New Life Games Tech Forums

Arcade Games, Pinball, Crane Games, Redemption Games and Other Stuff => Pinball Games => Topic started by: cfh on March 31, 2010, 08:17:34 AM

Title: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: cfh on March 31, 2010, 08:17:34 AM (

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: ROCKET on March 31, 2010, 09:56:05 AM

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: StatFreak on March 31, 2010, 12:27:19 PM
Well spoken, Clay. :3- :3- I'm glad to see that you've been able to get your message out to a larger audience.

I find it satisfying to note that the children and teenagers who have been to my home and have played my pinball machine have always reacted positively, despite having been raised solely on video games. Even in this day of quick cuts, video realism and immersion, the experience of interacting with a physical ball on a real table never ceases to hold their interest -- or mine, for that matter.

Stat :31-

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: reho33 on March 31, 2010, 12:27:55 PM
Everything old is new again

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: ROCKET on March 31, 2010, 12:45:34 PM
Everything old is new again


I just gave everyone karma !! hoping to reverse the body from getting older  :103- :103- :103-

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: StatFreak on March 31, 2010, 01:07:13 PM
Everything old is new again


I just gave everyone karma !! hoping to reverse the body from getting older  :103- :103- :103-

Right back at ya'. I hope it helps... :89-   ...Oww, my arthritis flared up while I was clicking on your +karma link.  :8- :47- :208- :208- :208-

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: brichter on March 31, 2010, 01:51:36 PM
Clay, you're a movie star!!!

Good job, glad to see more pinball wizards in today's world.

We even have a machine in our lab at work...

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: ROCKET on March 31, 2010, 02:20:08 PM
Everything old is new again


I just gave everyone karma !! hoping to reverse the body from getting older  :103- :103- :103-

Right back at ya'. I hope it helps... :89-   ...Oww, my arthritis flared up while I was clicking on your +karma link.  :8- :47- :208- :208- :208-
Everything old is new again


I just gave everyone karma !! hoping to reverse the body from getting older  :103- :103- :103-

Right back at ya'. I hope it helps... :89-   ...Oww, my arthritis flared up while I was clicking on your +karma link.  :8- :47- :208- :208- :208-

I have some medicine for that you know about .. that helps with my arthritis PERFECT .. but i found out yesterday at docs ??
it does not let the kick stand down after extended use !! :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37-


not Rocket on this one !!

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: CaptainHappy on March 31, 2010, 09:44:06 PM
I have some medicine for that you know about .. that helps with my arthritis PERFECT .. but i found out yesterday at docs ??
it does not let the kick stand down after extended use !! :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37-


not Rocket on this one !!


So are you trying to tell me that the solution that stops INFLAMATION, but unfortunately it also prevents INFLATION??? :8- :8- :8- You know there are other pills that help with the INFLATION, but they probably cause INFLAMATION!!! :37- :37- :37- There is no winning in this world other than Laughing and Smiling it looks like!  :89- :72- :89- :72- :89-

After re-reading the post I am thinking that I may have gotten the side effect wrong??? :103- Or did I? :103-

CH :95-

P.S. I got the email, but am in tax mode trying to get caught up so I have not replied. I might as well do it here now! HA HA :200- I still have to watch for Jackie to go on sale so that I can get into that! As for Dex I am always a season behind as I don't have premium TV and I wait for the DVD release, and while I was waiting someplace, I accidentally read in a magazine about the new DEX stuff and spoiled last season for me!! :37- :8- :37-

Remember the captainhappy email address is better as it gets checked more frequently than that one!

Take care Buddy! :88-

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: CaptainHappy on March 31, 2010, 09:51:27 PM
A random K+ storm just blew through here!  :244- :244- :244- We need to make more smiles happen!

Also I can't see the video, did I break it? :99-

CH :95-

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: StatFreak on April 01, 2010, 03:45:15 AM
I have some medicine for that you know about .. that helps with my arthritis PERFECT .. but i found out yesterday at docs ??
it does not let the kick stand down after extended use !! :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37- :37-


not Rocket on this one !!


So are you trying to tell me that the solution that stops INFLAMATION, but unfortunately it also prevents INFLATION??? :8- :8- :8- You know there are other pills that help with the INFLATION, but they probably cause INFLAMATION!!! :37- :37- :37- There is no winning in this world other than Laughing and Smiling it looks like!  :89- :72- :89- :72- :89-

After re-reading the post I am thinking that I may have gotten the side effect wrong??? :103- Or did I? :103-

CH :95-

Donnie, sometimes you just have to keep the bike moving to hold it upright if you can't get the kickstand working. From what you've told me, if the economic choice is a compromise between lowering inflation lucidly or the pain of fighting the increasing flow of narcotics across the border, I'd go with you on deflating the kickstand for while -- just have her sit on the seat. :96- :88-

Take care of yourself first, Donnie. F(* the doctors; they have their own bikes. At least you won't be getting anyone PreDnant in the No parking Zone.. ;)

The Captain :95- is right: you have to laugh and have a sense of humor. This world is too hard to take any other way. :200- :97- :97-

SF :31-

P.S. Sorry Clay. Didn't mean to hijack your thread. Bad Stat  :190- :72- :72-

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: ROCKET on April 01, 2010, 10:14:29 AM
 :244- :244- :244- :244- TO THE TWO FUNNY GUYS    :244- :244- :244-

well three I started it . YES you both are on same level of ground we all walk on two feet right now !!(sometimes on three )   :89- :89- :89- :89-

the "KICK STAND"       in the teens to 40 was well used never a stop without a drop !! :152- :152- :152- :152-        :138- :138- :138- :138- :138- :138- :138- :138-

but the Pred.  nis   one.  over a period of time does work fantastic for inflamation "when used correctlty"  in my condition of 24/7 chronic pain
from missing a few of those things called DISC in back and neck !!
along with dozens of nerve blocks throughout the year ..

the sad part is it does affect the unflation part--- it  does get halted at times !! gives me time to work on the house lol play with the dogs
play my own slots for once !!
now of course there is> test    toss ter own  << replacement .. or the famous blue pill ..  :244- :244- :244- :244- :244- :244-
I wish i had stock in that co. when it came out that went off like a ROCKET !! NO PUN !! the balance act of out of pain to do daily duties vs what was all one thought about at 18 yrs old and on  :72- :72- :72- :72- :72-

you do have to take the pain away for things to work anyway ?? doctors -- hey I have been to every hospital in the state of MA. 
in the past 15 yrs . they all have the same conclusion !! what it is is what it is !! will a doctor write a script for the medicine ?? ==NO !
so Dr. House presecribes it to me ...and it gives me a life again !!
if you or anyone has suffered from chronic pain 24/7    >not accute pain << it alters your life to a degree you can only imagine !!its not waiting for pain to arrive it living pain !!..

well this was of course a drift off the norm as ususal  :109- :109- :109- :109- :109- :109- but many members im sure can learn from this also !or relate to it ??

Dr. House  over & out !!!  :245- :245- :245- :245- :245- :245- <<<<I  look better than that !!  wooo weeee !!

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: CaptainHappy on April 01, 2010, 07:02:53 PM
A random K+ storm just blew through here!  :244- :244- :244- We need to make more smiles happen!

Also I can't see the video, did I break it? :99-

CH :95-

Well, Back on track again!!! At least all of the attention made the video work again!!!  :97- :97- :97-

Pretty cool press there Clay! I was finally able to view the video, and there were some awesome games in the video! K+ again for posting and sharing!

I will resist the desire to get a pinball machine, as I do not need another sickness!  :47- :99- :47- :72- :72- :72-

CH :95-

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: StatFreak on April 01, 2010, 09:51:08 PM
I will resist the desire to get a pinball machine, as I do not need another sickness!  :47- :99- :47- :72- :72- :72-

CH :95-

:122-   Yooooo willlll getttt ahhh pinballlll maaaachine   :122-   Yooooo willlll getttt ahhh pinballlll maaaachine   :122-
:122-   Yooooo willlll getttt ahhh pinballlll maaaachine   :122-   Yooooo willlll getttt ahhh pinballlll maaaachine   :122-
:122-   Yooooo willlll getttt ahhh pinballlll maaaachine   :122-   Yooooo willlll getttt ahhh pinballlll maaaachine   :122-
:122-   Yooooo willlll getttt ahhh pinballlll maaaachine   :122-   Yooooo willlll getttt ahhh pinballlll maaaachine   :122-
:122-   Yooooo willlll getttt ahhh pinballlll maaaachine   :122-   Yooooo willlll getttt ahhh pinballlll maaaachine   :122-
:122-   Yooooo willlll getttt ahhh pinballlll maaaachine   :122-   Yooooo willlll getttt ahhh pinballlll maaaachine   :122-

P.S. :95- you know that I can no longer see the glow effect on my computer. :47-

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: CaptainHappy on April 02, 2010, 06:11:25 AM

I guess that you get a K+ for your sacrifice and emotional torture!!!

CH :95-

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: StatFreak on April 02, 2010, 08:56:44 AM

I guess that you get a K+ for your sacrifice and emotional torture!!!

CH :95-


:95-  Did they glow? Was it good for you? :126-

Title: Re: Video with pinball, unfotunately no slots though
Post by: CaptainHappy on April 02, 2010, 09:20:21 AM

I guess that you get a K+ for your sacrifice and emotional torture!!!

CH :95-


:95-  Did they glow? Was it good for you? :126-

It may have glown too much! I made a purchase today!!! No it was not a pinball machine! I just wanted to lead you on! HA HA  :200- :97- :200-

CH :95-