New Life Games Tech Forums

New Life Games Members Get-Togethers & Events. => West Coast Events West of the Mississippi. => Topic started by: Billythekid on November 14, 2009, 10:25:48 PM

Title: G2E Next Week
Post by: Billythekid on November 14, 2009, 10:25:48 PM
Anyone come up with a plan for a meet up?

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 15, 2009, 04:58:15 AM
Where is it being held?

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: brichter on November 15, 2009, 05:02:03 AM
In Vegas.

I got my pass, but won't be able to make it.  :60- :60-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: KirkLasVegas on November 15, 2009, 07:01:13 PM
We REALLY should plan a "Get-together" for the show or buffet during/after the show....
For general info.... "Summertime" has left the Las Vegas seen on the weather display....
Bring something warm...sweater/jacket/22 year old girlfriend....

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: KirkLasVegas on November 17, 2009, 03:04:54 PM
For the people planning on being here in Las Vegas for the "G2E" show also consider visiting this place. ( 

If you are into Pinball machines, this is a must see. They have machines going back to the woodrail days.
This place is NON-PROFIT. yes..they do eat quarters but they use the income to keep the doors open.
It's a good place to make connections into pinball equipment.....


Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 17, 2009, 05:54:57 PM
That's pretty interesting...makes me think.  :5-
Is there such a thing as the slot machine hall of fame?
Wouldn't that be kinda awesome to go into a place where
they have at least one of every slot machine ever made?

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: reho33 on November 17, 2009, 06:01:38 PM
Well Ohio would be the place for that! I would visit.

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: slot monkey on November 17, 2009, 10:22:41 PM

I will be going to the pinball museum this week, I checked their website and it looks like it is going to be a blast. I will get some pics to post, maybe a video too.

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 17, 2009, 11:28:18 PM
ooh...I'd like to see that video too!  :184-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: a69mopar on November 17, 2009, 11:37:36 PM
Almost got there last week, but ran low on time.  It will be on my next trip (right David).


Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: fiddlefarter on November 18, 2009, 01:00:51 AM

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: jay on November 18, 2009, 03:28:32 AM
Make sure you sign up for Harrahs players card. The real advantage is the discount coupons for the restaurants. Such as the $10/head discount at the Rio Seafood Buffet.
Its one of the best in Vegas.

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: KirkLasVegas on November 18, 2009, 02:15:25 PM
I was at G2E yesterday, took a LOAD of pictures. I ATTEMPTED to load them up on here to share and it turns out that the camera I used produced files around 2.02Megs...yep..just over the limit I cant post them.The camera (Nikon L18) wont let me downshift it either. I will take a Casio with me today. A few companies get real upset (Thats you IGT) if you whip out a camera.
Well, today I will get more shots (as long as they dont kick me out of there). I don't understand this * no photos*'s a damn show right? A few of the machines are prototypes, but the "Sex in the City" machines are already out in public..but they had KITTENS when I took pictures of them...go figure...

Ok..anyways..going in armed with camera and wearing Kevlar underwear....


Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 18, 2009, 02:19:53 PM
You should also prepare yourself by wearing a football jock to protect the family jewels... :5-
a good pair of running sneakers and a little bit of axle grease or K-Y jelly on yours shoulders
will help you slip away when the security guards try putting their hands on you.... :96-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: jay on November 18, 2009, 03:17:41 PM

Most Cameras don't have the capabiliity of making really small pictures unless you dumb down the resolution then they look like crap at the best of times.
Your best bet is to continue to use your 10mega pixel camera and then run the pictures through Infranview in batch mode to shrink the size.

Another trick with newer PC Operating systems is to select a bunch of pictures, then right click an SEND TO - EMail. The program will determine that these are JPEGs and will ask the question do you want to make the samller for maiiling or keep the original size. You would of course choose small. You will now have a Open Message with a bunch of attachments. Instead of emailing the pictures you can then drag and drop them into a different desktop folder (you don't want to overwrite your existing ones).
These new pictures should be small enough to attach.

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: KirkLasVegas on November 18, 2009, 03:29:22 PM
Thanks Jay!  K+ for you on that. I am getting ready to leave for the show,Hilton has a deal going now..2 for 1 on the buffet if you being an unwrapped toy. Wife and i did that yesterday, going to do that again today. I am armed with a 5 meg camera and the 10 meg is now set in the movie mode.I carry them in the goodiebag...for quick deployment.
I'm an OLD they dont bother me as much as you young guys. I'm too old to be a corporate spy :)


Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: jay on November 18, 2009, 04:24:28 PM
Its a fun show - make sure you hit the catering area. Lots of free food. You won't need the buffet. Watch out for the lovely ladies serving the wine - your wife could really hurt you if you linger too long.

Did they have a welcome party this year ?

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: fiddlefarter on November 19, 2009, 02:14:48 AM
I was also there yesterday and IGT did get quite upset when we tried to take photos, they don't seem to mind if you have a professional looking camera and they get some media time though. I was quite surprised at Ainsworth's display it was larger than I expected, and yes Len Ainsworth still runs his own stall, I thought he would have retired. I will try and put some pics up.  Where are you Kirk maybe I took a photo of you somewhere ?

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: fiddlefarter on November 19, 2009, 02:19:32 AM
I was also there yesterday and IGT did get quite upset when we tried to take photos, they don't seem to mind if you have a professional looking camera and they get some media time though. I was quite surprised at Ainsworth's display it was larger than I expected, and yes Len Ainsworth still runs his own stall, I thought he would have retired. I will try and put some pics up.  Where are you Kirk maybe I took a photo of you somewhere ?

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: fiddlefarter on November 19, 2009, 02:21:27 AM
I was also there yesterday and IGT did get quite upset when we tried to take photos, they don't seem to mind if you have a professional looking camera and they get some media time though. I was quite surprised at Ainsworth's display it was larger than I expected, and yes Len Ainsworth still runs his own stall, I thought he would have retired. I will try and put some pics up.  Where are you Kirk maybe I took a photo of you somewhere ?

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: Op-Bell on November 19, 2009, 05:22:04 AM
I had to go out of town for a few days and didn't know if I'd make it back, so I haven't organized a barbie - sorry. If anyone would like to meet up, perhaps we can meet some place like the Bourbon Street bar at the Orleans tomorrow (Thursday) or Friday? It's quiet until about 9.

I was at the show today and thought it was extremely disappointing, many fewer exhibitors than usual, half the crowds and an almost complete absence of giveaways, though I did pick up a small rubber shark from Aristocrat and a flashy light necklace thingie somewhere else. IGT's end was noticeably less crowded than usual, with many fewer machines on the stand - I guess when nobody else is innovating, there's nothing to steal they also find it difficult to come up with new ideas. Bally, on the other hand, were showing several carousels of new wheel games easily visible from the IGT area, which they can do now that IGT had its wheel patent revoked. Kind of rubbing their nose in it, I like their style. What this means for NLG is that for the first time ever, wheel games will be sold, not placed as participation games. Given how popular wheels are with players, and how unpopular participation games are with casinos, they could sell in large numbers and start showing up in our market before long. WMS had their LCD-front-glass reel machines out in force - I do like those games, it's a really cool effect. The rip-off version with two stacked LCD screens might have looked cool if I hadn't seen the reel thing first, but then I don't like video slots - it takes a lot to impress me. I stopped by the Ainsworth booth, hoping I might catch sight of a NLG member, but all I could see were dozens of absolutely identical video slots with slightly different graphics, distinguishable if you looked closely (did I mention I don't like video slots?). Cole Industries were showing a Scrabble game, kind of an interesting new idea. Everything else at the show just coalesced after a while into a blur of five reel multi line video slots, all alike. Ugh.

JCM's booth was extremely busy all day. I don't think they came to see our video wall, impressive though it may be. We do have one of the better give-aways, for techs only (ask at the training counter), but that didn't attract a big crowd either or we wouldn't have any left. Could have been the new bill validator, I suppose.

Incidentally, I think it's only IGT that discourage photography - I saw plenty of picture taking on other stands, and it's not a G2E policy. Turn your flash off and don't look too obvious, it will be fine - they're not going to throw you out or take your memory card away and if they bring over a police woman, don't worry, she's a booth babe.

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: CaptainHappy on November 19, 2009, 07:13:45 AM
if they bring over a police woman, don't worry, she's a booth babe.

Now I am really kicking myself for not being able to make it to the show! I have never been before, and thought that I might make it this year.  :8- :8- :8-

Thanks for all of the sharing folks! I hope that you all have a great time!

Fiddlefarter, good thing you posted pictures, otherwise I may have suggested:  :190- :190- :190-

 :97- :97- :97-

CH :95-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: StatFreak on November 21, 2009, 08:54:27 AM
Almost got there last week, but ran low on time.  It will be on my next trip (right David).


I certainly hope so! I keep trying to make it there, but haven't yet. I WILL play CJ's :138- pinball machine and get pictures of myself playing unless I end up going there alone. :58- :8-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: CaptainHappy on November 21, 2009, 09:04:04 AM
Almost got there last week, but ran low on time.  It will be on my next trip (right David).


I certainly hope so! I keep trying to make it there, but haven't yet. I WILL play CJ's :138- pinball machine and get pictures of myself playing unless I end up going there alone. :58- :8-


So the following pictures won't make you jealous will they???  :103- :103- :103-

 :79- OK, I admit that it was not at the pin museum, but it was in the creator's (CJ's) house! Does that count for anything, playing one of the originals in his house that is???  :79-

CH :95-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: CaptainHappy on November 21, 2009, 09:07:18 AM
The game deserves some attention all by itself!

CH :95-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 23, 2009, 01:04:51 AM
There's a lotta light bulbs inside of that puppy! :5-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: jay on November 23, 2009, 02:49:41 AM
Been there done that... he has a fantastic collection. I especially loved 8 ball one of the electro-mechanical orginals.

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: StatFreak on November 23, 2009, 03:47:55 AM
Almost got there last week, but ran low on time.  It will be on my next trip (right David).


I certainly hope so! I keep trying to make it there, but haven't yet. I WILL play CJ's :138- pinball machine and get pictures of myself playing unless I end up going there alone. :58- :8-


So the following pictures won't make you jealous will they???  :103- :103- :103-

 :79- OK, I admit that it was not at the pin museum, but it was in the creator's (CJ's) house! Does that count for anything, playing one of the originals in his house that is???  :79-

CH :95-

Thanks for reposting those in a large format.  :3-  :71-
I had copies from the old site, but they were 800x500.

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: CaptainHappy on November 23, 2009, 04:43:52 AM
Almost got there last week, but ran low on time.  It will be on my next trip (right David).


I certainly hope so! I keep trying to make it there, but haven't yet. I WILL play CJ's :138- pinball machine and get pictures of myself playing unless I end up going there alone. :58- :8-


So the following pictures won't make you jealous will they???  :103- :103- :103-

 :79- OK, I admit that it was not at the pin museum, but it was in the creator's (CJ's) house! Does that count for anything, playing one of the originals in his house that is???  :79-

CH :95-

Thanks for reposting those in a large format.  :3-  :71-
I had copies from the old site, but they were 800x500.

No Problem, I just wish that the picture quality was better.

Warm Regards,

CH :95-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: StatFreak on November 23, 2009, 05:15:23 AM

No Problem, ...

Warm Regards,

CH :95-

 :203- :203- :203-

Thank you.

Sizzling Regards,
:200- :200- :200-
 :124- :126- :124-

SF :31-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: CaptainHappy on November 23, 2009, 06:02:10 AM

No Problem, ...

Warm Regards,

CH :95-

 :203- :203- :203-

Thank you.

Sizzling Regards,
:200- :200- :200-
 :124- :126- :124-

SF :31-

If I get some time to dowload the pictures procrastinate more, :25- :30- :25- I will have to show you something Sizzling!!!!!!!

CH :95-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: fiddlefarter on November 24, 2009, 06:18:28 AM
I traveled 14 hours on a plane to see the G2E, and yes I did make it  :194- then on Thursday I stupidly ate chicken that was raw in the middle and ended up more ill than I have been in my entire life  :86- I had to get injections from the hospital to allow me to leave the country otherwise I would have been stuck. I regret not catching up with some of you guys that attended the G2E, maybe I will try again or party at my place next time  :136- Just arrived home and should be fine in another week, I don't think I have ever gone anywhere without getting sick. Can't change the pattern now, perhaps I bumped into some of you and did't know it when I get time I will post some more pics see if you can find yourselves.

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: CaptainHappy on November 24, 2009, 06:25:25 AM
I traveled 14 hours on a plane to see the G2E, and yes I did make it  :194- then on Thursday I stupidly ate chicken that was raw in the middle and ended up more ill than I have been in my entire life  :86- I had to get injections from the hospital to allow me to leave the country otherwise I would have been stuck. I regret not catching up with some of you guys that attended the G2E, maybe I will try again or party at my place next time  :136- Just arrived home and should be fine in another week, I don't think I have ever gone anywhere without getting sick. Can't change the pattern now, perhaps I bumped into some of you and did't know it when I get time I will post some more pics see if you can find yourselves.

Sorry to hear about that, I sure hope that you get well soon! Here is something that usually makes you laugh, maybe it will help you get better!

 :207- :190- :207- :190- :207- :190-

I added the NEW MOONers since that seems pretty popular now!


Hopefully you ran into some good contacts and they can bring you to the States to Work here so it will be easier to meet up!

CH :95-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: StatFreak on November 24, 2009, 06:50:33 AM
I traveled 14 hours on a plane to see the G2E, and yes I did make it  :194- then on Thursday I stupidly ate chicken that was raw in the middle and ended up more ill than I have been in my entire life  :86- I had to get injections from the hospital to allow me to leave the country otherwise I would have been stuck. I regret not catching up with some of you guys that attended the G2E, maybe I will try again or party at my place next time  :136- Just arrived home and should be fine in another week, I don't think I have ever gone anywhere without getting sick. Can't change the pattern now, perhaps I bumped into some of you and did't know it when I get time I will post some more pics see if you can find yourselves.

Wow, that's a shame. :60- Did you get to see any of Vegas and G2E? Did you make it to Disneyland with your daughter?

Since CH :95- already mooned you, here is the "hair of the chicken that bit you". You can throw cotton balls at the screen. :88-

 :107-  :114- :114- :114- :114- :114- :114- :114- :114-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: fiddlefarter on November 24, 2009, 08:14:49 AM
Some more pictures of our trip to Vegas

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: fiddlefarter on November 24, 2009, 09:14:59 AM
I traveled 14 hours on a plane to see the G2E, and yes I did make it  :194- then on Thursday I stupidly ate chicken that was raw in the middle and ended up more ill than I have been in my entire life  :86- I had to get injections from the hospital to allow me to leave the country otherwise I would have been stuck. I regret not catching up with some of you guys that attended the G2E, maybe I will try again or party at my place next time  :136- Just arrived home and should be fine in another week, I don't think I have ever gone anywhere without getting sick. Can't change the pattern now, perhaps I bumped into some of you and did't know it when I get time I will post some more pics see if you can find yourselves.

Sorry to hear about that, I sure hope that you get well soon! Here is something that usually makes you laugh, maybe it will help you get better!

 :207- :190- :207- :190- :207- :190-

I added the NEW MOONers since that seems pretty popular now!


Hopefully you ran into some good contacts and they can bring you to the States to Work here so it will be easier to meet up!

CH :95-
I do love the new one Cappy thanks it always makes me laugh, not too hard ouch

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: knagl on November 24, 2009, 09:21:33 PM
Some more pictures of our trip to Vegas

How did you like The Orleans?  (I hope that isn't where the raw chicken was from?)

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: fiddlefarter on November 25, 2009, 04:52:23 AM
It was a good place to stay they had plenty to do and eat, the location was good as there was a shuttle bus to and from the strip and no I didn't get sick there. I chose the Orleans because they offered child minding and after 20 minutes of filling in paperwork they told me that I couldn't leave the premises to see the G2E so I only had a few hours to see it, other than that it is a great place to stay.

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: brichter on November 25, 2009, 06:17:36 AM
So they offered to babysit, but only if you stayed there? Kinda defeats the whole purpose...

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: StatFreak on November 25, 2009, 06:59:02 AM
So they offered to babysit, but only if you stayed there? Kinda defeats the whole purpose...
:212-  It seems that they only want to babysit for you if you're going to lose your money in the casino while they're doing it. Greedy nonsense.

I take it that you didn't make it to Disneyland.

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: fiddlefarter on November 25, 2009, 10:26:15 AM
Yes I thought it was too good to be true and I was right, they only way we found out was when my 11 daughter was glaring at me through gritted teeth due to the ball pit, crayons, and toddlers play area that I told her that I would only be at the expo a few hours a day and maybe only 2 days that the girl said 'no you can't leave the premises.  :7- (I needed a crying baby smiley for that moment)

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: brichter on November 25, 2009, 03:01:13 PM
So, their day care must only be for you to use while you lose money in their casino. :79-

That's actually a stroke of marketing genius there, too bad they misrepresented the service. :52-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 25, 2009, 03:03:01 PM
lol...that's like PAYING for my own kidnapping...

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: jay on November 25, 2009, 04:03:17 PM
I know my wife is still not all that comfortable with leaving two kids in the hotel room while gamble on property.
The boy is 15 and the girl is 13. She keeps envisioning "Vegas Vacation" with the kids going out on their own.
The only thing worse for her is getting in a 3rd party that she doesn't know to child sit.

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: fiddlefarter on November 25, 2009, 06:05:33 PM
lol...that's like PAYING for my own kidnapping...
You have to pay twice to get the little darlings back, $7 per hour and whatever you lose in the casino

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: StatFreak on November 26, 2009, 06:53:33 AM
lol...that's like PAYING for my own kidnapping...
You have to pay twice to get the little darlings back, $7 per hour and whatever you lose in the casino

Hold on here! You mean they CHARGE you for this service, and then restrict you to the property?!  :37- :37- :37-
How much GALL do these greedy bas#$%ds have? Let me guess. Does the "kiddie" room have coin operated video or amusement games that the babysat children can play and lose more of mom and dad's money into while they're being watched for $7 per hour and mom and dad are losing the kiddie's college fund in the casino? :103-  :7-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: brichter on November 26, 2009, 08:06:04 AM
Ahh, the light bulb appears above David's head as he realizes the diabolical scheme that the Orleans had planned for
WORLD DOMINATION :187-  :187- :187- :187-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: StatFreak on November 26, 2009, 09:05:56 AM
Ahh, the light bulb appears above David's head as he realizes the diabolical scheme that the Orleans had planned for
WORLD DOMINATION :187-  :187- :187- :187-

They can't be planning that! :37-   I'm planning that... Ha ha ha HAA!  >:D >:D :187-  :50- :50-

...just as soon as I clean out the cat litter box and finish my laundry. :30- :127-  :97- :97- :97-

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: fiddlefarter on November 26, 2009, 05:36:59 PM
lol...that's like PAYING for my own kidnapping...
You have to pay twice to get the little darlings back, $7 per hour and whatever you lose in the casino

Hold on here! You mean they CHARGE you for this service, and then restrict you to the property?!  :37- :37- :37-
How much GALL do these greedy bas#$%ds have? Let me guess. Does the "kiddie" room have coin operated video or amusement games that the babysat children can play and lose more of mom and dad's money into while they're being watched for $7 per hour and mom and dad are losing the kiddie's college fund in the casino? :103-  :7-
The only things that the kids pay for is unlimited food, so by the time you come back broke from the tables you have to pay for the darlings stuffing their faces with food, it is my own fault I emailed the Hotel instead of checking on line myself. Anyone that has raised an 11 year old girl will know how they make you suffer if you try and make them back into a 6 year old babysat in a playmaze instead of discussing maturely the talents of Taylor Lautner's muscles, oops acting abilities.

Title: Re: G2E Next Week
Post by: fiddlefarter on November 26, 2009, 05:40:08 PM
Ahh, the light bulb appears above David's head as he realizes the diabolical scheme that the Orleans had planned for
WORLD DOMINATION :187-  :187- :187- :187-
Yes an army of little children high on red cordial that will serve The Orleans in seeking revenge on their parents and squeeze a few more bucks out of it