New Life Games Tech Forums

General NLG Chat => Welcome wagon and General Chat (Off-Topic Post Welcome) => Topic started by: frosty on February 01, 2010, 01:19:10 PM

Post by: frosty on February 01, 2010, 01:19:10 PM
Hey there everybody I hope everyone is doing GREAT!!!! It has been a while since I have logged in....I sort of fell off the face of the earth for a while....

Anyway I have a question that I hope some of you will help me with. I was blessed with the opportunity to go to Japan for 3 weeks at the end of last year through the 17th of January....really cool!!! Unfortunately while I was gone we have a REALLY cold spell hit and pipes in my house froze. The guy that was feeding my horses for me noticed water running off the front and back porches and so he got the water company out to shut off the water. I got home a week later to a flooded house that is absolutely TRASHED!!! Thank God for good insurance!!!! I am now in the clean up phase and one of the things that I have listed is 2 hours per slot machine for diagnostics. The adjuster agreed and then asked how much do techs get per hour....and I had no idea. I am not asking anyone to tell me how much they make, but could someone PLEASE give me an idea of what your company or a company charges for the techs time. I know that like the tech work I do companies charge up to $125 per hour......if only I made that much!!!!!! Thanks in advance for any assistance you might be able to offer!!!! OH and a belated HAPPY NEW YEAR to you ALL!!!!

catch ya later,


Post by: StatFreak on February 01, 2010, 02:10:53 PM
Welcome back Frosty, it's been a long time. :88-

I don't know what slot techs in your area might typically charge, but since this is for insurance purposes, I would give them a figure of $150/hour. You can probably find techs for less than $100, but you should always high ball it for the claim. You'll probably end up fixing them yourself, but look at it this way: if you had to take them to someone, they might charge $75 an hour, but it might take four hours to fix them. :5-

Post by: frosty on February 02, 2010, 01:46:51 PM
 :131- THANK YOU FOR YOU INPUT!!!!.....and the welcome back too!!!! :88-

I will take your advice and see what their reaction is....I expect it to go through without any problem....since I am usually the one taking the beating from them!!  :30- HAHAHAHA!!

I hope everything has been going your way or that you have at least been able to dodge the big pieces!!! :5- Have a great day!!!!

catch ya later,
