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General NLG Chat => Welcome wagon and General Chat (Off-Topic Post Welcome) => Topic started by: ruttrunner1 on January 18, 2010, 11:51:20 PM

Title: Roulette Wheel with touch screen betting
Post by: ruttrunner1 on January 18, 2010, 11:51:20 PM
I have been playing these Roulette machines for a couple of years now. They are the style that actually have a "real wheel" but the betting is done on a touch screen. There are usaully 6 chairs to sit and play. I was told by a reliable sorce that these are not real roulette wheels at all. Someone I know very well actually saw one malfunction and the ball balanced between 2 numbers on the thin chrome strip. This strip is angled on both sides making it basically impossible to do that without something controlling it. Does anyone have any information on how these machines work?


Title: Re: Roulette Wheel with touch screen betting
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 19, 2010, 12:55:25 AM
Danny Devito is running around underneath holding a big magnet over his head... :96-

Seriously, you have a picture of one?

Title: Re: Roulette Wheel with touch screen betting
Post by: dpalmi on January 19, 2010, 01:04:47 AM
You talking about Rapid Roulette??  I love that game!!!

Dan #2

Title: Re: Roulette Wheel with touch screen betting
Post by: ruttrunner1 on January 19, 2010, 01:15:01 AM
I don't have any pictures of one. All of the Indian Casinos here in the Phoenix area have them now. It is an actual Roulette wheel that shoots a small white ball out of a hole in the opposite direction of the rotating wheel. The difference is that no one is there to take your bet. Minimum bet is always a dollar. You can break your bet down into quarter chips. Ticket in ticket out. It is a nice game to play. I do pretty well on it usually, but I have seen the same number come up 4 times in a row and now this.
I am hoping that someone has worked on these and can explain how they work.  

Title: Re: Roulette Wheel with touch screen betting
Post by: ruttrunner1 on January 19, 2010, 01:16:39 AM
They do not have an actual person like in your picture. They automatically shoot a ball out.

Title: Re: Roulette Wheel with touch screen betting
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 19, 2010, 01:30:42 AM
I would love to have a machine like that...picking numbers is always fun...sorta like keno,
but with a little white marble that drives people nuts... :96-

Title: Re: Roulette Wheel with touch screen betting
Post by: StatFreak on January 19, 2010, 06:02:14 AM
The Stratosphere is one of the few places in Vegas that has single zero roulette ("European style"), which cuts the house edge in half and makes the game almost respectable. They also have a double zero table next to the single zero table, and I can't tell you how many times I've gone in there and seen people crowded at the double zero table while the single zero table sat empty, or nearly empty.

I just scratch my head in disbelief as I wobble over to the blackjack table. :200- 

I've seen these LCD versions in several casinos, but always with a person spinning the ball. :128-