New Life Games Tech Forums

Bill Validators and Currency acceptors => JCM WBA 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, and 23 Bill Validators => Topic started by: cruisepl on March 22, 2010, 04:55:08 PM

Title: stacker problem
Post by: cruisepl on March 22, 2010, 04:55:08 PM
Hey Guys and Gals,

I got a "bill validator error" this afternoon on my 044 Igame.  First thought was it was the validator(wba-12-ss) so I swapped it out for another. Still got the error. I checked all the wires, connections, etc and swapped it out for a third and got the same error message.  I changed out the stacker and the error went away.

When I install the stacker the validator does its check and I can hear the gears slow down and whine like maybe a belt is too tight. The rollers and gears on the stacker seem to be ok, at least I cant see anything broken or cracked and everything can be turned by hand.

Anyway I changed stackers and all is well with the machine I was just wondering if this a common problem?    :103-  Any sense in trying to fix the stacker or better just to get another?


Title: Re: stacker problem
Post by: Jim on March 22, 2010, 05:06:31 PM
sometimes the metal ends get banged in and rub against the white wheels that drive the unit.  sometimes the wheel cracks,  you can remove the gear train by removing the two screws ,and that internal unit will slide out for a closer review. you can actually turn the wheel and watch it go through its motions. CAUTION   the screws are metric and strip out very easy, use a # 1 Phillips with a hardened tip. with the unit opened(as too remove the money) you will see the two screws I am talking about.


Title: Re: stacker problem
Post by: Foster on March 22, 2010, 05:44:09 PM
What metal ends?   


Title: Re: stacker problem
Post by: cruisepl on March 22, 2010, 06:48:35 PM
Sorry Im not the greatest photographer but I think you can see good enough to get the idea. 

The metal ends I believe Jim is talking about are part of the case and can be seen next to the white plastic wheels in pic 2116. The wheel on the right operates the rollers and the wheel on the left operates the arm that pushes the bills down into the the stacker.  The case is a bit beat up on the left side but not causing any trouble.

I found that the problem is with the metal bar at the bottom of pic 2114 and can also be seen in pic 2116   This bar has been bent out of shape a little bit and was rubbing against a couple of the rollers just a enough to to keep them from turning.

After a little gentle persuasion the bar is back in shape and stacker is working fine.

Thanks for the help.