New Life Games Tech Forums

General NLG Chat => Rants and Raves (SEE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ENTERING!) => Topic started by: halestrm on December 01, 2009, 03:36:53 AM

Title: Newbie to all of this
Post by: halestrm on December 01, 2009, 03:36:53 AM
I understand that some of the q's I ask may seem "stupid" but I am new to the poker machine and the pinball machine I have.  When I got my first car, I didn't take a manual and dive in, I asked people who knew to show me around and introduce me to my new baby so I could properly take care of it.

Most here have been great, but a few seem to think my ignorance means I should back out and never enter the world of video poker and pinball.

To those who have been super nice, well thanks.  To those who think I should back out... well, I am sorry if your intro into the world of game room was lonely, but please, just do not post when I have a q unless you have good info.  I want to learn, I want to take care of my new toys, I want them to be friends for a long time.  That means it will cost me $$$, time and patience.  I am willing to put forth the effort, but in an educated and loving way.

Title: Re: Newbie to all of this
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 01, 2009, 03:48:46 AM
No questions are "stupid"...ever!
Welcome to NLG! :3- :3- :3-
I've made over 3,000 posts and believe me...they weren't ALL that intelligent!...LOL
I've asked hundreds and hundreds of questions and have learned a lot about slot machines and other things too.
Never be shy about asking about anything, okay?
Again, Welcome to New Life Games and dontcha ever leave! :96-

Title: Re: Newbie to all of this
Post by: halestrm on December 01, 2009, 04:00:16 AM
THX!  And even though you let me know I should google KLOV, I did not mean this post to be about you.  You slapped my hand and told me to be willing to try to find out more, not just depend on you guys to step me thru everything.  Gotta admit, I think you used me to increase your post # while you were at it. :208-

Title: Re: Newbie to all of this
Post by: brichter on December 01, 2009, 04:33:54 AM
No questions are "stupid"...ever!


The stupid question is the one that didn't get asked, and something was destroyed because it wasn't asked. :25- :25- :25-

Title: Re: Newbie to all of this
Post by: brichter on December 01, 2009, 04:35:18 AM
THX!  And even though you let me know I should google KLOV, I did not mean this post to be about you.  You slapped my hand and told me to be willing to try to find out more, not just depend on you guys to step me thru everything.  Gotta admit, I think you used me to increase your post # while you were at it. :208-

Bunker Busted!!! :208- :208- :208- :208-

Title: Re: Newbie to all of this
Post by: knagl on December 01, 2009, 06:20:37 AM
We're glad to have you here -- you're on your way to becoming a knowledgable user of your poker and pinball machines.  Most all of the folks here are very friendly and helpful.  Don't mind the ones who aren't 100% supportive all of the time -- just try and have a thick skin and don't pay them any attention.  I think the post in question could have been worded better, but his point was that leveling the machine is a pretty easy task and you can do it yourself (or with your husband's help -- two people are better than one for leveling a machine) without any risk of causing damage, and that you don't need an expert's help.

If you've never drilled out a lock and are nervous about it, I don't blame you.  It's not too bad of a task but it may cost you a drill bit or two.  It sounded, though, like there was someone nearby that can help you and perahps teach you some stuff about the game in the process, too -- take him up on that.  There are plenty of great people here on the NLG forums who are willing to help others for free or little cost, which I think is great.

Title: Re: Newbie to all of this
Post by: stayouttadabunker on December 01, 2009, 01:17:38 PM
Now you see what we're all about!
We're just a buncha guys and gals willing to try and help people out and
get their machines up and running like the way YOU want it to! :89-
Yes, We joke around a little bit too... :200-
You gotta have a little fun, no?
In the end, we usually succeed in getting the game working and everybody wins!
It doesn't hurt to make a coupla friends along the way... :71-
Plus, you'll learn a lot too! :91-

Title: Re: Newbie to all of this
Post by: xkey on December 01, 2009, 09:30:31 PM

  Welcome to the site, like Bunker said the are no stupid questions, its just that some of the people asking them are stupid, like me.  This site has helped me out immensely.


Title: Re: Newbie to all of this
Post by: StatFreak on December 02, 2009, 06:14:59 AM
A slightly belated welcome to NLG halestrm! :88-

It's wonderful to see someone new to our hobby on the site who is excited and full of questions. As others have already stated, we're here to help one another, so just keep asking away and focus on the overwhelmingly positive responses that you will get from the majority of our members and discard the (hopefully) rare, unpleasant posts. K+ for remaining positive. :71-

TAF is one of the most popular pins out there; you're lucky to have acquired yours with your new house! Be forewarned that once you get hooked on slots and other coin-op games, they will multiply in the dark and you'll have a houseful before you know it. :97- :97-

StatFreak :31-
:nlg-  Global Moderator

Title: Re: Newbie to all of this
Post by: halestrm on December 02, 2009, 01:32:46 PM
Wouldn't be surprised to see them multiple.  I noticed ebay was open to an auction for an arcade game, and I somehow accidently searched for a racing game for hubby.  Must have been sleep walking. :72-