New Life Games Tech Forums

Bill Validators and Currency acceptors => JCM DBV-45, DBV-145, and DBV-200 Bill Validators. => Topic started by: mkd3b on February 01, 2010, 02:17:45 AM

Title: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: mkd3b on February 01, 2010, 02:17:45 AM
Have read about this somewhere on here But now I am having this problem myself.  Been tring to get a Bv Installed In a S+ machine that had it removed.  Purchased another set up and tring to get running.  Have done a few things upto  now   including a  RamClr and set val  now the valdator lites up and takes bills in but is holding them while the isert coin lite flickers rapidly a few times and then spits the bill back out.  I know I have seen this problem on here somewhere but I figured one of you guys will know whats up before I can find the post.  ThanksArt :30- :30- :30-

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: jslots on February 01, 2010, 02:34:41 AM
Hay if you find the problem with it please let me know as well.I have the same thing happening to my set up.I screwed with it yesterday all day with no luck.I even took a good working validator set up from a know good machine & it still did the same thing. I looked for a post about the flickering light thing & it holding the bill for a few seconds before it rejected it but couldn't find anything.Unfortunately i damaged the SP game chip in the process of doing the ram clear & validate set up.
so now i have to wait for a new chip.But i would sure like to fix mine as well.

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 01, 2010, 02:36:57 AM
Try a dollar bill first, if not
clean the optics with Q-Tip, or micro towel and water only.
No alcohol wipes...they "fog" up the plastic lenses.
Make sure the cash box is fully seated and
the gears are meshing fully together - instead of grinding.
Do a "search" under the S+ forums for "DBV not accepting bills"
or "bills spitting back"

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: mkd3b on February 01, 2010, 03:39:28 AM
Ok just found one of the posts with some useful stuff Dated Oct 1 2009 by Beanman  Topic Dbv-145 not working please help.  Have been reading quite a bit on here but if your having that particular problem this may help.  Let me Know.  I had nothing working now I am at this point.    

Thanks Stout nbut mine is a machine issue at this point the bv assemply works fine in one of my other machines  This Is quite an old chip   sp 611

Final Update  Ya   Right
Ok this is Where I get to say Hooray..   I found in the post about the flicker the Id022/23 could be an Issue   Turns out the sp 611 is Id22 compatible so I flipped the 10 Dip on the BV and voila   Everything is up and running.  Turns out the bv wouldnt lite up probably from currupt ram from a dead battery That was changed out a few weeks ago.  Still didnt get the correct code change after the 61  went from 61 to  0 with no need to reset key  But Its working.   For now

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: stayouttadabunker on February 01, 2010, 01:40:18 PM
I'm so glad you found the right topic on it!
It's even better that you were able to get it going again! :89-
I'm not that good with DBV's that's why I suggested searching around for different topics on it.
I know just about every problem that's happened with DBV's has been posted on NLG -
you just gotta do a lotta reading!

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: jslots on February 01, 2010, 01:50:12 PM
I'm glad too & i hope this fixes mine as well .Mine is doing the same exact thing. Unfortunately i have to wait for my new game chip (because i damaged my origanal one  :25- ) to show up before i can test it.
thanks as well...

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: mkd3b on February 01, 2010, 05:25:56 PM
Hey  J slots   is this a bv that you had that was working and stopped or is it an issue on a machine you just put a validator into.   The reason I ask is because my problems arose from a complete unit that I purchased to put in a machine I had picked up where the validator was removed and was not running due to a dead battery.  Let me know what kind of problems your encountering  since I have read a ton on here and I dont no how long my memory will hold out.   

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: jslots on February 01, 2010, 10:46:06 PM
Yes this BV was added to this machine afterwards. I bought 2 machines one already had the BV on the side & was working.The other one the BV was removed but he gave me the setup with the machine. I just reinstalled it the other day & have been trying to get it up & running.The battery was dead on the main board so i replaced it I also did the ram clear & used the validation set up chip. The BV does the same thing you were describing.It takes the money it & holds it for about 4 or 5 seconds you see the insert light flicker & then it spits the money out.I took the BV from my good working machine & installed it on this one & it does the same thing yet it works on the other machine.I must be missing something but i have not found it yet. :99-

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: mkd3b on February 03, 2010, 09:40:59 PM

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: Jimise on February 13, 2010, 10:35:17 PM
Hello, To those watching this thread, My S+ was also having this confusing flickering insert coin issue.
I checked everything I could think of, Swapped out BVs, Power supplies, Checked all my settings.  :5-

Thanks to the info on this thread, I also flipped on the 10 dip switch on my BV, and it is working now!!

S+ Triple Jackpot    SP 709

This site is awsome!!   :131-

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: StatFreak on February 14, 2010, 12:44:42 AM
Jimise, thanks for posting. :3-  
It's always great to know that a thread covering a particular issue was able to help someone else solve their problem as well. That's why we always ask that members requesting help post back when they find a resolution. :89-

SF :31-

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: Jimise on February 14, 2010, 06:54:18 PM
No Problem StatFreak!
I learn something new around here almost every day!
Hopefully my reply will help someone else out as well  :3-

Jim....... :88-
Jimise, thanks for posting. :3- 
It's always great to know that a thread covering a particular issue was able to help someone else solve their problem as well. That's why we always ask that members requesting help post back when they find a resolution. :89-

SF :31-

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: mkd3b on February 17, 2010, 11:11:35 PM
Glad to see that you were able to get your problem fixed.  Have been away from the site for a couple of weeks.  Finally called back to work and have been away from here lately.
Hooray I got some Karma

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: jslots on February 17, 2010, 11:20:45 PM
Yes that fixed my problem as well.Which was good as i spent a week going crazy  :200- trying all sorts of things before i read your post & fixed mine. K+ from me as well.

Title: Re: Flicker Insert Coins
Post by: jay on February 18, 2010, 06:21:23 PM
I am sure your slot came with a 709 --- but that is a rather old SP chip.  In the old series the 731 was one of the most stable. Most people would have been running that but have you considered moving up to a 1271 ?

In day to day operation I don't think you are going to see any changes to your platform but some of these strange issues might just disappear.  There are also a few newer features like seperate hopper and credit limits that are handy.