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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: mitymouse on April 04, 2010, 01:10:08 PM

Title: IGT S+ and WBA 11 - not accepting bills (Fixed - thanks!)
Post by: mitymouse on April 04, 2010, 01:10:08 PM

I have an IGT S+ (type 5, SP731 game and 4246 reel) with a WBA11 DBV.  The currency is set to $0.25, which is correct for the machine.  The game is working fine with the exception of the DBV.  It cycles at powerup, is enabled in the menu (9,1),  the bezel illuminates, and it will feed bills in.   However, it will always reject them after a few seconds.  I have tried $1, $5, $10 and $20 with the same results (old and new currency- but since the $1 doesn't work I don't think it would be a firmware version on the DBV causing a problem).  The info for the DBV is WBA-11-SS-USA-501-23, and the eprom has WBA 11, IDO 22-23, version 3.34.   It's otherwise fully playable, but I am funny about having things working like they should...   :5-

This DBV was working prior to a low battery condition on the MPU and subsequent replacement.  I re-enabled the DBV with a set chip that I recently acquired for a problem with another S+.  I've pulled out the cash can, removed and reseated the DBV and transport assembly, etc - any ideas where to go from here?  Also, does anyone happen to have a SP731 document that they would care to share?  I'd love to have that handy for reference.  Thanks for reading!  :)

Title: Re: IGT S+ and WBA 11 - not accepting bills
Post by: Tilt on April 04, 2010, 01:49:48 PM
The PSR you're looking for is in the file section (click on Submit a new File button above).

Title: Re: IGT S+ and WBA 11 - not accepting bills
Post by: mitymouse on April 04, 2010, 05:31:22 PM
Thank you Tilt!  Very much appreciated!!

Title: Re: IGT S+ and WBA 11 - not accepting bills
Post by: knagl on April 05, 2010, 04:49:55 PM
To be clear, it's holding the bill for a couple of seconds and then rejecting it?  That's typically a sign of the wrong ID.

I'm not familiar with the WBA11 -- are there any dipswitches on it, and (throwing this out there for anyone), are any of the dipswitches used to switch between ID022 and ID023?

Also, mitymouse, you said that it was working before the low battery?  Was it the exact same SP and SS chips that it was working with?

Finally, stick with a good $1 bill for testing purposes -- once you get that working, then try the others.

Title: Re: IGT S+ and WBA 11 - not accepting bills
Post by: mitymouse on April 05, 2010, 10:21:33 PM
That is exactly the behavior- draws the bill all the way in, thinks about it for a few moments, and then kicks it back out.

There are dipswitches, however I haven't done any research into them yet.  Didn't make any changes to the dip switches, and the game and reel proms are the exact same ones.  (Only change was the battery replacement, followed by re-enabling the DBV with the set chip).

However- the machine is now working.  I found another thread that suggested doing a full clear (using the clear chip), then re-enabling the DBV.  I went through this process and now it is accepting the bills.  Not sure exactly why that worked, but perhaps it's a bit like Windows- reboot and try again when things don't make sense.   :96-

Anyway, thanks to Tilt for the SP document, knagl for checking in on this one, and everyone who read and thought about it for a bit.  It is appreciated!

Title: Re: IGT S+ and WBA 11 - not accepting bills (Fixed - thanks!)
Post by: Tilt on April 05, 2010, 10:34:46 PM
Congratulations Mitymouse.  Glad to hear you got it up and running again, and thanks for following up here, it may help others in the future.  :3-