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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => WMS WILLIAMS. => Topic started by: cp on June 01, 2010, 05:38:15 PM

Title: WMS Ram Clear issue
Post by: cp on June 01, 2010, 05:38:15 PM
I have a couple   WMS  video cpu boards that  have the  "piggy back"  add ons  to the PCBA slot  cpu.   The boards were pulled from working  WMS  550's.   I am  changing  the  games....(using the same number of eproms... XU2,3 17, 18, 30, 31  all  8 megs)   in the initial  Ram Clear  I get  a  "squeal"  and  2  bongs.     Clear screen /  pick the denom  shows up... but no  "click" sound when picking  denom  etc...   Pull out the Ram Clear chip.... put in the  XU2....  Restart  gives me,  again,   2 bongs...   I can  go to configure...set that up... and  will go into game....  However...    I'm getting only partial sounds and  the  "game play"   is  slow  and has  delayed and erratic  action and erratic sound.   Re-checked  eproms /  checksum...   all  OK.  I have also tried to put the original  game eproms back in the machine and it cleared properly...   I came across  another  WMS  that had the "piggy back"  boards  4 months ago...and could change out the games with no problems...  I'm also not having any problem  changing games  with the   1.5+  CPU's.

Any ideas ? ?    Thanks.

Title: Re: WMS Ram Clear issue
Post by: Pokernut on June 01, 2010, 09:03:05 PM
Check your jumper by the sound chips, position JP3.   I'm thinking your old game sound chips may have been 4 megs.  There are a few game titles for the 550 that do have 4 meg sound chips

Title: Re: WMS Ram Clear issue
Post by: cp on June 01, 2010, 09:44:31 PM
Thanks for the reply... The  WMS  CPU  1.5  board does have the jumpers for  8 meg sound and  game eproms.   I have the  WMS cpu boards with the piggy back and extender board... no  JP3  jumper...   I'll post pictures of the CPU.   The  game I'm  pulling out is  Money To Burn which has  8 meg sound and game eproms.   It is working.   The game i'm   trying to install is  Life of Luxury / Best Things in Life. 

Title: Re: WMS Ram Clear issue
Post by: cp on June 01, 2010, 09:46:44 PM
WMS Video with  Eprom Extender for position XU2,3.  Also has the  piggy back board for the video plug-in.

Title: Re: WMS Ram Clear issue
Post by: Pokernut on June 01, 2010, 10:12:27 PM
My files for the Life Of Luxury are all 4 meggers.  Check your chips, you may not need that extender board

Title: Re: WMS Ram Clear issue
Post by: cp on June 01, 2010, 10:43:22 PM
Some people call it the Life of Luxury 2  /  The Best things in Life.  ( it does have 8Meg Snd)    I've  actually done this game change before several months ago...same old style  CPU  with piggy backs etc.    Just a note here...  this old style ( I'm calling it old style )  CPU  is actually a ( 3 reel)   slot machine cpu.  Williams,  came up with the add on boards  when they just started producing the video slots...I'm  assuming they had thousands of the slot cpu's  and rather than scrap them...they developed the piggy back /  add on boards...they are marked WMS / 1998.  When the video took off... they redesigned a dedicated  1.5+ CPU ....(this is just a guess-timation on what was going on w/ WMS and the slot to video shift.  Especially when they saw the demand for video take off. )   

Still need some insight why the "new"  game is not loading properly.   As I can't find my  WMS manual .... anyone know of  the  2 bong error / issue when clearing ram ?   should be only one bong...  Thanks again.

Title: Re: WMS Ram Clear issue
Post by: tacman on June 01, 2010, 11:23:26 PM
According to WMS manual- 2 startup bongs= Bad XU-30 on CPU board. Remedy= Replace with good XU-30, Clear Ram and retest game. Also verify sound jumpers for correct eprom size.

 Dan (tacman)

Title: Re: WMS Ram Clear issue
Post by: blueridgeslots on June 02, 2010, 05:24:18 AM
Chris, look underneath the Video Adapter (where the monitor cable plugs in) there are either 2 or 4 surface mount ram chips on that board, if 2 that is your problem, if 4 then forget what I said, you can see it without removing, older games like Mon 2 Burn and Who Dunnit don't need much, but the newer games won't work, I see everybody selling any WMS board they can dig out now, but many won't work, they were Poker or early Slot games, I can take some pics and show you if you need me to

Title: Re: WMS Ram Clear issue
Post by: cp on June 02, 2010, 11:53:32 AM
Thanks. Jim.   There are 4 surface mount eproms... mounted at the "top" (underside)  of the video piggy back.  I have re-checked all  6  eproms. all 8 meg.  The checksums all  are verified... and  re-verified.   The gameboards came with the machines and were working...and working with 8 meg games... I'm just having  the problem of installing the  Lfe Of Lux 2.   !   I've done it  before  several months back...

Note:  this board does not have the  4 meg /  8 meg the  1.5+  boards do. 

Thanks to all who have tried to help.    I'll put an advert in the classified for    1.5+  boards.