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General NLG Chat => Rants and Raves (SEE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ENTERING!) => Topic started by: FOXSSLOTS1 on March 30, 2010, 08:41:52 PM

Title: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: FOXSSLOTS1 on March 30, 2010, 08:41:52 PM
Don't know what the rest of the country is experiencing - but here in Florida there are Mini Casinos opening up all over the State - depending on what county - they flourish or in this case - are closed down. (
 In my county (Pasco) with whom I have a working relationship with their detectives - they don't allow any gambling - they even arrested some senior citizens for playing Penny Ante Poker (I mean PENNIES!!).  As soon as one of these casinos opens up - they are raided.  So needless to say - none have opened here for awhile - go to a neighboring county - there are CYBER CAFES they call them - where you register and pay for INTERNET Time - which ends up being video slots OR you can access the internet.  Seems our legislators are to busy trying to pad each others pockets and fight over who will be in charge of the Gaming Industry that will eventually happen here - so in the mean time - non-Indian interests are raking in big bucks.  What is happening in your neck of the woods?

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: reho33 on March 30, 2010, 09:20:54 PM
Not much here. I went to the link and saw what they were doing. Intresting.

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: Railroad94 on March 30, 2010, 09:54:23 PM
In the Midwest they have had riverboat gambling for the last ten years + and slowly trying to move them to land base.

Seems like IGT will corner the market      I know WMS is not even close to poker machines as IGT but all this is happening in Williams backyard.

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: slotsteve on March 30, 2010, 10:27:17 PM
We  live close to nc/ va border  nc is loaded with sweepstakes , these guy are making lots of cash  in beat up gas stations and c stores

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: MikeyB on March 31, 2010, 01:06:05 AM
Doesn't really have anything to do with illegal gambling,  but in Indiana, there is a 3 county area where the gaming commission is
seizing machines left and right from homes even the cheap Japanese ones!They hit homes when they get around by word of mouth!  but yet on craigs list and the newpapers in other areas in Indiana are advertising slots for sale and nothing happens.  As a
matter of fact, there is a store front in Indy that sells the machines, no bones about it, no hiding no nothing! I seen it there about three years ago, and drive by there at least 3 times a year and they are always busy with people inside buying them.

What gives??????

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: MikeyB on March 31, 2010, 01:10:03 AM
And obviously, I live in one of those three counties! go figure!  So at this time, we are moving!  yes, moving. My wife hates the small town life, and I hate the slot laws. 

No KY jokes please..... I'm doing it all for the love of slots!

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: KirkLasVegas on March 31, 2010, 02:20:52 AM
There is a guy on Craigslist in HAWAII!!
Advertising new Pachislo machines on the Big Island
Last time I looked, they too were illegal in Hi...
Big balls or complete stupidity????

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: Bettor Slots on March 31, 2010, 03:17:00 AM
In Ohio they are popping up everywhere.  There is one just 5 minutes from my house...same concept...internet based gambling.  This particular place has been raided twice, machines taken out, doors closed for a few months, and then the owners just fill it with new machines and start over.  I'm guessing that they make enough money to cover the loss in equipment between the time they open and the time it takes for the authorities to get a warrant.  Maybe they are getting this last stretch they've been open now for about 5 months and not shut down yet....the two previous times they only lasted between 2 to 3 months before the doors were closed.

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: reho33 on March 31, 2010, 11:11:41 AM
And lets not forget about the 8-liners in Texas that dispense 5 minute phone cards (can anyone say 21st century gum ball vendor).

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: StatFreak on March 31, 2010, 11:22:48 AM
And lets not forget about the 8-liners in Texas that dispense 5 minute phone cards (can anyone say 21st century gum ball vendor).

As anyone who knows me here could attest, a five minute phone card wouldn't do me much good; it takes me longer than that to say hello. :5- :30- :127-

Pachislos in Hawaii... If I have a DOJ and I fly there to check out his inventory, is the trip tax deductible? :128- I'm pretty sure that it's going to take me at least two weeks to look over all of his machines... And I think that he is going to have a few on Maui and Kawaii that I'll want to check out while I'm there. I've heard that he keeps most of his inventory at the beach. :72- :72- :72-

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: reho33 on March 31, 2010, 12:27:03 PM
I think pachislo's are not in the same ball park as Vegas / IGT 3 reel machines. Areas which have prohibted slots usually let pachislo through because of the skill factor. CO, LA, CA, WA, MO, MT, OR , and CT consider pachislos to be slot machines and therfore illegal and not exempt. HI not mentioned.

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: StatFreak on March 31, 2010, 12:55:41 PM
I think pachislo's are not in the same ball park as Vegas / IGT 3 reel machines. Areas which have prohibted slots usually let pachislo through because of the skill factor. CO, LA, CA, WA, MO, MT, OR , and CT consider pachislos to be slot machines and therfore illegal and not exempt. HI not mentioned.

Wait until they get an Indian casino or two.  :25- :72-  California didn't consider Pachislos to be illegal under the law until the California Gaming Commission was commissioned. At least, they didn't police the open sale of them in retail stores, even in chains like Spencer's Gifts. Once the Indian casino compacts were reached and the commission geared up, the state "suddenly" realized how much those awful  skill stops were contributing to the delinquency of its citizenry gaming revenue.  :125- :81-

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: Brianzz on March 31, 2010, 01:26:24 PM
Eh who needs to go to Fla for some illegal gambling.. some say it can be done right across the river in MO :103-

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: KirkLasVegas on March 31, 2010, 03:14:01 PM
Eh who needs to go to Fla for some illegal gambling.. some say it can be done right across the river in MO :103-

Some of the people in the San Fernando valley were not too bright. We were out one night "Spot checking" Liquor stores to see which ones would sell to minors(LAPD Vice).
We sent the minor in, got a violation. When we entered the store there was a "Pot of Gold" Cherrymaster in plain view in the store.The owner had 3 other stores in the Valley, so we visited those too. Guess what? two more Cherrymasters! We said/did nothing...
We came back the next day and hit all THREE locations the same time..took the machines. I got to take them apart and determine if they were indeed "Gambling/Gaming" machines. They were, they took bills and coins.It had a bill acceptor and a coin door like a pinball machine.It had a keyswitch to clear the credits off, no hopper or ticket dispenser.
This guy was nuts! he was thinking it was perfectly legal, just like the machines at Chuck-E-Cheese....

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: reho33 on March 31, 2010, 04:22:08 PM
I think the UK has a version of it AWP (amusement with prizes) and SWP (Skill with prizes). But anything with a "knock off" meter is designed for gambling and illegal. PA runs into this stuff all the time. The gov. determined there were 50,000 illegal video poker machines in PA and he decided they should all of a sudden be legal so that "the state can get it's fair share of the revenue and insure the fairness of the game". It got defeated however.

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: knagl on March 31, 2010, 05:07:22 PM
I got to take them apart and determine if they were indeed "Gambling/Gaming" machines.

...and then did you get to keep them for yourself as "evidence"?   :200-

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: reho33 on March 31, 2010, 05:34:41 PM
they probably went to auction or to the crusher.

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: Neonkiss on March 31, 2010, 09:58:32 PM
My neck of the Florida woods has small shopping mall store front casinos opening up.
It works like this, Register at the desk and you get a smart card. Add say $20.00 bucks to the card.
Play and win credit on the machine. When you want to leave or change machines you push the call attendant button.
The attendant then writes down the number of credit you won and places them on your card. You can then cash in your smart card with credits for GIFT CARDS.

I had one of these operators ask me to work on some of his machines. I not only told him NO, I told him HELL NO. :60- :58-
He's been open for over a year now and even had a car run into the storefront and stop inside the casino. I figured he was done when the news crews showed up and filmed the damage by the little old lady the mis-took the gas for the brake.
Turned out he doubled his business from the news media coverage.
Still up and running, but I'm no fool. I stay away......

He also claims his pay back percentage is like 72%

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: Brianzz on March 31, 2010, 10:01:06 PM
Another sleazeball way to manipulate the payout, give gift cards for overpriced junk

Title: Re: Illegal Gambling Continues
Post by: KirkLasVegas on March 31, 2010, 11:08:17 PM
they probably went to auction or to the crusher.

They went into the property vault until the court date. After the hearing the boards were broken into pieces, the necks on the CRT's were snapped and the mess returned to the owners...