New Life Games Tech Forums

General NLG Chat => Rants and Raves (SEE DESCRIPTION BEFORE ENTERING!) => Topic started by: Buzz on May 25, 2010, 03:46:48 PM

Post by: Buzz on May 25, 2010, 03:46:48 PM
This subject has been brought up before but seems time to address it again. So many members do not fill out their profile. It's really not to difficult, your age If your a female lie a few years we understand, your location, if you live in a illegal state. just put down East Coast, West Coast or some BS in the middle, just to give us some idea where your located.

Now let me get on the subject of donations. Why do we have so many members taking a free ride? It's understandable that a person comes on the site, looks around, maybe post a few times and gets their machine working, and doesn't make a donation. But how about the guy that's on for months or even years and never send in a Dime !!! ( makes you really want to help that fellow if he has a problem doesn't it ) There are only two things that keep this site going, donations and Joey's deep pockets. I for one think Joey spends enough of his time keeping this site up and running that he shouldn't also have to pay for it . I should add CaptainHappy also works his butt off for the site .

Post by: PWRSTROKE on May 25, 2010, 07:16:59 PM
I Agree.  B.

Post by: Thor777 on May 25, 2010, 07:26:37 PM
Great points Buzz,  I think it is about time to bring the subject up again  :89-

Hats off to Joey  :31- & CaptainHappy  :95- for all they do here !  :3-  at  :nlg-

I donated before the contest... durning the contest and after the contest and think that anyone that finds this site usefull should !

It don't have to be large amounts but I think consistency is more important.

If everbody donated just $5.00 a month that would be great.

I try to give at least 10 - 20 a month to help pay you guys for putting up with me  :97- Sometimes more & sometimes less depending on my financial situation is and how many beers I've had at the time...   :72-
So drink up & donate !  :5-

Post by: ROCKET on May 25, 2010, 08:49:09 PM

Post by: rickh on May 25, 2010, 08:55:18 PM
Are we supposed to announce if we donate? I didnt say anything after quietly sending mine in after you all helped me out... it felt like the right thing to do.

Post by: ROCKET on May 25, 2010, 09:01:43 PM

Post by: rickh on May 25, 2010, 09:05:32 PM
I was being hilarious..... but along this line of reasoning and the request, I guess there is no way for the average person to know who might be a paypal'er or not.... we just have to assume most are being nice people.

Now, there are ways for people to get merit or recognition via the admins based on financial help.... sorta like posting levels....

Post by: ROCKET on May 25, 2010, 09:09:54 PM

Post by: a69mopar on May 25, 2010, 09:18:19 PM
Are we supposed to announce if we donate? I didnt say anything after quietly sending mine in after you all helped me out... it felt like the right thing to do.
At the time of your donation, you should email Joey with the payment info so he can update your profile (first time contributors).  Your's reflects that you are a contributing member....

and for those that haven't done so... Please fill out your profile, you never know who may be nearby and could offer help or a beer...


Post by: Buzz on May 25, 2010, 09:47:51 PM
Rick  It's pretty simple, if your name is in Green you have made a donation, name in Blue you haven't !! I've said to much today, I don't have a dog or cat so think I'll just go kick a slot machine !!! 

Post by: PWRSTROKE on May 25, 2010, 11:12:02 PM
Or a "Beer"---- :222-.  Kick a slot machine--I will smash one ,  Green members,  I Been Green ever since I started here---------- :96-.    The Beer usualy works out the best  and after those the rest falls into place------------ :134- :151- :9- :154- :198- :118-.  B.

Post by: reho33 on May 25, 2010, 11:17:33 PM
I would not want to know what an IGT or Bally or (fill in your brand here) tech would charge to fix your machine, oh that's right, they don't support home users. But I'll bet they charge the casino $$$ per hr and a 4 hr min. to show up. That is after the techs have had a crack at it and they are stumped.

Post by: stayouttadabunker on May 26, 2010, 01:31:16 AM
To all blue name members...

I think I'm gonna start charging.... :96-   just ...2 cents ain't worth it  :97-
Actually, any member whom has not contributed to NLG after
10 posts will not get any help from me until they do.
Sound fair?
I don't want to start naming names of all those who have blue names at the moment...
I think you know know who you are!
So, do you think NLG members have helped you in any way?
Have you learned anything from this website?
If you've answered yes to one of these points...please consider helping out a little.
I can assure you...YOUR donation will NOT be wasted on Army Screwdrivers. :137- :139-

Post by: Super Joker on May 26, 2010, 01:40:12 AM
Please don't beat me, but might I ask a few questions?

First, I should preface this with the following; I "work" (admin and moderate) on a few other forums, and have owned a couple in the past as well (don't own any right now). I've worked with Simple Machines (which this site uses), phpbb, and vbulletin (for those of you not familiar, these are types of "forum" software). I've also worked with various hosts, and virtually all the sites I've been involved with have been on shared servers, some Windows, most Linux.

My experience has been that with most forums with 30 thousand (or less) members, most any shared hosting plan will support forums fine - no need for dedicated server(s). Two I work at use Godaddy, one uses AsmallOrange, another uses some other basic provider. Domain name and server space on Godaddy typically only runs around $100/year. AsmallOrange is a little more, but you can also get vBulletin included with several packages.

I am curious as to what the expensive costs are, as SMF and phpbb are free (vBulletin is a paid-for product, with annual support renewals). If I can help out or offer technical assistance or experience in any way, I am happy to as I am able, and would hate to see the owners of this site spending extra money that they wouldn't have to.

EDIT: I just took a look, and see that this site is being hosted on theplanet, which might explain the costs (a couple other sites I know used to be hosted with them). Joey, do you have your server bandwidth/usage/size stats?

Again, please don't beat me, I'm the type of guy to search for coupons for the casino buffet, use match-play coupons, and anything else to reduce my costs at casinos

Post by: Buzz on May 26, 2010, 01:43:01 AM
I think I'm gonna start charging.... :96-

Are you going to quit your day job and become a Male Hooker  ????????????   :97- :97- :97-   I guess a male would be called a hooker  :103- :103- :103- :103- :103-

Post by: stayouttadabunker on May 26, 2010, 01:51:08 AM
I think I'm gonna start charging.... :96-

Are you going to quit your day job and become a Male Hooker  ????????????   :97- :97- :97-   I guess a male would be called a hooker  :103- :103- :103- :103- :103-

My legs aren't that

Post by: CaptainHappy on May 26, 2010, 09:58:46 AM
Just a quick message to everyone! Thanks for the kind words, and most of all for making this the best slot (and more!!!) We would not be able to do it all without all of the help we get from our awesome staff and excellent membership! You all deserve alot of  :244- :244- :244- :244- :244-

I threw out K+ to everyone in the thread! :3- :3- :3-

Have a great rest of the week! :89- :71- :89-

CaptainHappy :95-
 :nlg- ADMIN