New Life Games Tech Forums

**Video Slots** Gaming machines => Atronic => Topic started by: carlos_alzate06 on November 09, 2009, 10:30:46 PM

Title: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: carlos_alzate06 on November 09, 2009, 10:30:46 PM
and erase the memory RAM with U2 and I put the U6 to set up and the bass problem, and did everything .... who else can I do?

Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: TZtech on November 10, 2009, 08:05:00 AM

Was the game previously working ?
Check that all your eproms are in the right position and that there are no bent pins.


Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: carlos_alzate06 on November 10, 2009, 05:57:29 PM
the same program, only I did a delete and not be programmed I get this error because I checked everything and done correctly

Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: TZtech on November 10, 2009, 06:07:13 PM
Hello Carlos

Where did the machines come from ?. From earlier post/problems experienced by some other users on this site it seems that for some sw revisions there are specific key and clear EPROMS required.

PM me if you need the manuals for this machine.

PS - Are all your Power LED's on?. Loss of a voltage (I think 12V) causes some strange behaviour of the machine.


Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: carlos_alzate06 on November 10, 2009, 06:16:33 PM
the machine was operating normally, I buy from a casino and made a deletion, the deletion does well, but when I remove the clear u2 and u2 put the program should I ask for the configuration of the paytable, but I do not piede I get crc error config.

all the LEDs turn on the voltage is correct.

I did the same procedure and had no problems with the Sphinx II

Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: TZtech on November 10, 2009, 07:09:22 PM

I would try the problem machines SW in the Sphinx Machine - You can then determine if the problem is with the boards or with the SW


Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: carlos_alzate06 on November 11, 2009, 04:56:31 PM
a question u6 memory programming for the same memory sphinxII programming u6 mask of mystery?

Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on November 13, 2009, 04:49:16 PM
Hi Carlos. 

As TZ said, there are specific clear EPROMS for specific game versions in the slot machines you are working with (CASHLINE).  I believe you cleared the machine with unproper U2 (RAM Clear EPROM) & U6 (PAYTABLE configuration EPROM).  The message you are describing is commonly seen when you use incorrect clear EPROMS.

What TZ is trying to tell you is to test the main board you are using in "Mystery Mask machine" with your "Sphinx II machine".... perform RAM CLEAR as you did it before...  If everything works, then you need other clear EPROMS for your Mystery Mask machine....  If it doesn't work, then it's probably something bad with your main board.

I believe you speak spanish (just got a feeling hehe... )  Send me a PM if you need more help.


Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: carlos_alzate06 on November 13, 2009, 09:59:27 PM

si hablo español...mi pregunta es si con las memorias que se programa la sphinxII son las mismas para mystery mask?....porque yo programe una sphinx II y no tuve problema pero con la mystery mask me sale este ser este el error tu no tienes los programas para programarlas que me lo puedas facilitar? de colombia y te agradesco toda tu ayuda.

English ( from google translate )

my question is whether the reports that you program are the same for sphinxII mystery mask ?.... because I schedule a sphinx II and had no problem with the mystery mask but I get this error .. .. if this is the error you do not have programs for programs that can provide me ?.... I'm from Colombia and agradesco all your help.

Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: TZtech on November 14, 2009, 03:56:24 AM
Hi Carlos

Unfortuantely I dont have those machines so I cant advise. The Machines I worked on were Big Cheese and Phoenix Rising and both used the same U2 and U6.
If you have a EPROM programmmer you cen view read the EPROM and view the Bin file hexdump. this should give you a clue as to what machine it for.


Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: next_gaming on November 14, 2009, 05:50:36 AM
Hi Carlos, (Hola Carlos)

Unfortunately, those game is one of the most inestable game on the cashline plattform, about ram clear exists 3 versions of U2 the first two erase completely the machine the latest, keep options and erase counters, however, the crc config error mostly of the times is because you are don´t using the properly config key u6, about this atronic have 5 versions about this the first 3 works fine whit games type -N and -P the 2 latest versions works under cashline plattform, i think that the ram clear procedure that you are making is fine the real trouble is the config key setting, in my personal opinion i hate this game too many troubles and some players say that is boring, i try to get the properly info about the best version of config key and re-post.



properly set for mystery game config key(u6 32C3), Ram Clear(U2 576E)

Try whit vendors above maybe they have avalaible one of this sets.

Best Regards

Next G

Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: carlos_alzate06 on November 14, 2009, 12:08:28 PM
I think that if there comes the problem ... now you mount the sphinxII and had no problem but after I finish the whole process of configuration the machine crashes immediately

Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on November 14, 2009, 06:15:11 PM

si hablo español...


mi pregunta es si con las memorias que se programa la sphinxII son las mismas para mystery mask?....porque yo programe una sphinx II y no tuve problema pero con la mystery mask me sale este error....

Lo mas probable es que necesites versiones distintas tanto de RAM Clear (U2) como de KeyChip (U6) para poder programar tu MYSTERY MASK...  La version que tienes es relativamente vieja y por eso solo te sirve para SPHINX II (ese juego es viejo amigo).  SPHINX II fue uno de los primero juegos CASHLINE que recuerdo haber instalado.

de ser este el error tu no tienes los programas para programarlas que me lo puedas facilitar? de colombia y te agradesco toda tu ayuda.

Justamente, en mi post anterior te decia que me enviaras un "PM" = "Personal Message" para ayudarte si lo necesitabas.... Para enviar un mensaje personal a otro miembro de este foro debes hacer click sobre su nombre de usuario y luego buscar la opcion que dice "Send this member a personal message" , en el cuadro "Contact me".

Te comento esto porque de acuerdo con las reglas de NEWLIFEGAMES no esta permitida la solicitud ni publicacion de archivos binarios en este website ya que eso constituye una violacion a los derechos de author que poseen los fabricantes de maquinas, y por ello podrian tomarse medidas legales en contra de nuestro sitio web.  Nadie aqui quiere que eso suceda.

Cuando necesites ayuda de este tipo (juegos, cristales o chips de configuracion) solicitala a traves de mensajes personales, o mejor aun, a traves de un email directo a cualquiera de los anunciantes que tienen sus servicios publicitados en esta pagina.

Saludos cordiales, ahora mismo te estoy enviando un "PM" ;)




I do speak spanish...

I KNEW IT !!!   :72- :72-

mi question is if i can clear both machines with the same chips??  because it worked with SPHINX II but it doesn't with MYSTERY MASK and I get this error

You most likely need different versions of both RAM Clear (U2) and KeyChip (U6) to clear and setup your MYSTERY MASK ... The version you have is relatively old and therefore it's working only to SPHINX II (that game is old buddy). SPHINX II was one of the first games I remember having installed as Cashline.

in that case, could you give me the correct version of those chips for me to get it working ?.... I'm from Colombia and I appreciate all your help.

Precisely, in my previous post I told you to send me a "PM" = "Personal Message" to help you if you needed it .... In order to send a personal message to another member of this forum you have to click on his/her username and then find the link that says "Send this member a personal message" in the "Contact me" block.

I mention this because according to NEWLIFEGAMES rules is not allowed the request nor publishing of binary files as this constitutes copyright infrigment, and therefore this site could get in trouble. No one here wants to see that happen.

When you need assistance of this kind (games, glasses or configuration chips) request it through personal messages, or even better, do it through a direct email to any retailer advertising on this site.

Best regards, I'm sending you a "PM" ;)


Title: Re: atronic cashline mystery mask config crc error
Post by: Randy0777 on December 08, 2009, 05:56:01 AM
I think that if there comes the problem ... now you mount the sphinxII and had no problem but after I finish the whole process of configuration the machine crashes immediately

Hi Carlos,was wondering if you have it working?