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General NLG Chat => Welcome wagon and General Chat (Off-Topic Post Welcome) => Topic started by: jay on November 23, 2009, 02:47:33 AM

Title: Slot Additions
Post by: jay on November 23, 2009, 02:47:33 AM
I am in the progress of creating a 2 x 9 display.
Thats 12ft long.....

I was also thinking of enhancing my S+ slot experience with sound and lighting.
The thought was to turn the Bell to ring on all pays but instead of having a bell (noisy, boring etc) have it trigger other sound and light effects.
Initally I was thinking about 3 different colors of rope lighting attached to the bottom of the sign and some kind of game show winning sounds.
Then I thought about a set of LED chasers around the inside of the reel glass etc...

I was crusing for sound  & light controllers and came across this site. ( ( (

None of the stock sounds were to my liking but I am still on the cruise but thought some of these ideas might go viral so that I would share.

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: StatFreak on November 23, 2009, 03:01:03 AM
Thanks Jay. :3-  That is definitely a site worth bookmarking for future reference.

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: Goldfinger on November 23, 2009, 03:31:23 AM
Pretty kool Jay
I wounder if the light controler could be used to run the led lights on a topper? I have a couple of topperd bally I think that dont have any controlers but 3 or 4 sets of led lights. any Ideas?


Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: jay on November 23, 2009, 04:01:42 AM
They sure could -
The real problem however is that your LEDs are probably all in series...and If you want chasers you usually need to wire up to every second and third light....
So you would have to do a fair bit of soldering.

                                |       |       |        |       | 
Controller ----String 1 --A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C
                                   |  :    |  :    |  :     |  :    |  :
                  String 2 -----+--:----+-:----+-:-----+-:----+  :
                                      :        :       :        :        :
                  String 3 --------+-------+------+-------+-------+

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: CaptainHappy on November 23, 2009, 05:12:58 AM

Why don't you hook up a Mikohn JPTD with a confettii cannon??? Once you figure out the Jackpot Trigger Device you can teach all of us!  :97- :97- :97-

Seriously you may be able to use one of these for multiple devices. Do you have the DOCs and a JPTD? I have alot of DOCS, not sure if I have a JPTD laying around??

CH :95-

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: StatFreak on November 23, 2009, 05:29:35 AM
Didn't Bunker end up with one of those (JPTD)? Or did someone else get it?

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 23, 2009, 01:04:12 PM
I'm kinda wondering now what the heck is a JPTD?
Jack Pot Touch Down? :72-

Now I seriously want a confetti cannon! Gotta go surfin'

The jackpot (J11 2-pin) trigger from the motherboard is relatively simple...two wires - sets off anything!

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: jay on November 23, 2009, 05:55:17 PM
Jackpot Trigger device..... works with the Mikohns.... but only the CoN2s that I am aware of..... the benefits are that if you have a number of progressives or a mystery progressive you could trigger something like that.

For my purposes a simple 12v relay will work. The S+ provides a constant 12v from the bell wiring and the clang clang clang is the bell itself not variable pulses from the slot.

So with a relay -  I am able to trigger anything that can work with the simple shorting of a dry contact.

Most of the Xmas or Kids toys that I linked here go through their sequence then shut off. Perfect for this kind of triggering.

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 23, 2009, 06:03:17 PM
I used the J11 output to set off a toy ambulance light that has a siren sound
(Volume is adjustable so it's not irritating) on a S+. Lotta fun really...
still looking for the confetti cannon though...LOL.....

"tick, tick, tick....   BOOM!"       

Paper Confetti everywhere!!!!

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: xkey on November 23, 2009, 08:04:05 PM
Here a link for confetti canons (


Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: jay on November 23, 2009, 08:52:58 PM
I don't even like to dust.......  :125-

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: Brianzz on November 23, 2009, 09:32:30 PM
wonder if you could blow a hole in the ceiling with one of the outdoor versions inside?

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: jay on November 23, 2009, 09:36:21 PM
Reminds me of that 80's movie "Weird Science" where the college professor is secretly using university research for a goverment weapons program.
The students catch on to this and turn his house into a giant Jiffy Pop and use the laser from space to heat the popcorn and blow the doors and windows out.

Imagine explaining your confitee accident to your insurance company.......

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: CaptainHappy on November 23, 2009, 10:00:27 PM

Why don't you hook up a Mikohn JPTD with a confettii cannon??? Once you figure out the  Jackpot Trigger Device  you can teach all of us!  :97- :97- :97-

Seriously you may be able to use one of these for multiple devices. Do you have the DOCs and a JPTD? I have alot of DOCS, not sure if I have a JPTD laying around??

CH :95-
I'm kinda wondering now what the heck is a JPTD?
Jack Pot Touch Down? :72-

Now I seriously want a confetti cannon! Gotta go surfin'

The jackpot (J11 2-pin) trigger from the motherboard is relatively simple...two wires - sets off anything!

I thought that I left you enough clues!  :208- :208- :208- (See Green Above!)

OK, Maybe I should have highlighted it like that before!  :88- :97- Yes, I saw Jay replied to you, but I could not resist just razzing ya! :72-

CH :95-

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: CaptainHappy on November 23, 2009, 10:21:01 PM
Jackpot Trigger device..... works with the Mikohns.... but only the CoN2s that I am aware of.....  the benefits are that if you have a number of progressives or a mystery progressive you could trigger something like that.

For my purposes a simple 12v relay will work. The S+ provides a constant 12v from the bell wiring and the clang clang clang is the bell itself not variable pulses from the slot.

So with a relay -  I am able to trigger anything that can work with the simple shorting of a dry contact.

Most of the Xmas or Kids toys that I linked here go through their sequence then shut off. Perfect for this kind of triggering.


It actually works with the CON1 as well!  :89- :89- :89- I will have to collect together some DOCs and zip them up for you and send them as a Thanksgiving present, just as soon as get some free time as the family decided to invade me this year for Thanksgiving, and I have alot of prep to do still! :25- :30- :25- :8- :37- :8- My sisters two 70lb dogs are coming to see Uncle Mark too! I have been trying to TAILproof the place. Picture slot glass, machine parts, machines, toppers, tax papers, accouting papers, DVD's, and etc.999999 all over the place. Plus I think that they want me to clean up sleeping places, you know remove the Slot Glass Kits from the beds and couches! I even hear rumor that the slot projects and kits need to be cleaned off of the dining room table to make room for  :169- :163- :195- :135- :203- :183- :184- :183- (Is it obvious that I am happily a bachelor??? Normally I only have to answer to myself! :97- :97- :97- )

I will send you some email stuff in the next few days. Not sure if I will find a JPTD lying around or not? This Thanksgiving cleanup may benefit you? :103- You Northerners already had your thanksgiving already didn't you... Do you still use ours as an excuse to cook a bird? I know my Southerner friends love the Turkey sales and they do a bird for the fun and deliciousness of it!  :91- :91- :91-

CH :95-

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: jay on November 24, 2009, 12:03:18 AM
Yes, Our Thanksgiving was Oct 12th. The kids had Friday the 9th and Tuesday the 13th off .... so I pulled them from school for the week and burned off the rest of my airmiles. Took the family to Paris. We then did the bird on the 18th of October when we got home. When I lived in the states I used to have a ton of people over for Canadian Thanksgiving. Mostly other X-Pats. Then we would do another Turkey with the neighbors. I do however miss the black friday shopping. I used to do most of my shopping the week before and then if any of my stuff went on sale I would go stand in line for the price match.

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 24, 2009, 12:19:37 AM
OKay...wise-  :124- 's.... :96- lol

I saw that excellent link to the confetti cannons...
I don't like sweeping too but hey! many Jackpots is one going to hit in a year?lol
I think I prefer "streamers" with maybe a "little bit of confetti" lol
But the website gave me a clue as to what shoots these off and it's so simple it's not funny...

CO2 cartridges!
I actually have an old paint ball gun that has the fittings, the trigger,etc.etc. :79- :79- :79-

(Me at the hardware store talking to the help...)

"Sir? Can I get me some PVC pipe,...uh...PVC adhesive,uh...I'll take a bag of those streamers too,uh...duct tape?" :96-

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: CaptainHappy on November 24, 2009, 01:30:52 AM

WISE- :124- here, :103-

Don't forget to unload the paintball gun first, unless you want your room to look like Super Joker IGT Glass!  Wear eye protection too!


Super Joker :95-   :72- :72- :72-

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 24, 2009, 02:09:32 AM

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: reho33 on November 24, 2009, 02:25:48 AM
Potato cannon!

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: StatFreak on November 24, 2009, 03:56:00 AM
I think I prefer "streamers" with maybe a "little bit of confetti" lol

Potato cannon!

Compromise:  Build a French Fry :29- :29- :29- Cannon!  :126- :92-

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: brichter on November 24, 2009, 06:59:53 AM
Coulda bought a Mikohn 3x3 Supreme on eBay today for $455 + shipping... :182-

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: edski on November 24, 2009, 08:41:23 AM
Coulda bought a Mikohn 3x3 Supreme on eBay today for $455 + shipping... :182-

Twas a 3x2, but who's counting.
Jinkies!!! Did someone on NLG buy it!!!
I'll have to put together a 6x3 and see what it goes for.
I'll include a custom graphic of me wagin my butt!

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: brichter on November 24, 2009, 02:41:06 PM
Coulda bought a Mikohn 3x3 Supreme on eBay today for $455 + shipping... :182-

Twas a 3x2, but who's counting.
Jinkies!!! Did someone on NLG buy it!!!
I'll have to put together a 6x3 and see what it goes for.
I'll include a custom graphic of me wagin my butt!

Yup, 3x2, typoed that one. I'm tempted to put mine up and see if I can pull the same kinda scratch! :25-

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: stayouttadabunker on November 24, 2009, 03:48:48 PM
If I could communicate to my MK2 board,
I could probably light up an entire wall in my home... :96-
I bought a 50 ft roll of E128076 10 wire ribbon cable
and waiting for some FC-10P board connectors to come in.
Ribbon cable everywhere...LOL
Just gotta make the confetti cannon now... :72-

Title: Re: Slot Additions
Post by: StatFreak on November 25, 2009, 01:58:38 AM
Just gotta make the confetti cannon now... :72-

You mean french fry cannon, don't you?  :29-  :97- :97- :97-