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**Video Slots** Gaming machines => IGT I-Game and Game King. => Topic started by: SilverFerret on July 18, 2010, 07:00:42 PM

Title: To default or not to default
Post by: SilverFerret on July 18, 2010, 07:00:42 PM
As a rookie, I'm not up to speed on many things but I attempted my first key chip / game change successfully but did have to do it twice because I forgot to disable the hopper for hand pay only (my machine doesn't have a hopper) so when I had to use the key chip again, everything I had set before was back to default settings. My question to you all is, is there a way to make changes without the machine automatically reverting back to it's default settings?
I wish I could remember what the three questions it asked in key chip mode were but I don't. In doing my reprogramming I had answered yes to all the questions and then rebooted. Is there one that I leave in the no postion and thats all?
I don't want to do it again if I don't have to.Thanks, Jim

Title: Re: To default or not to default
Post by: Tilt on July 18, 2010, 07:35:29 PM
Leave Clear Ram before Reboot and Clear E2 and RAM Before Reboot at "NO", Set Perform Keychip After Reboot to "YES".  Then you can change a setting and keep everything else the way you had it.  You can't have any credits on the machine to enter the keychip menu though.

Title: Re: To default or not to default
Post by: SilverFerret on July 18, 2010, 07:48:51 PM
Thanks a bunch, Jim

Title: Re: To default or not to default
Post by: SilverFerret on July 18, 2010, 10:01:36 PM
Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I tried what was suggested but when the base chip was back in and the machine was turned on, it didn't give me any programming screen. It was as if I had done nothing at all. The machine was in regular playing mode for lack of a better term.
I'm pretty sure it should have gone to a programmable screen.
What am I doing wrong?

Title: Re: To default or not to default
Post by: SilverFerret on August 05, 2010, 01:33:59 AM
Okay, here's an update and maybe someone can clue me in but... I've done what was suggested multiple times figuring I'm missing something, then last night I saw the setup button that is needed to do the things I want. So I fidled with it and changed some things. Tonight I wanted to mess with more stuff so I now have attempted it four times and never see this mysterious setup button that I was once able to access. I realize now that I'm not a complete moron and that either I'm just doing a step wrong or it just doesn't "key" like it's supposed to.
I thought because it worked last night that my problem was that I closed the cabinet door when powering up because the one time it worked was the time that I left it open but now it doesn't that way either. Could the "key chip" be the cause? I could erase everything and start over. It works that way everytime.
Thanks, Jim

Title: Re: To default or not to default
Post by: CaptainHappy on August 05, 2010, 07:53:42 AM
Are you making sure that there are zero credit on the machine? :103- :103-

CH :95-

Title: Re: To default or not to default
Post by: SilverFerret on August 05, 2010, 09:22:53 AM
Yep, zero credits.

Title: Re: To default or not to default
Post by: Tilt on August 05, 2010, 12:16:08 PM
What key are you using?  I had the same thing happen that you're describing using key 40 on a Game King (4.3 sw) yesterday.  The only way to get to the keychip menu was to clear the ram/eeprom which I didn't want to do because it wipes out all your settings in the process.  I ended up using key 17 and it worked without wiping everything out. 

Title: Re: To default or not to default
Post by: SilverFerret on August 05, 2010, 12:38:05 PM
I'm using a 22 key.
Here's information about my machine:
Game program set version: G0002142
Game program set CRC: 4db6

Config program version: M0000888
Config program CRC: A522

Sound set version: SWC00046
Sound set CRC: 6F43

Touch screen version info:
Itsf0002 28-08-96
Bill validator version info:
WBA-12/13 024 V3.35-29
Bill validator program signiture:
Main processor board serial number:

What program version am I running?
I was told I needed a 22 key chip from this info but also read that if the onscreen buttons are red, it's a 17 key chip and if the onscreen button were blue, it's the 22 key chip. Mine are red. Have you heard if this is the case?
Thank, Jim

Title: Re: To default or not to default
Post by: Tilt on August 05, 2010, 01:31:54 PM
You have Game King v4.3 as well.  I tried keying mine with 22 just now and I get the same result as you do.  If I let it do a clear it goes into the keychip menu afterwards, if I don't it doesn't enter the keychip menu and boots up to the game.  Key 17 takes me to the keychip menu every time.  It doesn't have a menu associated with it, you install it in the base socket, turn the power on, wait for two amber lights on the MPU to illuminate, then power down and replace the base chip.  It doesn't clear the RAM or EEPROM, so you can change a setting without having to set the entire machine up again. 

I've read conflicting things on Key # vs. button color, the PSR for the software is the best way to determine the key required, but I don't have one for it.

BTW, your bill validator software is pretty outdated.  If it's a WBA-13 you can update it with a new eprom.  If it's a WBA-12 it has flash memory and that requires some special hardware to update.  Jim at Blueridge updated a WBA12 for me really reasonably awhile back.

Title: Re: To default or not to default
Post by: SilverFerret on August 05, 2010, 01:50:27 PM
So I'm not crazy and I need a 17 Key Chip. Got it.
Thanks, Jim

Title: Re: To default or not to default
Post by: SilverFerret on August 08, 2010, 03:04:30 PM
After further inspection, my validator is labled WBA-12-SS. It doesn't take some of the newest money, would the update correct this? I suspect that's what the update is for, but just asking to make sure.
Thanks, Jim