New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 03:27:50 AM

Title: DBV wont function s plus (Fixed)
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 03:27:50 AM
Ok here is the situation. Just got an igt s Plus (Made in 1994) The DBV will not take bills.

I did alot of reading trying to find an answer with no avail.
The game has never had a theme change that I am aware of so it shouldnt need to be set with a chip correct?
The DBV on power up cycles thru its initialising test and then the red lights inside stay lit.
Tried every denomination bill. but only new bils so could be an update thing maybe?

Im just trying to get some input on some common reasons as to why it would function and start from there.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 11, 2010, 03:35:50 AM
Do you know if the DBV as installed ever worked on the machine?  If it doesn't work with $1.00 bills, then it's not an update issue.  Here are a few things we need to know.

1.  What make and model is your DBV?
2.  Does the yellow bezel light up to signify the slot is ready to take bills?
3.  Is the DBV enabled in the options settings?  (we need to know what SP game prom you have in order for us to tell you how to check if you dbv is enabled).

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 03:50:43 AM
Well the guy i purchased it from said he never had it working. But never tried to get it working either.

The sticker on the DBV says $5 & $10 (The outer display sticker says $1 thru $100)
it says Japan Cash Machine DBV-145-SG
Ill also note that i did make sure the Optical sensor was functioning in the cash box and the DBV seems to be very clean inside and out.
As far as the Gam prom. i dont actually know the number as the sticker is quite faded and cant be read. but it is "Casino Night" 3cm Type 0 if that helps at all.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 11, 2010, 03:55:57 AM
Read this part of the FAQ and report back to us your findings. (

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 11, 2010, 04:03:15 AM
Also to find out if the DBV is enabled in the options, on 90% of the game proms, this is the procedure.

Open the door, and press the white test button twice.

You should get a "0" on the coins played window, and "2" on the Winner Paid window, and a 0, 1 or 2 on the credit window depending on which option is set.  Then turn the jackpot reset key enough times so that you get a "9" in the Winner paid window.  This is the option that tells you if you dbv is enabled.  If the Credit window shows a 1, then it's enabled, if it shows a 0, then it's disabled.  The only way to enable it is to get a set chip.

Also the DBV145 is a one way acceptor.  It is now an obsolete part and JCM hasn't made updates to it since the colored 20's.  The only way the acceptor takes bills, is face up with the Federal reserve logo in first (the black one).  That is the bill's written denomination should be on your left as you insert the bill.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: dpalmi on January 11, 2010, 04:04:27 AM

Does the bezel above where you insert bills light up (to the left of the red arrow in the pic below)?  What happens when you try to insert a bill - does the DBV try to pull it in?

Dan #2

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 04:11:31 AM
Ok, thanks for that tip.

The number i got was 4361 (guessing this to be the game porg)
and 0932 (Last 4 digits of reel prom?)

So would translate to

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 11, 2010, 04:13:33 AM
It's the other way around.  You have an SP932 and an SS4361.

Have a look at your game odds in the table here: (

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 04:22:31 AM
I havent seen the Bezel light up. Just the two red lights just inside of the DBV
It does not try to accept a bill at all. the only activity it gives me is on power up and cycles thru up and down twice i belive.
Yeah i was looking at the odds table.
Im going to check and see if it is indeed enabled.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 11, 2010, 04:32:42 AM
Looking over your SP game chip, the first option when you press the reset button twice is going to be 5 on the Winner paid window.  Your SP does not have the 2 option, it is controlled by dip switches (reel Spin sound)

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 04:39:31 AM
Yeah i checked and didnt see the 2.
Ok, So where does that leave me? I am familiar with the dip switches. i did manage to change the sound  (Either reels and stop or just stop)
and the game speed. Are you saying the option to enable the DBV is in the dip switches?

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 11, 2010, 04:50:36 AM
No, the option to see if it's enabled is done through the white reset button.

Hit the white reset button once and you should see the Coins Played window go blank.  Hit it again, and you should see it go to 0.  Then you will probably see a "5" in the Winner Paid window, and some other digit in the Credits window (0, 1 or 2 depending on your setting), then turn the Jackpot reset key and the Winnder Paid window will switch to a "6" (this is the mechanical jackpot bell setting), turn the jackpot reset key again and the Winner Paid window will switch to an 7 (Drop Door switch), turn the jackpot reset key again and the Winner paid window will show an "8" (this changes the DBV mode from bill to coins, bill to credits, or follow the player cash/credit button, Dip swtich 4 must be "off" for this setting to be useful),  turn the Jackpot reset key again and you will see a "9" and on the Credits window, you will see either 1 (DBV is enabled) or 0 (DBV is disabled).  If you get a 0, you will need a set chip in order to enable the DBV, this is the only way of doing it.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 05:05:52 AM
When i pressed the reset button twice i got 0 in the coin played window
and 000 in the winner window with the third 0 flashing.

now i went further and a couple more clicks on the reset took me to a winner window displaying a 5 and a 0 like this 5--0. so i turned the jackpot key and took it to 9--1    the previous number 8 said 8--2.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 05:09:38 AM
Im gonna have to get a set chip either way i guess. I plan on changing the game theme every now and again. So i guess i might as well get an updated DBV as well. WOUld eb nice to get this one working though. Even if it only takes old bills i could keep some handy just for credits.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 11, 2010, 05:17:31 AM
If you have a 9-1 it means your DBV is enabled.  Not having the bezel light up means something is not communicating right.

Do you have a cash can installed?  When you pull it out and push it back in, does the DBV re-cycle?  If it does not, sometimes the sensor on the back of the DBV transport is dirty or mis-aligned and does not register that the cash can is not there.

If you remove the head from the DBV transport you should see an eprom chip with some numbers and software version, can you tells us what it says, or post a picture of it so we can determine if you have the right software on it?

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 05:22:38 AM
Yes removing and replacing the cash can does make it cycle. Ill go get the numbers from the chip

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 05:29:16 AM
I took it off and there was a sticker above a slot with dipswitches that said


Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 06:00:33 AM
Well hey Rickhunter, Im off to bed. I really appreciate all the help thus far.
This is an excellent site. I have learned so much from reading back posts.
Ill check back in the forum in the morning sometime.
Again thanks so much for your input on this problem.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: fanninislots on January 11, 2010, 06:19:32 AM

I think you have the wrong DBV. You need a DBV SS 022/023. The BV you have is for a Bally machine not an IGT.


Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: mkd3b on January 11, 2010, 06:57:22 AM
Not good I just picked up a dbv200SH for my Igt S+   I guess I got the wrong item as well  Please let me Know  Thanks Art

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 11, 2010, 11:27:59 AM
What Ben ^^^^^ (Fanninislots) said.  You can either:

1.  Replace the eprom chip with the correct one.  You need IDO 023 for your SP game type.  Latest version is 3.40.11 which accepts up to the new colored 50's (cheapest alternative to just get the thing going)
2.  Buy a DBV200 head with the right software (this allows for 4 way acceptance as well as colored bills excluding the new $5.00).  You will also need to buy the newer power supply.  Look at the dbv power supply which is mounted right next to it on the slot.  If the power supply has ventilation slots, you are good to go, otherwise you need to buy a newer one that has more amperage.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 01:11:58 PM
One odd thing is that on the top of the head i says DBV-145-SG
and on the bottom side it says                             DBV-145-SH
Makes me wonder which one it really is.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 11, 2010, 04:48:50 PM
Hmm you have a sticker that also says $5 and $10 IDO23, which would be the correct software.  You'll probably need to take a look at the actual eprom chip inside to see if there's further labeling on it.

Don't worry about the SG vs SS.   I remember reading somewhere that the SG moniker refers to the product only containing head and transport (purchased as spares) and the SS includes the head, transport and the Vertical down stacker assembly.  The heads should be the same.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 11, 2010, 04:58:30 PM
Not good I just picked up a dbv200SH for my Igt S+   I guess I got the wrong item as well  Please let me Know  Thanks Art

When Ben refers to the DBV 22/23 he means the software inside of it.  What dbv did you have on your slot before?  If you bought the entire thing, the DBV200SH is a horizontal stacker, uprights use a vertical stacker DBV200SS, so if you just bought the head, you should be ok, if you are going to replace head+transport, you'll need a vertical stacker transport.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 05:10:22 PM
The DBV in question came with the Slot machine. decided to just get a replacement DBV. Too bad i didnt get the slot years ago. As i used to refurbish Pepsi machines and always had a couple dozen mars validators handy i mave been able to use.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 11, 2010, 05:24:25 PM
If your machine came with a DBV200, then the heads should be compatible.  If you have an upright, and you want a spare stacker (that's if you bought it with the stacker as opposed to just the head), then you'll need the "SS" vertical stacker.  Also there are two versions of the DBV200 heads, one is flash upgradeable (you need a special flash tool from JCM) and the other one is eprom based.  You probably want the eprom based as it saves you from having to take it to someone to have it updated if need be.

You cannot use MARS DBV's on IGT S+ machines.  Only DBV 45/145/200 or WBA 10/11/12/13 for US currency.  The software protocol is unique and is not compatible with vending type serial pulse protocols.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 06:10:10 PM
It didnt come with a DBV 200 the one in it is the only one i have had in it. the DBV 145.

I did however open the head and seen the chip stating it is IDO23 so now im lost again.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 11, 2010, 06:42:05 PM
DBV200, DBV145 refers to the model number of the bill head (hardware).  The IDO22/23 refers to the protocol the head uses to communicate with the slot (software).  IGT S+ uses IDO 22 for older SP game proms and IDO 23 for newer SP chips.  The DBV 145 is either 022 or 023, the DBV 200 is both 022/023 determined by a dip switch.  The SS/SH/SG only comes into play when you are buying complete hardware.  SS is head/transport/vertical stacker, SH is head/transport/horizontal stacker, SG is head and transport only, no stacker.  All heads are interchangeable within the IGT S+ domain.  There are some heads that are not compatible with an S+ because the head design where the bill goes in is different, but as long as you buy a head used for an S+ you should be ok.

You can use the DBV200 head on it provided that the sticker has the right information on it (that is it indeed has the IDO22/23 on it).  You will also need a more robust power supply for the DBV head.  You can tell if you have the right one by looking for vents on the power supply.  It is the "black brick" attached to the side of the DBV cage.  The old ones did not have vents and do no provide enough current to drive the DBV200 head without issues.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 11, 2010, 07:13:29 PM
If your machine came with a DBV200, then the heads should be compatible.  If you have an upright, and you want a spare stacker (that's if you bought it with the stacker as opposed to just the head), then you'll need the "SS" vertical stacker.  Also there are two versions of the DBV200 heads, one is flash upgradeable (you need a special flash tool from JCM) and the other one is eprom based.  You probably want the eprom based as it saves you from having to take it to someone to have it updated if need be.

You cannot use MARS DBV's on IGT S+ machines.  Only DBV 45/145/200 or WBA 10/11/12/13 for US currency.  The software protocol is unique and is not compatible with vending type serial pulse protocols.

I am using a MARS ZT1102 DBV in "Young Frankenstein".
It only takes older bills though...

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: dpalmi on January 11, 2010, 07:36:16 PM
I am using a MARS ZT1102 DBV in "Young Frankenstein".
It only takes older bills though...

Are you talking about a S2000 machine?

Dan #2

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 11, 2010, 07:45:24 PM
I am using a MARS ZT1102 DBV in "Young Frankenstein".
It only takes older bills though...

Are you talking about a S2000 machine?

Dan #2
No Dan,
"Young Frankenstein" is an S+.
It's a full S+ without a cabinet I use as my test machine...

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: dpalmi on January 11, 2010, 07:54:33 PM
No Dan,
"Young Frankenstein" is an S+.
It's a full S+ without a cabinet I use as my test machine...

My fault - I was thinking a ZT1202 - that's my my S2000 machines have - got the #'s mixed up :)

Dan #2

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: knagl on January 11, 2010, 08:05:33 PM
I did however open the head and seen the chip stating it is ID023 so now im lost again.

The fact that it says ID023 is a good thing, as you need that (and not 044) for your IGT machine.

However, the only indication in the SP list for the 932 (which you stated you have) is that it supports WBA acceptors (which you don't have).

SP932 Type 1 wba

The PSR sheet gives a little more info (and I'll update the SP post in a second):

Game Types
Type 0 (no special features), Type 1 (Slam Dunk, Balloon Bars, etc.), Type 4 (Spin ’Til You Win), and Type 5 (4th of July).

Bill Acceptor
Acceptor model is jurisdiction-dependent and uses bill validator software protocol version 2.5.  Acceptable bill denominations are $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100.

Can anyone translate what that means in terms of what type/ID of bill validator that SP chip can use?  Would it be a good idea for Gusco to simply get an SP chip that would be known to be compatible with his Type 0 game with a DBV-145 ID023?

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 11, 2010, 08:27:39 PM
I think he can throw in an SP731 as it is both Type 0,1,4,5,12 and an ID-2.5 as well as 10MHz board compatible.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: knagl on January 11, 2010, 09:21:48 PM
I guess one of my questions is, what does ID 2.5 mean in terms of compatibility with ID022 or ID023?

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 09:24:38 PM
Looks like I am getting a DBV 200 and a new SP chip so all should work out well. Ill know in a few days after it gets delivered. Im learning alot along the way. I have been reading past posts for all day for the past couple days. Funny, I was going to become a slot tech when i lived in Reno but decided to be a Craps roulette and blackjack dealer instead. who

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 11, 2010, 09:41:16 PM
I guess one of my questions is, what does ID 2.5 mean in terms of compatibility with ID022 or ID023?

Good question knagl,
I haven't come across any type of cross-reference on that...
I don't even know what Version ID 2.5 is...LOL
My someone like Op-Bell might know something about that?

Looks like I am getting a DBV 200 and a new SP chip so all should work out well. Ill know in a few days after it gets delivered. Im learning alot along the way. I have been reading past posts for all day for the past couple days. Funny, I was going to become a slot tech when i lived in Reno but decided to be a Craps roulette and blackjack dealer instead. who

You will be happier with the upgraded DBV...that's just about as far as an upgrade I think we will get for S+'s.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 11, 2010, 10:43:18 PM
Yes i agree, The updated DBV will be nice. Although my kid sure loves to put the quarters in. I'd rather drop bills.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 12, 2010, 12:44:12 AM
any SP chips works with any DBV or WBA as long as it has the right IDO installed.  Version 2.5 is what IGT calls IDO23.  I think anything older than the SP600's use the old IDO22.  I've never even tried anything older than SP731, why would you want to?

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 12, 2010, 01:11:35 AM
The one im getting with the DBV 200 is a SP1271   Will be nice to have the machine taking bills.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: rickhunter on January 12, 2010, 01:19:27 AM
SP1271 is the chip of choice for most of us as it offers the greatest flexibility.  I hope you got a set chip as well cause you're gonna need it.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Jim on January 12, 2010, 01:35:40 AM
There are three tests that can be used to help trouble shoot bill acceptor problems.
1- is what has been suggested = go to the test with 5-0/1/2/ displayed in the winner paid window, advance to # 9 and check the status 0= not enabled 1= enabled.
2- after this test is complete, continue pressing the white test button until you get to #6 displayed in the coin played window and the denomination that the game is set on should be displayed in the credits window. when you get to this test you will here a click(provided that your handle solenoid is working) and the spin reels button will not be lit (provided that it lites normally) if the button is lit and youcan press it and advance the number displayed in the credits window, then your not enabled.
3- you can go back to the inputs test (1 displayed in the coins played window, and a 10-1 displayed in the winner paid window) advance this test (reset key) to #27-0 (bill acceptor test vend signal) the yellow sign above the bill input should be lit (provided that the display is there, its plugged in and it works) you can test the light bulbs by taking them out and putting them in the lamp holder for the denomination sign, this has 6vac on it at all times. you should be able to slide a bill into the acceptor and it should draw it in and return it.

For anyone looking for information on repairs to S+ machines there is an excellent book in the submit file of this forum "IGT S+ ELECTRONIC REPAIR MANUAL"
this is a very valuable tool . IMHO


Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 12, 2010, 02:03:38 AM
SP1271 is the chip of choice for most of us as it offers the greatest flexibility.  I hope you got a set chip as well cause you're gonna need it.

Yes im getting a set chip as well. Im going to run thru those suggestions with the tests as well. Im still familiarizing myself with the test process. the manual i found online doesnt seem to match it 100%

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 12, 2010, 02:44:50 AM
running the #27-1 test i did not get no response or bezel light, so i took the unit out and found a triac had two legs cracked and broke apart (Possibly bent at one time) I would assume this doesnt really matter when it comes to the function of the DBV accetping bills correct?  Only will not allow the lights to illuminate.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 12, 2010, 02:53:12 AM
I ran the test suggested above also. and it does say the DBV is enabled with a 1 being present
Running the other test i was not able to change the numeral value in the  credits window

so this being said, it should in theory function.
But the only activity it gives is when it runs it's inital cycle when first powered up.

'Im confident that the new DBV and SP chip will resolve the issue.
But, I would still like to know why this one isnt functioning. (For future reference if anything)

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 12, 2010, 04:05:28 AM
The bent legs sent electricity basically every which way but loose inside
the DBV chips shorting the living bejusus out of of it!  :98-

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 12, 2010, 04:11:58 AM
The bent legs sent electricity basically every which way but loose inside
the DBV chips shorting the bejusus out of of it!  :98-

Ok, so your saying that the bent (Broke) legs in the DBV face bezel is causing the issue?
I dont want to have this happen to the new one is what im getting at.
I if the triac is bad now and cant be fixed with a little solder will it hurt my new DBV if ran like that or is it just used to power the lights in the bezel?

I cant locate an schematics on it. but i will try to find some.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: OhioGaming on January 12, 2010, 09:47:03 AM
Just in case the DBV200 does initialize correctly and then will not accept bills.

When a DBV unit is being pulled out and returned into place while the power is on, there is always a chance the machine will not recognize the DBV unit even when the machine is displaying a 9-1. This does not always happen but have seen it happen several times. Can be cleared by installing a set key and resetting the options.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 12, 2010, 12:46:35 PM
You said you had a broken triac component on the bezel?
If so, I'd just go buy another bezel from the same people selling you the DBV200.
Better to be safe than least with a known good part,
you can compare it with the bad bezel and determine if it's worth it
doing light board repairs such as replacing a triac or just flipping it into the garbage can.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: jay on January 12, 2010, 02:00:21 PM
Bunko - Not that this will help me up here in Canada but your use of the MARS acceptor twigged me into asking the question.....

Can we get an acceptor for the S+ that will take the new colored 5$ ? I know it was not released for the JCM platform......

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 12, 2010, 03:50:05 PM
Bunko - Not that this will help me up here in Canada but
your use of the MARS acceptor twigged me into asking the question.....

Can we get an acceptor for the S+ that will take the new
colored 5$ ? I know it was not released for the JCM platform......

I'm fascinated by the abilities of a DBV/stacker made by MEI.
The unit is extremely easy to use and has tons of dip switches
to change all kinds of settings and bill acceptance.
These babies take everything! Great for home use really!
Works on regular 115VAC which is available inside in various places in an S+.

The MEI AE2631 D7 unit I use for video games is amazingly
easy to set up for 25-liner type boards.
It's available in 2 different sized stacker cash-boxes which is very nice.
I haven't tried yet to implement one into an S+ and
I will not be surprised if it will work.
However, these were designed for flat-faced cabinet doors
and are really do not have the long duckbill bezels that
reach out into the bowels of an S+ recessed door opening.
I will look into the manual for it and see if the ID's are
compatible with the S+ platform at all.
If I could get a short sheet/list of all the possible ID's that an S+ uses -
it would be very helpful!

I noticed in the brochure they sell a "Gaming interface" for it
and on the side of one of the dips a small label designating that
dip as either a "Gaming Interface" or a Vending Interface"
depending whether the switch is on or off.
Below is a link to the DBV in a video game.>>> (

MEI however does sell a pure slot bill acceptor and
in the brochure says that it has many ID's for different machines -
which ones though, is anybody's guess...will they work in S+'s? I don't know...
maybe some one from the gaming industry can give them a call for us and find out?
I've attached a link below to the gaming DBV they sell>>> (

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Jim on January 12, 2010, 04:19:38 PM
not seeing your transport there are a few other things to check if you want to, or you can wait and see if the 200 head fixes your problem.
1- when the unit powers up, (this can be duplicated by unplugging the small black connector on the left side. the larger one is the information for the bill validator information that lights the door bezel. If you are concerned about damage to the 200 head you can let this unplugged until you get a replacement bezel lite.) there are two distinct cycles on the transport unit, the first is the cash can mechanical cycle, and the second lower pitched noise is the transport to bill head cycle. two distinct cycles.
2-follow the wire bundle out of the power supply (black box mounted on the side of the transport assembly) should have vents in it to run 200 head.) to the connector towards the rear of the machine (9 pin white molex) two of these provide 115vac to run the power supply, the other four go down and are plugged into J-6 on the motherboard (these are the comm. lines to and from the validator. check and make sure all is well with these.
3- last but not least the power supply has two functions, to supply 12vdc to the unit and to interface between the head and the cpu board, I have seen the interface board go bad inside the power supply  and still provide power to the unit. so this could be another area causing your problem.


Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 12, 2010, 05:01:00 PM
not seeing your transport there are a few other things to check if you want to, or you can wait and see if the 200 head fixes your problem.


Here is a picture of the Transport. Ill chek into the power supply when i get hime. It is vented. So should be fine for the 200. Ill check the voltages of its output and see what i get. And yes thanks for letting me know which plug to disable to not use the bezel until i repair it. I order a new MAC3030 triac for it.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: knagl on January 12, 2010, 10:10:09 PM
Bunko - Not that this will help me up here in Canada but your use of the MARS acceptor twigged me into asking the question.....

Can we get an acceptor for the S+ that will take the new colored 5$ ? I know it was not released for the JCM platform......

For what it's worth, I've seen a Mars acceptor in use in a PE+ that's currently on the floor in a Las Vegas casino.

From that knowledge, I would assume two things:

- The Mars acceptor can work on an S+ as well (I think Mark (Bunker) may be able to prove that, provided the unit he has is compatible).
- The Mars acceptor likely can be programmed to accept the newest bills (I can't say that I tried a brand new 'purple' 5 in it at the casino in Vegas, but I'd imagine that they must accept them?).

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: jay on January 13, 2010, 03:02:38 AM
arn't the purple bills the $10 in Monoploy....

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 13, 2010, 03:18:23 AM
The few Mars DBV's that I do have in S+'s are ZT1102's.
To find out if Mars ever made upgrades for them will require at least a
phone call from someone who works in a casino and is able to get gaming and bill acceptor support. 
Even a phone call from someone who has a DOJ in a slot legal state might be all that's needed?
I don't know the protocol... I attached MARS's phone number in an earlier post.
My guess is that these are pretty much obsolete.
I wonder if MARS will supply some really old DBV upgrade files for free for us homeowners? LOL

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 13, 2010, 07:30:45 PM
Got the new DBV 200 and SP1271 installed and still no go with the DBV taking bills.
Still does the same thing. Powers up and cycles then does not attempt to take bills at all.
Performed a RAM clear as well. still nothing

Red lights are lit within the DBV and all wires seem to be connected properly.

fanninislots has been working on this with me. but i thought i would still keep this topic updated.
Any other input is welcome.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 13, 2010, 07:52:58 PM
Did you use the proper SET chip to "enable" the DBV?

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 13, 2010, 08:14:34 PM
I used a set 15, which is what i recieved with the DBV

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Buzz on January 13, 2010, 08:23:14 PM
Bunker is the BV installed properly?

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: knagl on January 13, 2010, 08:57:13 PM
Any other input is welcome.

It's a real long shot, but any indication that your machine spent some time in Missouri, by chance?

My first S+ was from Missouri.  They had loss limit laws in place for the state, and the short version of the story is that on the casino floor there was a device which would disable the bill validator unless a valid slot club card was inserted in the player tracking, then it would enable the validator.  They removed that device when they sold the machine, but didn't re-connect the "enable" wire on the validator.

Check to make sure that the wiring from the validator and power supply isn't cut anywhere -- in particular, the orange wire from the validator to the orange/green wire in the harness that it connects to in the S+.

Here's the thread I posted about my old validator problem, caused by the removal of the Missouri device (

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 13, 2010, 09:14:51 PM
As far as i know it was last used at the Trump Plaza in AC. Still had the log book in it and a couple trump 50 cent tokens. Ill check the wiring over again. i couldnt find anything wrong. It did have a card unit at one time still has the Bally Mastercom in it. But everything looks disconnected. Just havent took it out yet.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: jay on January 13, 2010, 10:06:47 PM
I might suggest you start with a $1 bill they are more widely accepted. You could have old code in your dbv.
So some bills might not work and its possible some of the dipswitches might be off. I know AC had a rash of cheats
right after the new $10's were introduced. People were coloring in an extra 0 with a highlighter and they were getting accepted as a 100.
There was another code change to fix this but not sure how fast it was rolled out.

Also the theme in the unit might not be the theme that was in it. So the protocol might be set wrong. 22/23 issue

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Gusco on January 13, 2010, 10:36:21 PM
It is functional now!

Special thanks to Buzz for asking me if the two guide pins on the very back of the transport were properly seated.
I checked and there was a small bennd on the corner preventing it from seating correctly.
Fixed the bend and it sttarted working right away.

I bet the old DBV was probably working also. ill have to switch it again sometime and check to be sure. Atleast i got the updated DBV out of all this.

Now i dont have anything to tinker with at the moment. Maybe ill start messing with the card reader thing now.

Thanks to everyone who pitched in trying to get this resolved.

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 14, 2010, 01:25:46 AM
Buzz! You're da MAN! :3- :3- :3- :3- :131-
What made you think it was the way the DBV was seated? :129-

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Buzz on January 14, 2010, 02:26:26 AM
Bunker we have had this same topic at least 6 times last year, with the same results  Remember the big titted gal shooting the bow. I just looked it up, guy's name is JumpStart. It will pay to revisit that thread. And what a GREAT pic. Dan 2 posted. Besides I remember life before NLG and I had the same problem with a BV.  :3- :3- :99- :99-

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 14, 2010, 02:28:55 AM
Oh yea! Who can forget that blue shirt...LOL
She looked liked one baaadd chick!  :96-

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: Buzz on January 14, 2010, 02:33:38 AM
Mark  I think you remembered the blue shirt and forgot the content of the thread !! :208- :208-

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: StatFreak on January 14, 2010, 03:27:06 AM
Mark  I think you remembered the blue shirt and forgot the content of the thread !! :208- :208-

I'm worse. I saved the picture, but not the thread. :97- :97- :97-

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus
Post by: dpalmi on January 14, 2010, 03:37:35 AM
Bunker we have had this same topic at least 6 times last year, with the same results  Remember the big titted gal shooting the bow. I just looked it up, guy's name is JumpStart. It will pay to revisit that thread. And what a GREAT pic. Dan 2 posted. Besides I remember life before NLG and I had the same problem with a BV.  :3- :3- :99- :99-

Here is a link to that post.. (

And the infamous pic...


Dan #2

Title: Re: DBV wont function s plus (Fixed)
Post by: Buzz on January 14, 2010, 04:13:57 AM
Dan I was referring to your Pic of the BV transport   it's kind of GREAT also    :208- :208- :131- :131-