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General NLG Chat => Welcome wagon and General Chat (Off-Topic Post Welcome) => Topic started by: theDotster on March 07, 2010, 02:44:47 PM

Title: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: theDotster on March 07, 2010, 02:44:47 PM

Finally I've acquired an S+. Yes I know you are all getting S2000 and such, but I'm playing catch up.

It came off of a cruise ship and had been in storage for a while.

There were no keys and no power in the lock up it was kept in, plus the plug had just been cut off so couldn't power it up prior to purchase. But offered £50 ($75) and he accepted.

He also had a PE+ (multi poker glass) that had a button missing and was also locked. I offerd him £30 ($45) and he accepted that too. So two machine for £80 ($120).

Over the last couple of days I've drilled the locks out of both and cleaned out all the tokens, there were loads in each machine that went everywhere when I laid the machines down in the car to get them home. Oh, he also gave me a big bucket of tokens as well as the ones in the machines.

Anyway, S+, I got an error 41 when first powered up, came on to here and found how to fix that, then it worked like a charm, just needed a few bulbs changing (used some off the never working M+ I have). Now it just needs a very good clean up on the outside.

The PE+ is whole other story, there were no optics on the door, so I robbed some off the M+, that did the trick, also it didn't have a coin mech, so back to the M+ and robbed one off that, this didn't do the trick, see pic attached, I think it's missing a peice where the circle is, some sort of lever with a screw wieght on. I've got the leaver but not the weight, does anyone know a way around this? I needed to change the jackpot reset key too, so the M+ came in handy again.

Otherwise the screen is better than the one I have on my current PE+ and that has had a cap kit fitted!.

I think I got a couple of old bargains. He did have a few more S+ but I just don't have room for them or I'd have had them as well.

Any help regarding the coin mech greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: theDotster on March 07, 2010, 02:46:05 PM
few more

Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: theDotster on March 07, 2010, 02:47:12 PM
few more

Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: StatFreak on March 07, 2010, 04:39:53 PM
Congratulations on finally getting an S+ Dotster!  :3- :3-  It looks like you got a great and somewhat rare theme as well.  :89- :71-

I'm sure that someone can find you a part for your comparitor, or maybe just send you a complete replacement. :79-

Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: CaptainHappy on March 07, 2010, 06:27:49 PM

Sure looks like you had some great finds there!!!  :244- :244- :244- They looked really clean, and like Stat said DD DLX is a primo theme! Getting all of those tokens was a score as well!  :3- :3- :3-


CaptainHappy :95-

Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 07, 2010, 08:01:05 PM
In the photo of your coin comparitor encircled in red is the missing dampner weight.
It's not really needed. All it does is try to even the coin drop speed of each coin as it's headed down.
If the wrong weight is put in there, then it may not work for certain coins.
You'll be okay with your tokens without the weighted dampner.
They look like this>>>

Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: knagl on March 07, 2010, 09:13:21 PM
Congrats on your purchases.

You have a unique PE+ machine -- it has one of the hard-to-find wingboards ( which allows you to pick your choice of five PE+ poker games (within some limitations).  In other words, if you wanted to change the "Tens or Better" game to Bonus Poker Deluxe, you can by simply changing one chip on the wingboard.

Very nice!


Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: theDotster on March 08, 2010, 04:22:32 PM
Thanks guys.

You'll be okay with your tokens without the weighted dampner.

It's not working either with or without this arm in, I've got the all of the part in your pic apart from the weight. Maybe the optics need cleaning, I'll see what I can do.

Thanks again and I may need to ask some questions in the proper sections!!!

Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: westec1 on March 08, 2010, 04:47:44 PM
Nice find and a great deal to

I wouldn't worry about the missing counter weight,
I have one missing on one of my S+ machines and it works just fine.


Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: Jim on March 08, 2010, 04:48:35 PM
Paul   I'm glad your making use of the M+ for something, its' unfortunate we couldn't get it up and running but in the long run you will be better off. Mainly because of the lack of parts .

Did you swap the coin comp. from the PE+ to the S+ , they are interchangeable, and that will at least eliminate it as the problem. If it does work in the S+ and the one from the S+ does not work in the PE+, then you do in fact have a optics problem.
Does the PE+ coin up using the white button on the optics board? If it does then it has to be the optics.
Usually removing Q2 or Q4  on the optics board will solve that issue.  You can run a optics test and verify that the three optics are good and the button does function, if all this is in fact good, and Q2 and Q4 is present, then that has to be the problem.  The only other sore area of that machine is the coin comp. wire harness, usually a broken wire at the plug itself, (it too is interchangeable)

Hope this helps

Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: theDotster on March 11, 2010, 07:37:14 PM

Thanks all for the relpies.

OK< given that this should work without the weight, and it isn't, then something else is wrong.

Jim, I have tried swapping witha known good mech and the machine works fine with it installed, the donor receiving the unknown mech stops working, so must be the mech causing the problem.

I'll have a tinker with it when I get a chance (not enough hours in the day at the moment) and then I'll post back in the relevant section so that any info that's of use to others may be found.

Thanks again guys for your input.


Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: Jim on March 12, 2010, 02:51:31 AM
Paul    you can try and swap the comparitor boards from one to the other, this will eliminate everything else on the unit.  If the board is bad, its usually C-1, if you don't measure +20vdc across it then its bad!  A bad one usually reads less then 16vdc


Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 12, 2010, 02:58:13 AM
I love your troubleshooting...
That's definitely a sticky in my CC notebooks! Thanks for the tip! :131- :3-

Title: Re: New Machines (too me anyway!)
Post by: theDotster on March 12, 2010, 05:18:57 AM
I love your troubleshooting...
That's definitely a sticky in my CC notebooks! Thanks for the tip! :131- :3-

I agree, many thanks Jim, I'll see what that does.

