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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: jdkmunch on November 15, 2009, 09:02:09 PM

Title: Stuck on a $1
Post by: jdkmunch on November 15, 2009, 09:02:09 PM
This is weird  - on my S+ the animated sticker has $1 light all the time.  :103-
This behaiviro is not observed on the Reel Touch.  Does this happen to anyone else? (

Title: Re: Stuck on a $1
Post by: knagl on November 15, 2009, 09:21:14 PM
Looks like something wonky with the controller, unless the ribbon cable got damaged from the door opening and closing.  It's not normal for the $1 to be lit up all the time.

If you want to troubleshoot it, try swapping the sticker controllers for the two machines.  If the problem follows the controller, something is amiss with the controller or the ribbon cable that extends from it.  If it stays with the sticker, it's likely a physical problem with the wiring inside the sticker itself.

Thank you for the video -- it made it very clear as to what you were asking and what exactly was happening.  K+ for that.  ...and I'm jealous of your Black Cherry kit.  Great looking game.

Title: Re: Stuck on a $1
Post by: jdkmunch on November 15, 2009, 09:27:21 PM
I checked the cable connection from the sticker into the controller and it looked fine. Nothing pinched or crunched either. I followed Bettor Slot's video exactly so it is setup very neatly.
 I  I have another controller so I'll plug that in and see if it still does the same thing. 

Title: Re: Stuck on a $1
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 16, 2009, 12:23:12 AM
If the problem follows your controller and the strip is okay...I will take one of mine apart tomorrow and see if I can re-enact your problem...
Let me say what I think it is and see what others say before I rip mine apart okay?

The chip inside the controller on the board sends signals via a timer to a switch such as a SCR -
to tell it to turn on the $1 light for a split second.
When the light goes off the chip tells another SCR switch to turn on the $5 light, etc, etc.
If the diode between the SCR switch and the light is bad, or "open"...the SCR switch remains on and cannot "shut off" -
therefore keeping the light "on".
The solution would be is to use a multimeter in the ohms setting and seeing if that particular diode is within 5 or 10%
of the diode value it's called for? If the value falls outside of that value, then the diode should be replaced so the light "turns off"?
Or is it a bad SCR switcher component?