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General NLG Chat => Rants and Raves (SEE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ENTERING!) => Topic started by: Bobodude on January 17, 2010, 01:30:03 AM

Title: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Bobodude on January 17, 2010, 01:30:03 AM
I really feel for those poor people in Haiti and their misery. And as always the United States is first to help. We have been rebuilding countries all over the world for the last upteen years at the taxpyers expense. How are  we ever going to rebuild a country that needs everything? With all the billions of dollars we throw at the UN why does America have to spend more money that we don’t have to bail out Haiti? Let the UN lead the charge instead. That’s what they are supposedly there for. The  polititians are going to bankrupt the country.  Who is gonna help us?

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: reho33 on January 17, 2010, 01:47:28 AM
No one. That is why if we lose America, there is no where else to go.............

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: KirkLasVegas on January 17, 2010, 02:02:09 AM
I really feel for those poor people in Haiti and their misery. And as always the United States is first to help. We have been rebuilding countries all over the world for the last upteen years at the taxpyers expense. How are  we ever going to rebuild a country that needs everything? With all the billions of dollars we throw at the UN why does America have to spend more money that we don’t have to bail out Haiti? Let the UN lead the charge instead. That’s what they are supposedly there for. The  polititians are going to bankrupt the country.  Who is gonna help us?

Oh dont get me started there.....
We have people STILL homeless from Katrina, but were going to pledge 100 MILLION dollars to rebuild a toilet of a country....
The "Local" inhabitants wont see a dollar of that money.
The real heros are the Red Cross, the search parties, the various militaries there helping, but as usual..the american GOV'T is clueless...

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 17, 2010, 02:57:02 AM
No one. That is why if we lose America, there is no where else to go.............

I kinda like Canada really...I've lived there before and it's really very beautiful...
winters are long but you get free health care!...LOL

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: slotsteve on January 17, 2010, 11:45:55 AM
I,m sorry I see to many people here without jobs and houses   ,Now is not the time to send our tax $$$ anyplace I would give a dime

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Neonkiss on January 17, 2010, 03:47:58 PM
WOW, What a bunch of cold hearted basters here.  :60-
(oops there goes my karma)
These people had nothing and now don't have their families.
Sure hope you never find yourself in their position.
We sent one USAR team last week and my name is still on the list for deployment. If my job would have let me, I would have been on a plane the day of the earthquake.
Maybe that's the difference, some people want to help, other just whine and bitch.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: KirkLasVegas on January 17, 2010, 04:23:49 PM
WOW, What a bunch of cold hearted basters here.  :60-
(oops there goes my karma)
These people had nothing and now don't have their families.
Sure hope you never find yourself in their position.
We sent one USAR team last week and my name is still on the list for deployment. If my job would have let me, I would have been on a plane the day of the earthquake.
Maybe that's the difference, some people want to help, other just whine and bitch.

I never said to NOT help them, I said the govt is CLUELESS.
Spending 100 Million bucks to REBUILD a country? No....
Spending money to help find them and get them back on their feet yes.
Helping them get set up elsewhere..yes.
Building a NEW toilet is not the answer.....
Now if your talking about maybe setting up new factories there and taking assembly jobs OUT of Mexico...
Housing? Conex containers make EXCELLENT portable homes! They are insulated, tough and it's easy to make multi-family homes out of them (Cheap too).
Their own GOVT allowed the death-trap building to go on, and they will again. Most of their buildings were built out of shit and to substandard specs (if they have specs at all). Newer buildings as well as older ones failed,like the 5 story market place that pancaked into itself.
The civilians are the innocent victims here, their GOVT should be held accountable for the Hell-Hole toilet the place is....
Want to "make it right"???
Here is one plan. Sponsor them HERE in the USA.Get them greencards. FIRE the illegals, run them out of town and give their jobs to the NEW AND LEGAL.
If we get rid of the illegal Leeches/mooches there would be plenty of "entry level" jobs for the people from Haiti.

This is just my opinion.....

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Neonkiss on January 17, 2010, 05:37:30 PM
How far do you think a 100 Million goes?
You can't build a bridge for 100 millions dollars. They spent 160 million for the bridge at Hover Dam.

That 100 Million IS the immediate need of the recovery effort to locate the trapped, medical needs for the injured and bury the dead.
Do you really think a 100 million is to rebuild an entire country? It would take 50 billion to do that.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: KirkLasVegas on January 17, 2010, 05:41:04 PM
How far do you think a 100 Million goes?
You can't build a bridge for 100 millions dollars. They spent 160 million for the bridge at Hover Dam.

That 100 Million IS the immediate need of the recovery effort to locate the trapped, medical needs for the injured and bury the dead.
Do you really think a 100 million is to rebuild an entire country? It would take 50 billion to do that.

My point exactly! but listen to the stuffed shirts talk about how they are going to(and I use their words) REBUILD.
What they need to do is get the survivors stable and out of there.Let the GOVT of Haiti deal with the rubble. it's their pile of shit now..

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Bobodude on January 17, 2010, 05:47:02 PM
WOW, What a bunch of cold hearted basters here.  :60-
(oops there goes my karma)
These people had nothing and now don't have their families.
Sure hope you never find yourself in their position.
We sent one USAR team last week and my name is still on the list for deployment. If my job would have let me, I would have been on a plane the day of the earthquake.
Maybe that's the difference, some people want to help, other just whine and bitch.
Heartless bastards?  I think not. My taxes are going to the UN to help Haiti and are part of that 100 million. I don't begrudge the immediate help, I just don't want to rebuild the country while are bridges and dams are about to fail.  The problem is there is nothing in that country. They have no exports to talk about. This exercise in humanity will have to go on for years and years and it will still be a "toilet" country. Why don't we just put them on welfare and medicade?  That is essentially what you will have to do because what we send down there in the next few months will NEVER EVER be enough. Then you have the absolute possiblity of fraud and graft. Oh j oy.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: jay on January 17, 2010, 09:46:43 PM
They need relief effort now. Humanitatian reasons aside it is also important to understand that if civil unrest takes over this will spill into the dominion republic on the otherside of the island and Portaplata, Romana, Puntacana (which are the all inclusive playgrounds of the Americans) will be under seige. Then there are the Haitain boat people that WILL make it to the US and other countries..... its a matter of national security for the US and a lot more real than WMD's fabricated in Bush's mind.

The goal however has to be to stop the people from simply being a welfare nation and start rebuilding their own country. You have 2mm+ people that have nothing better to do than to build and will work for food. For the most part the country is rich in natural resources - wood, rock - makes good walls and concrete. They have a fantasic capacity to grow sugar cane and export top notch rum to the rest of the world. Check out what sugar is going for as a commodity.... We need to get some organizers there to create daycares, sawmills, concreate block masons etc. Laborers to recycle ashfault, and lay down new roads. I for one don't want to see US built bridges by US labor at US prices. I want to see Haitan built bridges, by Hatian workers who are trained by US engineers and you won't spend 50mm to build a bridge you will spend 300k.

My biggest complaint about the Katrina relief is that we had 2/3rds of the people just waiting around for their welfare cheques living in Fema provided housing complaining that their goverment is not doing enough for them. What were they doing before the floods ? waitingaround for their welfare cheques living in subsidized housing complaining that their goverment is not doing enough for them. America was built on people who came out and homesteaded, and created something from nothing. The goverment didn't exist back then. We need to resinstill the principals that America was founded on ..... 

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Neonkiss on January 18, 2010, 12:50:29 AM
 :212- :212- :212- :212- :212- :212-

Some day people will wake up and realize that you have to work for the American Dream
Not sit around trying to figure out the next scam, or how to screw the system to get rich with as little effort as possible.

 :125- :210-

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Op-Bell on January 18, 2010, 07:13:47 AM
I don't understand the difference between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. They share the same island, they suffer the same earthquake, yet one falls into a pile of dust and the other suffers about 60 casualties and life goes on. Methinks it's something to do with their governments. Perhaps instead of sending aid directly to Haiti, we should send it to the Dominican Republic and encourage them to invade Haiti, abolish it and take over the whole island. Or would that upset somebody like United Fruit?

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Neonkiss on January 18, 2010, 11:25:01 AM
I don't understand the difference between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. They share the same island, they suffer the same earthquake, yet one falls into a pile of dust and the other suffers about 60 casualties and life goes on.

Probably has something to do with distance. Yes they are the same island, However the epicenter of the quake was in Port-Au-Prince which is at least 60 miles from the boarder of the Dominican Republic. The DR is about 180 miles across and Cuba is also about 180 miles from Port-Au-Prince. Cuba didn't get any affect from the quake either.
Agreed that the construction in Haiti is non code based.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: jay on January 18, 2010, 02:55:36 PM
I wondered that myself but the geological information showed that the earthquate sent shock waves in the direction of the ocean not across the whole island.
It was like some giant was jumping at the Dominican end and was trying to bump the Hatians off the other end of the bed.

The Hatian goverment is notoriously corrupt. There was a documentary on the amount of $$ that the US and other countries send as aid annually to the Hatian goverment. It was appaling at how little made it to the actual Hatian people.

Like I said - now is the time to get some grass root organizers there to start rebuilding the country from scratch as you can be darn sure the goverment is not in place.

I also read that Chavaz is making noise that the US is now illegally occupying the country under the name of aid. I am sure the US would be happy to invite in 10,000 aid workers from Venseuala.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 18, 2010, 03:12:22 PM
Did Chavez of the Haiti government ask for the US military to come in?
How many US troops were sent there?

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: jay on January 18, 2010, 03:17:01 PM
I believe Haiti put out a request for international aid.

Chavez is from Venezuela - directly he has nothing to do with Hatiti.
His closest ties are with Cuba as he also runs a sociialist goverment.
He just happens to be another Carribian Island and is of course very critical of the US at any time.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: reho33 on January 18, 2010, 03:22:27 PM
I believe Haiti put out a request for international aid.

Chavez is from Venezuela - directly he has nothing to do with Hatiti.
His closest ties are with Cuba as he also runs a sociialist goverment.
He just happens to be another Carribian Island and is of course very critical of the US at any time.

Yes, when he called Mrs. Clinton "Missy" and told other diplomats that he would "kick their ass"...........

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: jay on January 18, 2010, 03:27:53 PM
Now that I don't have a problem with  :244- although my money would be on Hillary in a mud-wrestling match.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: slotsteve on January 18, 2010, 04:19:19 PM
In my dealing with people from hati has never been good most would rob you in a min  , in nj we had a large group of them in trenton area   most the crime was there  ,we did flea markets and had yard sales before we moved to va you need lots of eyes when they showed up , they were always trying to con older people in to letting them in thier homes to use bathrooms,even the kids would steal , sorry but thats the way i feel, i worked to hard for my $$$ and don,t think we can keep giving free rides to everyone  outside of the us    lets start to help our own 1st

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: brichter on January 18, 2010, 05:20:28 PM
I think 100 million could build a bridge in Haiti IF it was built by Haitians. The US Gov't. couldn't build an outhouse for 100 million.

The original build would be 75 million, but then delays and cost overruns would kick in and it would be completed 7 years behind schedule with a final price tag of 4.5 billion.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Bobodude on January 18, 2010, 06:10:37 PM
Just saw the last 10 years of foreign aid to Haiti totalled more than $2.7 Billion with a "B". Holy S*&*t. And that doesn't even count all the rest of the world's aid. Geez, shouldn't somebody be checking the Swiss bank accounts of the President of Haiti? How in the hell can a counrty be so impoverished with all that money being funneled into a country smaller than the state of Texas. It is just appauling the level of corruption. But we keep on giving. Where's the TRANSPARENCY!!!!!

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: brichter on January 18, 2010, 06:32:35 PM
2.7 billion over 10 years is a pretty tiny amount.

Heck, we were giving double that to Afghanistan in foreign aid while we were at war with them.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Op-Bell on January 18, 2010, 07:54:55 PM
$270 million a year, yep, hardly enough to pay for a dictator's supply of decent scotch. However, it never hurts to look over the dictator's shoulder and see what US interests are being indirectly served by the "foreign aid". Rather a lot of it helps pay for running the CIA stations in Central and South America.

I note that aid to Haiti has been rather patchy. From 1991 to 1994 the country was under a UN embargo following a military coup that overthrew the Aristide government. Then Aristide was restored to office with the help of US troops, but apparently he fell out of favor again in 2001 and all aid was cut until he was kicked out in 2004.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Ozzy on January 19, 2010, 03:45:32 AM
Hi Guys

Well I am living in DR (at least for another 3 weeks before moving on) :25- :25- :25- again. Most of DR was not affected by the EQ, never felt a tremor after this devastating 7.0 quake that took place in Haiti. I just want to say if it was not for the Haitians you would not have the US playground here in DR as these are the people who built almost all of the hotels and infra structure due to the fact that the majority plus a few more DR citizens are lazy bastardos. Chavez is in charge of a country and not an Island, check the map (only island they have is Margarita) Aid poured in from many nations after the disaster, especially UK and USA, IT IS NOT JUST YOU GUYS THAT FOOT THE BILL. Haiti has been a lawless country for the past .....................years and if it was a of interest to the "good old USA" I am sure they would have invaded a long time ago. Some of my good friends here on the Island (DR) are Haitians and they are good people, do not paint them with the bad brush just because of what you read and see in the news. My assistant manager (female) is still trying to locate/find out if her children and parents are still alive, god help them.

When it comes the  USA or the  UN or the UK whatever...............monetary aid is all on paper, it does not affect your taxes, it does not affect your savings , so for GOD SAKE have a heart somewhere in your existence, this is a major catastrophe and needs international assistance.

Many people are canceling vacations to the DR due to the news of criminals being freed due to the EQ and making their way into the DR (BS -do not believe everything you hear on Fox News) most were wiped out in the EQ. I think it is time that the USA lose the great big chip  they have on their shoulder. God help us, since 9/11 the US has made this world a dangerous place to exist in and we all know that don't we, so lets not bitch over aid to Haiti, I am gob smacked with this thread starter and any comments will be dealt with to my post with the utmost compassion. As for the UN, bunch of A@#$ H^&%* so don't get me wrong on that one.


Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Ozzy on January 19, 2010, 03:55:42 AM
I really feel for those poor people in Haiti and their misery. And as always the United States is first to help. We have been rebuilding countries all over the world for the last upteen years at the taxpyers expense. How are  we ever going to rebuild a country that needs everything? With all the billions of dollars we throw at the UN why does America have to spend more money that we don’t have to bail out Haiti? Let the UN lead the charge instead. That’s what they are supposedly there for. The  polititians are going to bankrupt the country.  Who is gonna help us?

Reason you keep rebuilding countries all over the world is due to the fact you BOMB THE SHIT OUT OF THEM :137- :98-, just had to get that one in....................F A C T

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: brichter on January 19, 2010, 05:06:50 AM
Yep, we know, you hate the US government. But, we spend money rebuilding countries we don't bomb the shit out of, also. F A C T  
And, the world was a dangerous place to exist in before 9/11. Like pretty much every government, it has it's good and bad sides. Hell, I live here and can't stand most of the politicians, whether I voted for them or not. But, whaddaya gonna do? :25-

On a different note, how are things over where you are? Made it through all the rocking and rolling with no or few problems is a good thing. We had several earthquakes here in northern California, but I missed it all as I was at Joey's.  :5-

Where are you off to in 3 weeks? Any place good? We're all waiting for another round of pictures like the rags to riches piece you did on that boat :131- :244- :3-

If you're going to make it to the 4th of July at Joey's this year, rumor has it there's still a bottle of Absolut floating around the shop somewhere... :136-

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Op-Bell on January 19, 2010, 05:21:28 AM
An overseas opinion (
Some of the reader comments are interesting. They tend to point fingers at the French, not the US.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Ozzy on January 19, 2010, 09:14:11 AM
An overseas opinion (
Some of the reader comments are interesting. They tend to point fingers at the French, not the US.


Funding for the United Nations and its agencies comes from two sources: assessed contributions to finance the UN’s regular budget, peacekeeping operations, and specialized agencies like the International Atomic Energy Agency and voluntary contributions to specialized agencies and subsidiary organizations of the UN, through which more than half of the UN’s funding is provided.

Assessed Contributions

Assessed contributions are payments made as part of the obligations that nations undertake when signing treaties – like the one establishing the United Nations.  For example, the U.S. is assessed to pay 22% of the UN’s regular budget and about 26 percent of the UN’s peacekeeping operations budget, although an outdated Congressional mandate caps U.S. expenditures at 25 percent of the UN’s peacekeeping budget.  U.S. assessed contributions support a variety of critical UN initiatives, notably peacekeeping operations that promote global security without requiring the U.S. having to bear all the costs or deploy all the forces.   Other recent efforts funded by UN assessed contributions have included:

    * Facilitating and holding elections in Afghanistan and Iraq;
    * Investigating the assassination of the former Lebanese Prime Minister, Rafiq Hariri;
    * Monitoring nuclear programs in North Korea and Iran;
    * Coordinating tsunami and earthquake relief projects in Indonesia and Pakistan;
    * Detecting outbreaks of avian flu and defending against a world pandemic;
    * Creating systems to protect the intellectual property rights of American entrepreneurs; and
    * Enabling the delivery of mail around the world.

Voluntary Contributions

Voluntary contributions are, as the name implies, voluntary rather than assessed payments and are entirely up to the individual country to decide whether or not, and how much, to contribute.  These contributions finance most of the United Nations’ humanitarian relief and development agencies, including the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Food Program (WFP), and the UN Development Program (UNDP).

Most U.S. funding of the UN system goes to these programs that the U.S. government independently chooses to fund.  These include:

    * Purchases of U.S. agricultural products for humanitarian relief and school feeding projects through the World Food Program;
    * Department of Labor help for International Labor Organization programs to eliminate and prevent the use of child labor overseas;
    * Funding for nuclear energy safety and security overseas; and
    * Funding to protect and resolve refugee problems worldwide, tackle the AIDS pandemic, improve education in Pakistan, and increase drug control and crime prevention in Colombia. 

Such activities are U.S. national security investments that would be difficult, if not impossible, for the U.S. to undertake alone.  U.S. voluntary contributions are financed through the foreign assistance authorization and appropriation legislation.

Paying our Dues: The UN Regular Budget

The UN’s regular budget finances the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the International Court of Justice, and the Secretariat.

The current structure sets maximum and minimum dues rates for all nations.  The maximum “ceiling” rate is 22 percent.  The minimum “floor” rate for poorer countries is 0.001 percent.  The United States pays the maximum rate and has negotiated several reductions in this rate over time.  In 1974, the UN placed a cap of 25 percent on the ceiling for member states’ assessments; in 2000 the General Assembly reduced this cap (applicable only to the U.S.) to 22 percent.  Nonetheless, the top 15 contributing nations remain the major funding source for the UN, contributing about 84 percent of the regular budget.

The U.S. assessed contribution to the UN’s regular budget is included, along with 43 other UN-system, regional, and non-UN organizations, in the State Department’s Contributions to International Organizations (CIO) account.

Paying Our Dues: UN Peacekeeping Budget

The UN’s peacekeeping budget is separate from the regular budget but is also financed by assessments to member states.  The UN’s peacekeeping assessment formula mirrors the regular budget rate structure but gives greater discounts to poorer nations.  This discount is made up by the permanent five members of the Security Council (the U.S., the United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China), each of which has unique voting and veto rights at the Security Council to authorize or suspend any peacekeeping operation.

The U.S. assessed contributions to the UN’s peacekeeping operations are funded through the State Department’s Contributions to International Peacekeeping Activities (CIPA) account.


Arrears are a chronic problem at the United Nations.  Many poorer nations cannot afford to pay their full assessment and are in arrears.  Other countries, notably the United States, have delayed or withheld payments for reasons unrelated to their ability to pay.  Under the UN Charter, member states that are two years in arrears at the UN can lose their vote in the General Assembly.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Ozzy on January 19, 2010, 10:29:21 AM
United States, have delayed or withheld payments for reasons unrelated to their ability to pay.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: tacman on January 19, 2010, 12:16:16 PM
We bombed Haiti ?? Damn and I thought it was an earthquake! Well, I don't mind sending that amount of money to them to help them rebuild, the problem I see is that now they're calling for an exodus of people from the island.  :103- Gee, I wonder who's gonna take them in, I hope the DR and Cuba.

 Dan (tacman)

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Ozzy on January 19, 2010, 01:33:20 PM

Back to the real world,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,USA oooooooo  my god not them again

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: slotsteve on January 19, 2010, 01:41:00 PM
We bombed Haiti ?? Damn and I thought it was an earthquake! Well, I don't mind sending that amount of money to them to help them rebuild, the problem I see is that now they're calling for an exodus of people from the island.  :103- Gee, I wonder who's gonna take them in, I hope the DR and Cuba.

 Dan (tacman)
Send them any plsace but here  we have too many from there already

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Tomba on January 19, 2010, 06:42:36 PM
Hello, my name is Tom.

I don't want to go in to this bxxit. My problem is instead of talking stupid things and we spend money on our free-time (machines are not for free), what can we do to help those people? I already send e-mails to more serious people than most of you will ever know. I am happy to be member of this site but right now I am asking you to give me information about how to adopt children from over there. My two children right now (15 and 4 years old) I adopted also from child birth so I am ready. Please do not talk about taxes or any other bxxxsht. Be a human and play those fxxxkng machines later, please.

Good luck to All.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 19, 2010, 07:23:42 PM
Donate what you can to OXFAM...
Used to collect pennies in a can for them when I was a kid up in Canada.
Here's the link>>>

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: brichter on January 19, 2010, 08:25:02 PM
Hello, my name is Tom.

I don't want to go in to this bxxit. My problem is instead of talking stupid things and we spend money on our free-time (machines are not for free), what can we do to help those people? I already send e-mails to more serious people than most of you will ever know. I am happy to be member of this site but right now I am asking you to give me information about how to adopt children from over there. My two children right now (15 and 4 years old) I adopted also from child birth so I am ready. Please do not talk about taxes or any other bxxxsht. Be a human and play those fxxxkng machines later, please.

Good luck to All.

You can ask about information on adoptng Haitian children on a slot machine forum, but I'm not too sure that's a wise use of your time. Google could probably provide you with a lot better information in a lot shorter period of time than we can. :89-

Also, if you don't want to discuss what is in the thread, just don't click on the thread. I'm not trying to be harsh, but telling other people what they can and can't discuss on the Internet is kind of presumptuous, don't you think? And what does discussion of taxes have to do with being human, anyway?

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: brichter on January 19, 2010, 08:27:33 PM
Good link, Bunker, but check with your employer first. Most big companies have matching donation programs. My company is offering a 2 to 1 match right now for Haiti, so the money I donated last week will be triple the amount by the time it gets there. :89-

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 19, 2010, 10:04:28 PM
Good link, Bunker, but check with your employer first. Most big companies have matching donation programs. My company is offering a 2 to 1 match right now for Haiti, so the money I donated last week will be triple the amount by the time it gets there. :89-

Oh, that's awesome brichter!
That's a great move by a good company :3-
I wish I worked for a company.
uh,...on second thought...
I like it where I am now!  :97-
no time, no money, no life... :96-
But somehow I at least I get to play golf in the summer... :5-

But seriously, what happened down there on the islands really sucks for all those poor people. :60-
We are very lucky in many have to be thankful for that. :89-

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: Bobodude on January 19, 2010, 10:28:06 PM
Hello, my name is Tom.

I don't want to go in to this bxxit. My problem is instead of talking stupid things and we spend money on our free-time (machines are not for free), what can we do to help those people? I already send e-mails to more serious people than most of you will ever know. I am happy to be member of this site but right now I am asking you to give me information about how to adopt children from over there. My two children right now (15 and 4 years old) I adopted also from child birth so I am ready. Please do not talk about taxes or any other bxxxsht. Be a human and play those fxxxkng machines later, please.

Good luck to All.
Tom, as the author of this thread, I do appluad and respect your acts of generousity as it takes a special person to adopt children that are not so lucky.  But Tom, this is a free country to live and do as you please. Should you feel the urge to donate your hard earned money to help the people of Haiti, that again is your god given right. I for one am very flusterated with the corruption and dishonesty in the art of donating to these types of causes. I donated a reasonable sum to the Katrina disaster only to find that the Red Cross had deverted large sums of money to help prop up Florida's hurricane funds. Do you remember that in the news Tom?  Well Tom you might say I am a bit sore about that. And that is for a disaster here in our own country. What me and others on this forum have to say is not BxxxT as you put it but an opinion, which we also have the right to make. I have no fear of being shot or sent to Siberia just because I have an opinion that doesn't fit your personal beliefs. And as far as insinuating that our slots are also Bxxxt, you have pissed up the wrong tree my friend. So I agree with Britcher, you need to find another forum to get your information on adoption as I don't think the info you seek is here.

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: slotsteve on January 19, 2010, 10:47:04 PM
Hello, my name is Tom.

I don't want to go in to this bxxit. My problem is instead of talking stupid things and we spend money on our free-time (machines are not for free), what can we do to help those people? I already send e-mails to more serious people than most of you will ever know. I am happy to be member of this site but right now I am asking you to give me information about how to adopt children from over there. My two children right now (15 and 4 years old) I adopted also from child birth so I am ready. Please do not talk about taxes or any other bxxxsht. Be a human and play those fxxxkng machines later, please.

Good luck to All.
Tom, as the author of this thread, I do appluad and respect your acts of generousity as it takes a special person to adopt children that are not so lucky.  But Tom, this is a free country to live and do as you please. Should you feel the urge to donate your hard earned money to help the people of Haiti, that again is your god given right. I for one am very flusterated with the corruption and dishonesty in the art of donating to these types of causes. I donated a reasonable sum to the Katrina disaster only to find that the Red Cross had deverted large sums of money to help prop up Florida's hurricane funds. Do you remember that in the news Tom?  Well Tom you might say I am a bit sore about that. And that is for a disaster here in our own country. What me and others on this forum have to say is not BxxxT as you put it but an opinion, which we also have the right to make. I have no fear of being shot or sent to Siberia just because I have an opinion that doesn't fit your personal beliefs. And as far as insinuating that our slots are also Bxxxt, you have pissed up the wrong tree my friend. So I agree with Britcher, you need to find another forum to get your information on adoption as I don't think the info you seek is here.

well said bob

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: tacman on January 20, 2010, 12:03:38 AM
Great, now France says we're trying to conduct a military takeover of the country. :25-  Idiots! All those prime islands in the Carribean and we would take Haiti??  :208- :208- :208-

 Dan (tacman)

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: KirkLasVegas on January 20, 2010, 01:10:44 AM
Hello, my name is Tom.

I don't want to go in to this bxxit. My problem is instead of talking stupid things and we spend money on our free-time (machines are not for free), what can we do to help those people? I already send e-mails to more serious people than most of you will ever know. I am happy to be member of this site but right now I am asking you to give me information about how to adopt children from over there. My two children right now (15 and 4 years old) I adopted also from child birth so I am ready. Please do not talk about taxes or any other bxxxsht. Be a human and play those fxxxkng machines later, please.

Good luck to All.
Tom, as the author of this thread, I do appluad and respect your acts of generousity as it takes a special person to adopt children that are not so lucky.  But Tom, this is a free country to live and do as you please. Should you feel the urge to donate your hard earned money to help the people of Haiti, that again is your god given right. I for one am very flusterated with the corruption and dishonesty in the art of donating to these types of causes. I donated a reasonable sum to the Katrina disaster only to find that the Red Cross had deverted large sums of money to help prop up Florida's hurricane funds. Do you remember that in the news Tom?  Well Tom you might say I am a bit sore about that. And that is for a disaster here in our own country. What me and others on this forum have to say is not BxxxT as you put it but an opinion, which we also have the right to make. I have no fear of being shot or sent to Siberia just because I have an opinion that doesn't fit your personal beliefs. And as far as insinuating that our slots are also Bxxxt, you have pissed up the wrong tree my friend. So I agree with Britcher, you need to find another forum to get your information on adoption as I don't think the info you seek is here.
[/quotewell said bob

Information?  sorry...i'm knee deep in Bxxxxxxt, playing my Fxxxing machines....

Wow..walk into someones house, bitchslap them then demand dinner....
IMPRESSIVE! Please dont let the door hit you in the ass on your way out....

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: jay on January 20, 2010, 01:32:15 AM
France is afraid that if we take over Hatai they will start speaking spanish like 2/3rds of the US and they will lose their French Identity.   :72-

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: brichter on January 20, 2010, 01:59:48 AM
France is afraid that if we take over Hatai they will start speaking spanish like 2/3rds of the US and they will lose their French Identity.   :72-

 :208- :208- :208- :208-

Damn, Jay, that was funny!!!!

Title: Re: US and Haiti aid
Post by: SAT (aka GANDHI) on February 03, 2010, 11:11:30 PM
France is afraid that if we take over Hatai they will start speaking spanish like 2/3rds of the US and they will lose their French Identity.   :72-

 :208- :208- :208- :208-

Damn, Jay, that was funny!!!!

 :212-   It was certainly funny Jay...  You're a comedian  :72-

I also read that Chavaz is making noise that the US is now illegally occupying the country under the name of aid. I am sure the US would be happy to invite in 10,000 aid workers from Venseuala.

Chavez is from Venezuela - directly he has nothing to do with Hatiti.
His closest ties are with Cuba as he also runs a sociialist goverment.
He just happens to be another Carribian Island and is of course very critical of the US at any time.

I'll tell you what this guy really is,  from my own opinion and experience (sadly):

That person (if that adjective apply) is the LOSER-IGNORANT  :52- that rules my country of birth....  I describe him as a loser   :52-  for several reasons:

He started his career for presidency when he first tried to coup in 1992.  The country was living too many problems at that time, people were tired and desiring a change. 

He used that as reason to conspire and try to take the power by force.  However, that was his first fail (he opened fire at 3:00AM and finally gave up when all his soldiers were surrounded by government forces at about 12:00PM)  I was a 10 years old kid then and I still remember the hole mess...  I still remember how machine guns and tanks sounded like...  Many soldiers died with his first FAIL.

His military rank at that moment was Lieutenant.

He got in prison for that and then, thanks to the next president (a fat-old smart ass), his charges were dissolved so he became candidate for presidency, winning the elections by vast majority.

Yesterday it was the 11th anniversary since he came on power as a democratic elected president, and all we have seen are his FAILS.  All he does is repeat the shit he hears from other communist-terrorist-dangerous presidents in the world.  He heard the conspiracy theories published by the Russians about the EQ in Haiti and started to talk shit on national TV broadcast like he found it out as results of his own research.  LOSER!   :52-

During his military career back in the 80's he applied for the academy course all officials has to pass in order to get promoted to bigger ranks .... ("Curso de Estado Mayor") ----------------------------------------------------------->>>  He FAILED!!   :52-

However, in Aug-2008, the monkey promoted himself to "General in Chief", a rank which sign is four suns and didn't exist before in my country. A rank that, if applicable, would be given to a combat hero for doing EXTREME stuff in war-time.     WHAT A LOSER!!!!   :52-   (I'm not kidding;  check here )

I have seen some french people that "likes" monkey's socialism.......  I say:  I would like it too if I live in Paris, where basic services works, a place where you can live decently, society respects you.. etc...  It's very easy to speak and give opinions from the out-side....  Anyone that wants to talk to me about socialism better go to Venezuela and spend couple years there dealing with robbers, killers, rogues, non-working services, shity salaries, inflation and so on....   Then we could have a conversation!!
The monkey failed against every challenges any president would face during his duty, but.........   (and there's always a "but")...... (and sorry if I hurt anybody's feelings!  I still believe myself a FREE person and, as such, I have the right to have an opinion!!):

The problem in Venezuela isn't the LOSER-MONKEY   :52- ruling there,  the problem in Venezuela is Venezuelans !!!   

The monkey RESIGNED to his charge in 2002, and that is a FACT being currently covered by military.  He GAVE UP once again but... (here is when the funny part comes):

"PEOPLE" claimed him back!!!!     :200-

"PEOPLE" there deserves a president like him because they're up to become rich in a week.  It doesn't matter if it's through a scam, if somebody has to get screwed up in the process, or if it has to be done through corruption and unmoral acts ....  People there is up for their own interest no matter what happen to the one next door. 

Forget about making wealth through hard work and honest behavior in my country:  YOU'LL GET SCREWED UP EVENTUALLY!

If you don't believe me, test by yourself and ask to a European and a Venezuelan  what "Rogue" means...  The answer would be usually the same: an unreliable person that doesn't behave according to principles of respect for the others. Somebody that could get you screwed up.

Now, ask them again how they would define the opposite of "Rogue"....

The "first world" citizen would say: a honest person that behaves and lives according to basic rules of society (respect, moral, etc..)

Most of Venezuelans (and this is SADLY true!!) would respond: a fool, a stupid person that isn't aware, somebody who to not spend time with...

That is very SAD, and is the reason why I have so strong feelings about my country of birth.

That's why I believe the people that likes monkey's BULLSH!&&T$ deserve to live their HELL in peace......!!!!  At some point they'll realize what they've done, and they'll have to face the consequences....  That's their faith and nobody has the right to mess with it.

In the mean while:

Venezuelans with resources are already gone.... you can find them in Miami or Europe, good for them!

Venezuelans without resources enough, but with a pinch of common sense (like me) are struggling to get the f&^%$! out of that bloody^^%$@!!! HELL!!!!