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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => Aristocrat Video Gaming Machines => Topic started by: elvisc on April 14, 2010, 08:53:18 AM

Title: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: elvisc on April 14, 2010, 08:53:18 AM

I have an problem with Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong with progressive.
The problem when press Collect button the machine restart.
The machine works all OK, accept money, start game, only when press collect they restart.

Bill acceptor UBA-10-SS
Ticket Printer Ithaca Epic 950
Main version 11011922
Game version 20196011

When they restart for a short time is visibile error from panic log.
In other error log is all normal, no errors.

Attached picture of panic log.

When I perform RAM reset they work normaly.

What is the possible reason for this error?



Title: Re: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: knagl on April 27, 2010, 09:07:46 PM
I'm no Aristocrat expert, but that first error message says that the "Credit is not equal to sum (total) of "type 1"".  Is the denomination set correctly in all of the places that the denomination needs to be specified?

Title: Re: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: elvisc on April 28, 2010, 06:55:25 PM
I'm no Aristocrat expert, but that first error message says that the "Credit is not equal to sum (total) of "type 1"".  Is the denomination set correctly in all of the places that the denomination needs to be specified?

Yes, the denomination is set correctly, the game work normally, accept money, you can play, if press collect button, they block with reported error and restart, when they power on, the credit is the same befor restart, you can play again, machine accept money, all work normally except if you press collect button to make pay out.
I try to change ticket printer with another machina, the error is the same, I also try with new printer, the error is the same.
If I make RAM reset and all setting the machine work normally but with this lose all data and statistics.
we had this error on three machines with different games in six month.

Title: Re: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: slotexpres on September 22, 2010, 05:17:33 PM
Hi Elvisc!
Dali jos uvjek imas problem sa tim Aristocratom?
mada vjerujem da je problem u sistemu (ako koristis advansys onda sam siguran 100% jer sam imao isti problem!)
Pozdrav iz BiH

Title: Re: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: elvisc on September 22, 2010, 06:06:56 PM
Hi Elvisc!
Dali jos uvjek imas problem sa tim Aristocratom?
mada vjerujem da je problem u sistemu (ako koristis advansys onda sam siguran 100% jer sam imao isti problem!)
Pozdrav iz BiH

imamo advansys in sa njim puno problema...
odkad sam naredio ram clear ovaj Aristocrat radi...
ali napaka se pojavila jos na dvima drugima Aristocrat masinama...
samo ramo clear je napaku resio...

pozdrav iz SLO

Title: Re: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: slotexpres on September 23, 2010, 05:01:10 AM
pretpostavio sam da je problem u tome posto sam i sam imao isti problem kada sam instalirao Aristocrat masine na njihov sistem. Problem je sto system posalje ludu info do masine i ona je zapamti kao takvu. koji fmw koristis u printeru? I to je jedan od mogucih uzroka.A sve ovo je mene  navelo na ideju pa sada ja zastupam jednu kompaniju iz Australije EBET koja se bavi tim sistemima. I naravno da radi sve poznate protocole a ne samo SAS kao sto je slucaj kod pomenute kompanije. Imam i mogucnost da na starije masine koje ne podrzavaju tito dodam uredjaj koji to omogucava kako bi te masine ukoliko su interesantne igracima ostale sto duze u upotrebi. Ti radis u nekom kazinu u Sloveniji?

Title: Re: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: marloco24 on October 25, 2010, 05:16:47 AM
hi there who I can consegir board and also MK6 BILL GPT.
I welcome your comments.

Title: Re: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: SS308 on October 26, 2010, 06:35:59 PM
I have a reco mk6 gpt but is configured for AU$. Dont know what board you are talking about though.

Title: Re: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: marloco24 on October 27, 2010, 02:31:24 PM
I got it wrong.
I mean if they know kien MK6 xp sells cards and bill tambiem GPT model SA-4

Title: Re: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: SS308 on October 27, 2010, 07:27:48 PM
Aristocrat XP boards are readily available here in Aussie, I can purchase for aprox AU$500.00 & the GPT bill validators are aprox. $200.00 AU.

Hope this helps.


Title: Re: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: marloco24 on October 28, 2010, 04:14:48 AM
Hi Shaun.
got an email to talk more like hotmail or skype.
I am interested in the bill and the mainboard.

Title: Re: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: SS308 on October 28, 2010, 04:17:55 AM
My email is user name @


Title: Re: Aristocrat MK6 Xcite The Golden Gong Problem
Post by: marloco24 on December 15, 2010, 10:59:01 PM
I have a problem with the touch of a machine Atronic place MicroTouch but does not work in spite that respects the connection.
Achaeans should? because I want to make it operational.
I hope your help