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General NLG Chat => Welcome wagon and General Chat (Off-Topic Post Welcome) => Topic started by: Ron (r273) on March 14, 2010, 01:54:12 PM

Title: Heath problems?
Post by: Ron (r273) on March 14, 2010, 01:54:12 PM
I move this to a new subject.

Thanks  I had a bypass in 99 was back to work 5 days later  but was 11 years younger than ,I,m hoping just a stent  butI don,t feel that lucky  this time either.,I just want to beable to leave the hospital walking out , not in a bag , I have way to much work here for wife to do alone ,If they can,t do me with a stent,I,ll want bypass right away  cause once I leave there I won,t go back,

Hang in there slotsteve I know how you feel. 16 years ago my 3 stints did not work as my vein collapsed on both sides of the stint work. Then had two bypasses that was 15+ years ago and I go for a cath test tomorrow. Back then they estimated bypasses to last ten years. Pushing 15 years and being 65 is a little worrying to me.

So I hope we  both get lucky. I know there are others having worse problems and still getting along.

Ron (273)

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: cruisepl on March 14, 2010, 02:06:05 PM
I move this to a new subject.

Thanks  I had a bypass in 99 was back to work 5 days later  but was 11 years younger than ,I,m hoping just a stent  butI don,t feel that lucky  this time either.,I just want to beable to leave the hospital walking out , not in a bag , I have way to much work here for wife to do alone ,If they can,t do me with a stent,I,ll want bypass right away  cause once I leave there I won,t go back,

Hang in there slotsteve I know how you feel. 16 years ago my 3 stints did not work as my vein collapsed on both sides of the stint work. Then had two bypasses that was 15+ years ago and I go for a cath test tomorrow. Back then they estimated bypasses to last ten years. Pushing 15 years and being 65 is a little worrying to me.

So I hope we  both get lucky. I know there are others having worse problems and still getting along.

Ron (273)

Good luck and get well wishes to both Steve and Ron

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: jay on March 15, 2010, 02:02:06 AM
Hang in their guys.....I really believe that stress is the root of many illness ... eliminate the stress you get healthy.

Whenever I work long hours or burn the candle at both ends....and don't get enough sleep I end up getting a cold or flu like sympthoms..

Whenever I get sick - I sleep its the best medicine - 3 days in bed and I feel great  ..........  when I am stressed - I don't sleep - then I get sick.

Some people get stressed over their health and that can be a vicious circle.

Stress comes in many forms and its not always the major things..... example I once read involved a glass of water. Hold a glass for 5 min - no big deal. Hold the glass for an hour and your arm gets sore, hold it for a week and your arem feels like it is going to fall off......
Its not the weight of the water but how long you hold it in......

This however does not apply to good scotch.  :72-

All the best

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: brichter on March 15, 2010, 03:28:19 AM

This however does not apply to good scotch.  :72-

All the best

Agreed, Jay. And all the best to you folks, hope you're feeling right as rain most riki-tik.

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: Ron (r273) on March 15, 2010, 06:03:37 PM
Good news from this old man. Most everything checked out, only have to start taking blood pressure and cholesterol medicine. Not too
bad at my age.  :3-  Does that mean I have to lay off the bourbon? :200-

Hope slotsteve gets a good report off of his tests.  :89-

Ron (r273)

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on March 15, 2010, 08:41:43 PM
A little bit of everything is fine - it's when you have too much of something that causes problems.
I wonder if that applies to slot machines?  :96-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: Foster on March 15, 2010, 09:33:44 PM
Yes it  applies to slot machines  :208- :208-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: Railroad94 on March 15, 2010, 11:00:13 PM
Glad to hear it Ron,hope slotsteve comes back with his good news

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: brichter on March 16, 2010, 02:39:59 AM
Good news from this old man. Most everything checked out, only have to start taking blood pressure and cholesterol medicine. Not too
bad at my age.  :3-  Does that mean I have to lay off the bourbon? :200-

Hope slotsteve gets a good report off of his tests.  :89-

Ron (r273)

Glad to hear you're pretty much in the clear, hope the same goes for Steve.

The docs told me I needed BP meds, then a friend who is a cardiologist told me to start reading food packages and see how much my sodium intake was per day, and average it over a week.

Found out it was 4000mg/day, should be 2000-2500/day. I cut it down to 2500 and my doctor was amazed at how well the BP meds were working, then I gave him the bad (good) news that I had not taken it in a month.

Might not be the cause of yours, but it never hurts to check. Damn HCTZ pills gave me nasty headaches, I wasn't sorry to see them go away.

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: bunnyslots on March 16, 2010, 06:19:33 AM
Way to go Ron :3-
I hope Steve get good news also

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: slotsteve on March 16, 2010, 06:31:02 PM
Very good  too hear ron ( It gives me hope) I had no luck at casino monday maybe  next week i,ll get lucky too

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: rickh on May 02, 2010, 08:18:18 PM
Just found this and thought I would jump in with my experience....

Back in '93 I was in a head-on motorcycle/car wreck. I got tossed off the bike and over the car, landed on my back and slid forever. I got up and walked away from it... good thing I was loaded, eh? Anyhow, back hurt somewhat for weeks... got it checked and nothing wrong. Ended up being sent to a cardiologist and they saw something wrong and did an angiogram.... found 4 blockages and said I needed open heart surgery the next day. I was 38 years old.... it was a shocker.

Fast forward to now... for the past 3 years or so I thought I was dying from the same ailments... docs fed me meds to control BP and heart fluxuations, but I was getting weak and losing weight. I was working in San Diego 2004-2009, away from home. ANyhow, I came home, on disability, in Aug 2009... found a local cardiologist that is cool, and he has been working on me. Since January, he put a stent in each leg... both were closed up thus the leg pains and weakness.... now they are fixed up. Last week I went back in to probly get 2 old bypasses opened up with stents. He went in, looked around, and di nothing. He said that yes, the 2 old grafts were closed, BUT the heart has grown a NEW artery bypassing the blockage. Only thing wrong is my heart is weakened from the lack of flow. He sent me home that day.

So, I have been able to go from not thinking I would make it into 2010, to thinking maybe 2020 might be a reality.....

All my problems are hereditary... cholestral, BP, sugar..... plus I sat on my ass as an engineer for 25+ years. Now I stay active and moving...

Good to be here, cool place.

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: slotsteve on May 02, 2010, 09:33:17 PM
Good to hear your doing better  too. I feel better to most the time but have been getting some arm pain lately , only good thing is we met our $5000 deductable so now we only pay a small copay till dec 31, also as of may 1st our heath cost is now $1741 a month thats not so good

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: rickh on May 02, 2010, 09:36:35 PM
Keep an eye on it Steve.... it is funny how I was so healthy back when I partied hard.... then I slowed down after the bike wrecks (yes, plural).... and since then I went downhill.

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: Buzz on May 02, 2010, 09:48:30 PM
Keep an eye on it Steve.... it is funny how I was so healthy back when I partied hard.... then I slowed down after the bike wrecks (yes, plural).... and since then I went downhill.

Rick  I think if I was you I'd think about training wheels for the BIKE !!!!!!!!!     jmo    :244- :244- :244-         

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: rickh on May 02, 2010, 09:51:53 PM
Buzz.. it is amazing how I never wrecked again once I quit drinking while on it..... utterly amazing  :25-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: CaptainHappy on May 03, 2010, 05:46:29 AM
Buzz.. it is amazing how I never wrecked again once I quit drinking while on it..... utterly amazing  :25-

Shocking, I guess that 1+1 does = 2!!! :97- :97- :97- Good for you figuring that out! :244- :244- :244-

What work did you do in San Diego? :103-

CaptainHappy :95-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: Buzz on May 03, 2010, 12:22:41 PM
Capt. He said he was a Engineer For 25 years, I think that means he got to drive the Train.   :3- :3- :3- :3- :79- :79- :79- :79-

I had to take a detour to my house, The air operated radiator fan started to leak air and the fan wouldn't come on, I didn't need to burn my truck up between here and Vegas. I've got it half assed fixed. I went to Santa Barbara to get this carnival ride and was only gone 6 hours. Durn machine had a litter while I was gone. Mark your going to have to take this hot sauce one off my hands. You let one Mexican in and pretty soon I would be over run with them,  I don't think I've offended any one yet today, so here goes. Do you know what you get if you cross a Mexican and a Oriental  ( A car thief that can't drive )   Bet your ass a mod will get hold of this one. They get paid to edit anyway.   :131- :131-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: rickh on May 03, 2010, 12:31:41 PM
Capt Happy.... I do mechanical design work (CAD) as a contractor.... so I travel and have for about 27 years.... in SD I was working on generator and pumps for the oil and gas world. In the past I have worked at Boeing on Satallites, New Holland on farm equipment, defense jobs working on army tanks etc, and helped with the AirBus 380 where we did the landing gear. I was sure glad that thing landed ok!

Once this medical is ended, this summer probly, I may put my name back out there with the head hunters and see what work shows up. Its either that or give this small business a shot and see where it goes.

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: CaptainHappy on May 04, 2010, 01:57:28 AM

Judging by the litter that I saw on the NLG survellience cameras, I figure that I will have to rent a uhaul trailer for my ride home after I visit! :208- :208- :208- I have been trying to get the spicy sauce for a while now! I bitched at Ron in another post about the topper he grabbed, and he said I was too slow!!! Beat Ron off of it with a whip if he gets near it with a dolley, or put hot sauce in his eyes!! :97- :97- :97-

Rick, thanks for the info, I am always nosey as that is my neck of the woods! :200- :96- :88- Thanks to you and the others for the use of your thread for our digression!  :97- :3-

CaptainHappy :95-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: rickh on May 04, 2010, 03:02:43 AM
nosey dont bother me....

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: Buzz on May 04, 2010, 04:33:46 PM
 :95- :95- :104- :104- Is this the trailer your talking about?  Shame is I came home with the bed of the P/U empty ( of machines )  afraid of to much weight had 28 on the trailer, 29 will not fit.  And for those that are wondering, I did not get any machines from Joey, I did get some air for a low trailer tire, and a Hamburger.  :200- :200-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on May 04, 2010, 05:27:14 PM
This hobby's obessing ya... :96-
Hey? Joey sells dart tips?

Here's a story about darts.
I was 19 yrs old and my friend tells me of this place in Montreal that has everything.
So, we jump on the bus and head into the city to the Montreal Dart Shoppe.
I end up choosing this really expensive set of darts & flights that have really sharp gold finish.
After about two or three weeks of playing darts like crazy at the local tavern
trying to win money to buy a case or two of Canadian beer -
my bloody hands are green!!!
We look at my gold darts and there's hardly anything but a cheap, looking dull gray finish left on them.
My friend busts out laughing telling everybody about how much I spent those cheap darts.
I still liked them though...they had great feel and I won
quite a few free beers playing competition with '

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: Bettor Slots on May 04, 2010, 06:13:49 PM
afraid of to much weight had 28 on the trailer, 29 will not fit.

 :97- I think you could have laid one horizontal on top of the 2 chop tops at the front of the trailer.  A bungee or some duct tape would'a held it down....there's always room for one more....

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: stayouttadabunker on May 04, 2010, 06:41:19 PM
afraid of to much weight had 28 on the trailer, 29 will not fit.

 :97- I think you could have laid one horizontal on top of the 2 chop tops at the front of the trailer.  A bungee or some duct tape would'a held it down....there's always room for one more....

I find that there's always room in the backseat for more.... :96-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: jdkmunch on May 04, 2010, 10:53:33 PM
If a slot can fit in a Subaru there is always room for one more!!!


Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: reho33 on May 05, 2010, 03:13:52 AM
.................and Jim says " You should not drive down the road with gaming machines hanging out the back of your car"...........................

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: CaptainHappy on May 05, 2010, 08:09:05 AM
:95- :95- :104- :104- Is this the trailer your talking about?  Shame is I came home with the bed of the P/U empty ( of machines )  afraid of to much weight had 28 on the trailer, 29 will not fit.  And for those that are wondering, I did not get any machines from Joey, I did get some air for a low trailer tire, and a Hamburger.  :200- :200-

Just got to Buzz's last night, now I am going to have to look for the pick of the litter. I  have to take some of the blame for introducing him to S2000's but he is going a little overboard! So am I as I am getting my fix with his visits too! :200- :72- :97-

I need to wait for the sun to come out to see what there is in the litter! :8- :37- :8-

CH :95-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: rickh on May 11, 2010, 05:06:02 PM
So today the heart doc tells me there is no more work being done on me... that I am in pretty good shape now. H explained how the heart grew new arteries around the blockages (2) and we got the rest fixed up... see him in 6 months. I am to stay active and keep the blood flowing. And not a word about the cigars :)

Hope to see you guys in July.

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: Buzz on May 11, 2010, 05:49:59 PM
Just got to Buzz's last night, now I am going to have to look for the pick of the litter. I  have to take some of the blame for introducing him to S2000's but he is going a little overboard! So am I as I am getting my fix with his visits too! :200- :72- :97-

I need to wait for the sun to come out to see what there is in the litter! :8- :37- :8-

CH :95-

Boy  I'm sure glad CH didn't have a bigger truck, he did manage to get 3 S2000s in a SUV  I did suggest putting one on top, but  I don't think he liked that idea  I thought that's why they install roof racks on SUVs at the factory.   :103- :103-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: Buzz on May 11, 2010, 06:07:28 PM
So today the heart doc tells me there is no more work being done on me... that I am in pretty good shape now. H explained how the heart grew new arteries around the blockages (2) and we got the rest fixed up... see him in 6 months. I am to stay active and keep the blood flowing. And not a word about the cigars :)

Hope to see you guys in July.

Rick Maybe you should have your Doc. check a little bit higher, any one that lives in Arizona, owns a slot machine and rides a Harley can't be quite right in the head.  :25- :25- :25-  But am glad doc said your ticker is OK  :244- :244- :244-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: CaptainHappy on May 11, 2010, 06:50:42 PM
Just got to Buzz's last night, now I am going to have to look for the pick of the litter. I  have to take some of the blame for introducing him to S2000's but he is going a little overboard! So am I as I am getting my fix with his visits too! :200- :72- :97-

I need to wait for the sun to come out to see what there is in the litter! :8- :37- :8-

CH :95-

Boy  I'm sure glad CH didn't have a bigger truck, he did manage to get 3 S2000s in a SUV  I did suggest putting one on top, but  I don't think he liked that idea  I thought that's why they install roof racks on SUVs at the factory.   :103- :103-

I did think of borrowing Buzz's trailer, but then things would have gotten out of hand! WAIT...... Things were already out of control!!! :97- :97- :97-

Good thing that we are hijacking the Health Problems thread as it is oddly appropriate. :89- :89- :89- I think that I may have an illness relating to slot machines! :5- :200- :5- :99- :99- :99- :99- :99-

CH :95-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: Buzz on May 11, 2010, 07:06:37 PM
Skipper  I think you screwed up, I was looking at the two Wild Cherry machines that are in the trailer and they both have MPUs like your Triple Butter Fly 5 reel machine. ( one of them is still locked, and I'm going to have to drill it )  :99- :99- :99-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: CaptainHappy on May 11, 2010, 07:23:41 PM
Skipper  I think you screwed up, I was looking at the two Wild Cherry machines that are in the trailer and they both have MPUs like your Triple Butter Fly 5 reel machine. ( one of them is still locked, and I'm going to have to drill it )  :99- :99- :99-

Now you tell me!!!! :25- :30- :25- Snooze I lose I Guess!!! :97- :97- :97- What am I saying I still have to unload the 3 machines and get them upstairs! Plus the trailer from my last AZ trip, but you know the story! :25- :30- :25-
 :208- :208- :208-

CH :95-

Title: Re: Heath problems?
Post by: rickh on May 11, 2010, 07:34:11 PM
Ya Buzz.... my wife would probly agree with you.