New Life Games Tech Forums

**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT I-Game and Game King. => Topic started by: camino on June 06, 2010, 11:39:52 PM

Title: Game King LCD install
Post by: camino on June 06, 2010, 11:39:52 PM
Hello All!

I was hoping I might ask for your help in trying to figure out what's going on with my Game King.
I replaced the CRT with a Ceronix upgrade kit along with the CPI 1404 8 pin chip they sent with it
that went in U17 on the 3902 board.

The color is beautiful, but has some issues. There is video noise in the background now. It is most
noticeable on solid color screens. Upon boot up, you can see vague outlines of dark vertical lines
that go across the whole screen. When it comes to the menu of games, the lines are faint, but
still there. When you start a game, they aren't as noticeable, but there is a definite difference in
lightness across the screen where the vertical lines were on boot up.

There is also diagonal noise now. It is real noticeable in BlackJack. The slowly moving faint lines go
corner to corner. The whole screen has the barely noticeable lines and they move corner to corner lines of ants. And they will change direction from any corner of the screen.

It's a little irritating after spending a lot of money on the LCD to see this. Does anyone have any
ideas where to start?

Thanks for any help!


Title: Re: Game King LCD install
Post by: knagl on June 07, 2010, 02:38:34 AM
Hopefully some folks here will be able to help, but have you tried calling Ceronix?  Their techs are generally pretty friendly, and are very knowledgeable about their products.

Title: Re: Game King LCD install
Post by: bkoch on June 07, 2010, 03:08:59 AM
I hate to say this but I had a similar issue with the first two monitors I got from ceronix but they were quick to fix the issue for me.

I would call them in the morning


Title: Re: Game King LCD install
Post by: camino on June 07, 2010, 07:15:55 PM
Hey guys,

I am going to call Ceronix in the am. I guess I needed to hear it from someone else first. I didn't
want to call them and have it turn out to be something stooopid going on with the 3902 board.

Thanks for the help.


Title: Re: Game King LCD install
Post by: Yoeddy1 on June 30, 2010, 07:47:22 PM
Hey guys,

I am going to call Ceronix in the am. I guess I needed to hear it from someone else first. I didn't
want to call them and have it turn out to be something stooopid going on with the 3902 board.

Thanks for the help.


Camino, did you ever get this resolved?  I'm thinking about this same LCD upgrade and want to know if there are any potential problems.


Title: Re: Game King LCD install
Post by: camino on July 01, 2010, 12:31:14 AM

I called Ceronix and they want me to send the monitor to them to look at it. (at my expense!)
In retrospect, next time I will try the Wells-Gardner monitor for $200 less and see how that
one is. I was disappointed in all the "quality" hype you read about with Ceronix. This one
should have never gotten outta prison.

That being said...after sitting in front of an LCD for a month...there's no way I can go back
to the old CRT that came out of it. I can only describe the screen as "luscious" looking....

...real purdy.......

Just be prepared for the chance you might get a bum one like I did....and I'm not looking
forward to going through the pony show to get it fixed.

Title: Re: Game King LCD install
Post by: Yoeddy1 on July 01, 2010, 12:44:01 AM
Man I would be raising hell with them if it was doing that new out of the box.  I would think they'd swap it for a replacement or at LEAST cover the shipping if it's within 30 days. 


I called Ceronix and they want me to send the monitor to them to look at it. (at my expense!)
In retrospect, next time I will try the Wells-Gardner monitor for $200 less and see how that
one is. I was disappointed in all the "quality" hype you read about with Ceronix. This one
should have never gotten outta prison.

That being said...after sitting in front of an LCD for a month...there's no way I can go back
to the old CRT that came out of it. I can only describe the screen as "luscious" looking....

...real purdy.......

Just be prepared for the chance you might get a bum one like I did....and I'm not looking
forward to going through the pony show to get it fixed.

Title: Re: Game King LCD install
Post by: camino on July 01, 2010, 12:54:00 AM
There's the problem...if I go off on them and tell them how I really feel about sending me this boat anchor,
I doubt anything would get resolved in a time frame that would make me happy. I did slip in a barb about
how I was led to believe their product was the Cadillac of monitors while Wells-Gardner monitors were $200 less
than theirs without the problems. I could almost hear her smiling and rolling her eyes at the phone....

No...I will bite my tongue and get through it and order a Wells-Gardner next Jim at Better Slots
tried to tell me. Isn't it amazing how we get suckered into brand names....thinking they have to be better just
because of the name.  Caca.....

Title: Re: Game King LCD install
Post by: StatFreak on July 01, 2010, 10:33:25 AM
Maybe you should take the time to correctly learn all the available monitor adjustments before you claim it's a bad monitor.  There's some really goofy (read: non-standard) frequency settings on these monitors that need to be messed with to eliminate those lines you're seeing.  Been there.

Perhaps you might wish to detail the steps that you took to eliminate the problem and the frequency settings that worked for you for the edification of our membership.

Title: Re: Game King LCD install
Post by: ROCKET on July 01, 2010, 11:04:15 AM
Maybe you should take the time to correctly learn all the available monitor adjustments before you claim it's a bad monitor.  There's some really goofy (read: non-standard) frequency settings on these monitors that need to be messed with to eliminate those lines you're seeing.  Been there.

you might wish to detail the steps that you took to eliminate the problem and the frequency settings that worked for you for the edification of our membership.
Maybe you should take the time to correctly learn all the available monitor adjustments before you claim it's a bad monitor.  There's some really goofy (read: non-standard) frequency settings on these monitors that need to be messed with to eliminate those lines you're seeing.  Been there.

Perhaps you might wish to detail the steps that you took to eliminate the problem and the frequency settings that worked for you for the edification of our membership.

great question -Stat-- I always like to learn as  have said in many post . but I figured since you asked the question first it wnt cause any conflict !

happy holliday--- to everyone -- be carefull where you keep your fireworks if you use them ..

Title: Re: Game King LCD install
Post by: camino on July 01, 2010, 10:52:11 PM

What do you mean non-standard settings? I see no means of adjustment on the monitor board. As far as the front adjustments, I bought
the remote and went through everything available....but the lines are always there. Please clue me in....where do I get information on
the other adjustments?

Thanks for the help.


Title: Re: Game King LCD install
Post by: StatFreak on July 01, 2010, 11:44:06 PM
Hi Camino,

It was actually another member who had suggested that there were modifiable parameters available on your monitor, but he had failed to provide the necessary settings. I was requesting that he offer a more detailed explanation to assist you. Unfortunately, that gentleman is no longer a member of this forum.

I'm hoping that one of our monitor experts will have an answer that can help you. :89-

Sorry about the misunderstanding.

Stat :31-

Title: Re: Game King LCD install
Post by: camino on July 02, 2010, 12:15:02 AM
It's cool...thanks for letting me know. If there's settings, I'm all over them...but I just don't see it.

Thanks man.