gave her $525.00 , not a bad pay off for sitting pretty and slapping the max credits button 3 times.  We went to the main casion floor and she poked a few bucks in a machine and hit again for about $150.00, I didn't ask for any of that, but I lost some at the roulette table and she didn't pay me back ,  We have been together 8 years if it matters.    Hummmm ?

P.S.  I would like one (matahari) for my game room, anyone have one for sale ?

  :137-   U.S.Auto Service

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: StatFreak on November 01, 2009, 10:35:52 PM

P.S.  I would like one (matahari) for my game room, anyone have one for sale ?

  :137-   U.S.Auto Service

Now we get to the true reason that you kept the $1900! :208- :208-

As for the rest of it, you have been together for eight years and seem to have a well established routine. :94-  I'd say it worked out fine. You might want to discuss what you would do if she were to ever hit something really big, like six or seven figures. :152- ... :125- :14-    Failing to have a plan for such a contingency could cause a major problem if it were to occur, not that it's very likely.

PS: Girlfriend issues aside, the law, at least in Nevada, states that the winnings belongs to whomever pulled the handle or pushed the spin button, NOT the person who put in the money.

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: brichter on November 01, 2009, 11:19:16 PM

  We have been together 8 years if it matters.    Hummmm ?

  :137-   U.S.Auto Service

As for the rest of it, you have been together for eight years and seem to have a well established routine. :94-  I'd say it worked out fine. You might want to discuss what you would do if she were to ever hit something really big, like six or seven figures. :152- ... :125- :14-    Failing to have a plan for such a contingency could cause a major problem if it were to occur, not that it's very likely.

In California, she'd get half of everything, no matter who put the money in or pulled the handle... :30- :25- :89-

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: StatFreak on November 01, 2009, 11:23:38 PM

In California, she'd get half of everything, no matter who put the money in or pulled the handle... :30- :25- :89-

Technically, in this case it would work in HIS favor -- HE'd get half of everything, since the winnings would be her money if she were the one playing the machine.

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: Neonkiss on November 01, 2009, 11:48:23 PM
I hear a lot of tap dancing but Still haven't heard,

Who got the W2G??

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: rickhunter on November 01, 2009, 11:56:10 PM
I still maintain she should have kept it all, you gave it, she decides if she gives it back.  If you don't want to run into any future problems I suggest you make a pact, because if she would have hit 1 Million instead of $2,450, the story would have been different.  So if you want to keep things on an even keel, I would suggest you make a disclaimer like, If you win you get to keep half minus whatever I put in the machine for you, then there's no discussion of who gets what.  In matter of money, you always need to be clear BEFORE you get into the pit, otherwise things tend to get out of control.

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: Thor777 on November 01, 2009, 11:56:47 PM

In California, she'd get half of everything, no matter who put the money in or pulled the handle... :30- :25- :89-

Technically, in this case it would work in HIS favor -- HE'd get half of everything, since the winnings would be her money if she were the one playing the machine.

Just let her have it all and hope you get "something else" and then everone will be happy  :72- :72- :72- :97- :97-

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: U.S.AutoService on November 01, 2009, 11:58:40 PM
  The tax thing, she did. I got up to go get help and she stayed with the winning machine.  I told her I would pay it when she does the taxes in January

   :137- U.S.Auto Service

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: StatFreak on November 02, 2009, 12:28:23 AM
As for the rest of it, you have been together for eight years and seem to have a well established routine. :94-  I'd say it worked out fine. You might want to discuss what you would do if she were to ever hit something really big, like six or seven figures. :152- ... :125- :14-    Failing to have a plan for such a contingency could cause a major problem if it were to occur, not that it's very likely.

PS: Girlfriend issues aside, the law, at least in Nevada, states that the winnings belongs to whomever pulled the handle or pushed the spin button, NOT the person who put in the money.

I still maintain she should have kept it all, you gave it, she decides if she gives it back.  If you don't want to run into any future problems I suggest you make a pact, because if she would have hit 1 Million instead of $2,450, the story would have been different.  So if you want to keep things on an even keel, I would suggest you make a disclaimer like, If you win you get to keep half minus whatever I put in the machine for you, then there's no discussion of who gets what.  In matter of money, you always need to be clear BEFORE you get into the pit, otherwise things tend to get out of control.

  The tax thing, she did. I got up to go get help and she stayed with the winning machine.  I told her I would pay it when she does the taxes in January

   :137- U.S.Auto Service

It sounds like we're all in agreement.  :89-
The person who "pulls the handle" gets the W2G and the money is theirs. Anything else is a civil matter.
If you are going to continue this behavior it would behoove you both to have a plan of action in case of a large win.
If you really want to do this with a clear head rather than an emotional one, you should put any agreement that you make in writing. Nothing evaporates as quickly as a loose* verbal agreement when a large sum of money is involved.

*I mean LOOSE, not LOSE.  :5-

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: Thor777 on November 02, 2009, 12:32:06 AM
 The tax thing, she did. I got up to go get help and she stayed with the winning machine.  I told her I would pay it when she does the taxes in January

   :137- U.S.Auto Service

   Who had the "players card" in the machine...THATS the one that will get the winningings and get taxed  :89- :79-

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: U.S.AutoService on November 02, 2009, 12:51:27 AM
     I don't remember who's card was in there now for sure.  Mostly my card when we play in the high roller room,  We get comps for rooms and dinner a lot cause I play tables more then her.  But cause we had been to other casino that day I don't remember for sure.  75% it was hers, but I know they took it out to reset the machine. it all happend so fast.   We are working this out between us.  I just wanted some input, I always take care of my woman anyways.  She knows it too.

  :137-  U.S.Auto Service

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: StatFreak on November 02, 2009, 01:41:19 AM
I have to respectfully disagree with you Thor777. At the end of the day, the players club card is a marketing tool, nothing more. In cases of disputed jackpots or jackpots not paid because the player was a minor, etc., they review the video. The person who initiated the spin is the person deemed to have made the wager and to whom the casino owes the money; it's not open for debate. In cases of minors who played and hit a jackpot (such as young adults of 18 to 21 years of age who might pass as being over 21) it's common for an adult to "step" in right after the hit and claim to have been the player. This tactic rarely works, if ever. The video has the final say. It doesn't matter who put the money into the machine or who's card is in the player tracking slot.

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: Thor777 on November 02, 2009, 01:53:09 AM
I have to respectfully disagree with you Thor777. At the end of the day, the players club card is a marketing tool, nothing more. In cases of disputed jackpots or jackpots not paid because the player was a minor, etc., they review the video. The person who initiated the spin is the person deemed to have made the wager and to whom the casino owes the money; it's not open for debate. In cases of minors who played and hit a jackpot (such as young adults of 18 to 21 years of age who might pass as being over 21) it's common for an adult to "step" in right after the hit and claim to have been the player. This tactic rarely works, if ever. The video has the final say. It doesn't matter who put the money into the machine or who's card is in the player tracking slot.

  I was just going by a jackpot that I hit in a similar situation... It was a Indian Casino and they showed up for the hand pay with MY info on the sheets for taxes to be taken out... apparently they got it from my players club card that was in the machine at the time...

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: jay on November 02, 2009, 02:54:58 AM
In a big win situation with my girlfirend I would absolutely insist that the win was hers. Especially if a big cheque, and photo were to ensue.
That way my wife is less likely to find out.....  :72-

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: StatFreak on November 02, 2009, 02:57:09 AM
I have to respectfully disagree with you Thor777. At the end of the day, the players club card is a marketing tool, nothing more. In cases of disputed jackpots or jackpots not paid because the player was a minor, etc., they review the video. The person who initiated the spin is the person deemed to have made the wager and to whom the casino owes the money; it's not open for debate. In cases of minors who played and hit a jackpot (such as young adults of 18 to 21 years of age who might pass as being over 21) it's common for an adult to "step" in right after the hit and claim to have been the player. This tactic rarely works, if ever. The video has the final say. It doesn't matter who put the money into the machine or who's card is in the player tracking slot.

  I was just going by a jackpot that I hit in a similar situation... It was a Indian Casino and they showed up for the hand pay with MY info on the sheets for taxes to be taken out... apparently they got it from my players club card that was in the machine at the time...

I have to defer in the case of Indian casinos. They make own law and enforce it as they please. That's why players have no recourse when they simply refuse to pay a jackpot. It's settled by the tribal courts. The player can't sue through the U.S. justice system.

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: Buzz on November 02, 2009, 06:06:55 AM
David do you really think, if a minor put the money in the machine, but a adult pressed the spin button, that a casino would pay off on a win ??

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: StatFreak on November 02, 2009, 07:52:59 AM
David do you really think, if a minor put the money in the machine, but a adult pressed the spin button, that a casino would pay off on a win ??

Short answer: In a Nevada casino, yes. Although they might try to weasel out of it. It would be an interesting court case. :5- :97-
I could see them claiming that the adult was contributing to the delinquency of a minor, committing a crime, et-cetera as excuses for not paying. :79-

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 02, 2009, 12:49:23 PM
Quote from Statfreak [The player can't sue through the U.S. justice system.]

Yes, and no... This is why>>
Certain states are not allowed to run casinos so they use the "goverment" tribal indians
as a storefront  to open casinos saying the indians are running them when
realistically it's actually the other way around...
That fully explains why the tribal indians are coming out with W2 forms with all your info on it.
Traditional indians don't have W2 forms, only the tribal indians...
after all, the tribal indians get paid by the state they reside in so with that in mind-
they must abide by the state taxation laws in order to operate the casino.
Can they be sued?...Sure they can! 
They are actually U.S. goverment employees!
Will it be easy? No.
Because they're U.S. government employees!


Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: knagl on November 02, 2009, 09:04:32 PM
At the end of the day, the players club card is a marketing tool, nothing more.

Agreed in terms of who gets the W2-G, etc.  However, whatever card that was in there is going to get "credit" for the win -- that will affect the win/loss statement at the end of the year from the casino as far as being able to write off losses at tax time.

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: StatFreak on November 03, 2009, 02:49:57 AM
At the end of the day, the players club card is a marketing tool, nothing more.

Agreed in terms of who gets the W2-G, etc.  However, whatever card that was in there is going to get "credit" for the win -- that will affect the win/loss statement at the end of the year from the casino as far as being able to write off losses at tax time.

That's true. But if I found myself in a situation where the tracking information was wrong because of something like this and it were going to affect my tax liability, I would write a letter to or call host services or my personal host and see if the win/loss statement could be corrected.

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: U.S.AutoService on January 07, 2010, 11:38:18 PM
    We went back to the Casino the day after Christmas, we agreed this time to not sit together at the same machines and to keep what ever each of us won.  Well, lucky me, I hit $9,504.00 on Marti Hari playing $27.00 a crack.  She's Ok with it this time, I got the W2.... and the cash  :200-

   :137-  U.S.Auto Service

Title: Re: split the winnings ?
Post by: Neonkiss on January 08, 2010, 12:31:06 AM
And you bought dinner and drinks......
Then you got lucky twice in one night. :154- :141- :117- :110-