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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT I-Game and Game King. => Topic started by: SilverFerret on July 10, 2010, 03:20:46 AM

Title: Touch screen issues
Post by: SilverFerret on July 10, 2010, 03:20:46 AM
I reviewed previous posts and came across someone with similar if not the same issue but haven't heard back form him on his posting from long ago so I am starting a new thread in hopes to hear from a knowledgeable person in this area.
In a nutshell... My touch screen goes way out of calibration if the machine sits idle or if the cabinet door is opened. It seems to stay in calibration while playing but I cant confirm that completely unless I continue to change the numbers while playing keno. Once out of calibration, I have to turn the machine off and back on and then calibrate it because unless it is turned off and back on, it doesn't calibrate correctly.
Any idea what my issue is and how to correct it? Also, if it needs a new touch screen, are they expensive and difficult to replace?
On a side note, has anyone seen this particular glass and is this "Double On" feature something common on all Game Kings or somewhat more rare?
Thanks again, Jim

Title: Re: Touch screen issues
Post by: knagl on July 11, 2010, 09:06:46 PM
Not sure what to tell you about your calibration issue, but I can at least answer the "double on" question.

On most (if not all) of the Game King video poker games, there's an operator-selectable option to enable the "double up" feature.  In Las Vegas, a lot of the casinos have the double-up feature disabled (likely because it's a coin-flip proposition, so the casino isn't making money when people are playing the double-up game).  To attract attention to machines that have the double-up feature enabled (or "on"), some banks of games have "double on" on the glass, or on toppers on top of the machine.  Obviously, it's up to you as to how you have the poker games configured as to whether or not the double-up feature is enabled.

Title: Re: Touch screen issues
Post by: kforeman on July 11, 2010, 09:42:38 PM
which touch screen controller do you have?  old style uses eeproms, new used flash technology.  i do believe Mike has posted up fixes for both styles in his repair log threads.
either way your issue sounds to me like a controller problem, do you have another you can swap it with?

Title: Re: Touch screen issues
Post by: SilverFerret on July 11, 2010, 10:06:11 PM
which touch screen controller do you have?  old style uses eeproms, new used flash technology.  i do believe Mike has posted up fixes for both styles in his repair log threads.
either way your issue sounds to me like a controller problem, do you have another you can swap it with?

All I know is that the machine is from 1998 and I have seen eeproms somewhere in the diagnostics or somewhere.
No I don't have another to swap it with and truthfully, I am not aware yet of what the contoller looks like or where to find it. I appreciate the help though and I am gaining knowledge everyday. I will try to find the thread you're refering to.
Thanks, Jim

Title: Re: Touch screen issues
Post by: kforeman on July 11, 2010, 10:13:21 PM
the t/s controller is mounted to the inside wall of your monitor chassis.  power your game down and pull your monitor straight out, there may be a shipping screw holding it in place, it would be in the front-center of the shelf your monitor sits on.  once the monitor is out there will be a pcb held to one side of the frame with 4 screws, that is the t/s controller.

Title: Re: Touch screen issues
Post by: SilverFerret on July 11, 2010, 11:50:22 PM
This sounds like something worth trying. Do I just replace it, or adjust it? If it just needs replacing, do you know what I'm looking at pricewise?
On someone elses thread, the thought was a scratched touch screen. For the life of me, I can't find an issue with the screen itself so the controller idea sounds plausible to me.
Thanks, Jim

Title: Re: Touch screen issues
Post by: SilverFerret on July 12, 2010, 03:17:03 PM
I see after pulling the monitor out that the controller is a replaceable, not adjustable item. Any suggestions on who to contact for a replacement?
Thanks, Jim

Title: Re: Touch screen issues
Post by: kforeman on July 14, 2010, 06:10:24 PM
if you want a replacement controller i recommend contacting Jim at Blue Ridge Slots (link at top of page); i've purchased parts for my moms machine from him and never had a bad experience.
another option would be to try to find someone to refurbish your controller for you, if it's a new style there is a kit you can purchase and do it yourself even.  assuming you have the tools and knowledge, the soldering is pretty easy.

Title: Re: Touch screen issues
Post by: SilverFerret on July 14, 2010, 06:25:39 PM
Thanks, I was reviewing the fixes in the repair logs that you suggested and I might give it a shot myself but if they're not that expensive, I may buy one and just replace it and learn on the old one.
How can I determine if it's the old sytle or the new one? Without having taken it out, all I see for identification is on one edge it says "IGT Touchscreen Controller" or something like that off the top of my head but no numbers associated with it that I can see.
Thanks again, Jim

Title: Re: Touch screen issues
Post by: kforeman on July 14, 2010, 07:18:31 PM
if it has eeproms that are removable it is old style, the new style is a flash board.

Title: Re: Touch screen issues
Post by: SilverFerret on July 14, 2010, 07:53:31 PM
Now you did it... you lost me. No, seriously that is talk I haven't yet learned but I did talk to Jim at Blue Ridge and I will double check it but we think I have the old style due to the 13" monitor size.
Thanks, Jim

Title: Re: Touch screen issues
Post by: kforeman on July 14, 2010, 08:56:17 PM
how about connectors...old style has 3 connectors, one is 2 pins, one is 5 pins and one is 6 pins.  new style has 3 connectors, one is 2 pins, one is 5 pins and one is 12 pins.

Title: Re: Touch screen issues
Post by: SilverFerret on August 10, 2010, 11:26:04 PM
Update: I bought another used board which had other issues so I replaced 6 Capacitors (C47-C52) and have had zero issues after three days. Thanks to Fingroper for his repair logs which tipped me off to what the probable issues may be. It was first time doing such repairs and am pretty happy with the results.
Thanks again. Jim