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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: motom67 on July 23, 2010, 06:05:36 AM

Title: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on July 23, 2010, 06:05:36 AM
I have an igt slant top s+.  I just converted the machine from 25 to a nickel.  I got a new coin in head, validator, and hopper.  I played the machine for about a minute and a couple error codes came up.  I cleared those little bastards and now my reels show _ _ _, all three wheels are showin the taped section of the reel strips.  What do you all think?

Title: Re: Reel strips stuck on stupid
Post by: knagl on July 23, 2010, 07:09:11 AM
Welcome to the site.

After a RAM clear or game change, S+ machines will spin the reels to "blank - blank - blank" (the three blanks it uses are the blanks where the top and bottom of the strip meet), unless three blanks is a paying combination (games like Red White and Blue, and the like), in which case it'll spin to blank - blank - bar (or something like that).

Is the "Insert Coins" light on?  Have you tried playing a game?  Are there any error codes on the display?  Is there even a problem with your machine, or are you just wondering why the reels spun to that combination?

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on January 16, 2011, 08:12:52 AM
The game is 10times pay.  The game does not have a _ _ _ blank, blank, blank winning combination.  I'm wondering what mode is the machine in...  Winner paid shows a 1.  Credits shows _ blank.  Coins played shows 0.  The candle light (bottom) is blinking fast, (top) is not on.  I tried following the intructions to RAM CLEAR everything.  This is what I got.  I'm going to try it again. 

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 16, 2011, 05:04:58 PM
Stop it with the Clear chips please
It's not necessary ...all they do is wipe everything out.
The only time you need to use Clear chips is when you have a returning
error code such as [61] that you cannot get past by or
reset all of the internal accounting numbers to zero...

Now, if your machine is indeed an S+, and because you've stuck in a Clear chip -
your bill acceptor is shut down.
Now you have to go out and buy the proper SET chip to turn on the bill acceptor.
Why? Because NOW you've wiped out everything...including the settings that
someone once used to turn on the bill acceptor.

I have no idea why people are using these Clear chips all the time... :60-  :30- :25-

Does your machine accept coins?
As far as I can see - all you need to do is play one complete
game to get the blinking candle to shut off.

The top part of the candle is just for a service call such as calling for someone to come help you
with your machine or a girl to bring you a drink and some cigars.

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: knagl on January 16, 2011, 06:00:23 PM
Indeed, stop clearing the thing, please.   :89-

Make sure your cash can door is completely closed (and latched, if equipped).   Make sure the main door is closed and the latch is completely all the way down.  When you do this, do the three reels spin to life, stopping at the blanks one at a time?  If so, your game should be ready to accept a coin.  Try dropping a coin in and spinning.  Does it work?

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: brichter on January 16, 2011, 08:27:39 PM
The top part of the candle is just for a service call such as calling for someone to come help you
with your machine or a girl to bring you a drink and some cigars.

Hey Bunker, now that you mention that, maybe you can help me.

I have problems with the candle on both my S+ and my S2000. When I turn on those lights, no girl ever shows up with a drink or cigars. Do I need to do a ram clear, or is there some special setting in the menu to enable this?  :3- :96-

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 16, 2011, 08:59:46 PM may not work for home use... :96-

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on January 17, 2011, 03:06:35 AM
The Machine...  IGT, Slant top, 10 times pay, S+.  I had the same problem with the machine a few months ago that I have now.  I think its in some sort of self test or mode.  I've had this machine for a year and I know a lot about them, or so I think.   I have successfully brought back a double diamond deluxe slant top machine from the dead.  I am able to compair and contrast between the two.  My Double DD is working properly.  I am wondering how they reels spun to this combination and how to get the machine to play again. 

The Bill Validator...  This machine does not have a bill validator.  This machine is a slant top.  The machine bill validator door on the upper right is closed and working properly. 

Coins...    My machine accepts nickels.  Before the blank, blank, blank payline the nickel coin comparitor would not work properly.  I would shovel in 10 coins and 5 would register.  Some get eatn up and some would spill into the tray.  Now that the payline shows blanks I can not put any money in without it spilling into the tray. 

Candle Lamp...  The candle lamp top is off.  The candle lamp top appears to be blinking fast. 

Doors...  The bottom door is closed and working properly. 

Error Codes... There are no error codes displayed.  I work through the codes and have gotten to this point. 


Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 17, 2011, 03:32:54 AM
Swap the coin comparator yet?
How come the CC rake isn't opening?
What state of condition is the 2-pin header for the rake solenoid?

Is the sensitivity potentiometer dial adjusted correctly on the CC?
Try turning it fully counter-clockwise then clockwise 1/4 turn.
Before you do that though - where's yours set at?

What part of the candle are you talking about?
There's two bulbs.
A top one AND a bottom one.
You said there's two Top ones...  :103-
okay...technically they're BOTH on top of the machine but
one is just a couple of inches higher than the other one...

"Doors...  The bottom door is closed and working properly. "
OK, do you have door optics or are you utilizing cherry switches?
If door optics, does the "Coins Played" number change when you close the door?
If using a cherry switch, does the "Coins Played" number change when you close the door?

"I am wondering how they reels spun to this combination and how... "
Knagl already gave you an answer to this.
Mainly it's because you used a Clear chip.
Want to make the reels stop on the split?
Stick in your Clear chip again! Works every time!
Re-read the second post of this thread^^^

Remember, the more you tell us - the more we'll tell you, but pictures are better..."

(okay, I changed the slogan a little... :96-)


Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on January 17, 2011, 04:12:00 AM
swapped out CC everything works :279- thank you for your time,i will be sure to pay it forward

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: knagl on January 17, 2011, 06:24:27 PM
Glad it was a simple solution.

Before you go and toss the old comparator in the trash, try adjusting it.

The old one may be adjusted to be too sensitive, or it might be an issue with a dirty pot in the thing.  Turn the dial all the way back and forth a few times to make sure it's making a good contact, ending up dialing it away from the plus, then see if your acceptance improves.


Using a tiny screwdriver, adjust that dial back and forth a few times, ending up adjusting it counter-clockwise (away from the +) to make the comparator less sensitive -- that'll let the comparator reject fewer coins.  Now try it and see if it accepts your nickels more consistently.  Make sure you have a nice clean nickel in there as a sample coin.

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on January 17, 2011, 08:19:55 PM
There is something definately wrong the rakes inside the CC.  I've tried a hundred times to find a good position for the dial.  Nothing is working.  I've replaced the nickel several times as well and have used different nickels to test with.  I took out the CC (with nickel in the correct position and dropped a nickel in the top... the coin comes out the bottom right.  I never goes left unless I pull the rake by hand.  I don't know if this is normal. 
I found a dead spider behind the back of the black plastic CC adjustment skrew.  I don't know if that would ark contact.  The points look good and I cleaned everything out. 

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: Buzz on January 17, 2011, 11:02:37 PM
You have the correct comparator for a S+  machine, one slight problem may be some of the parts are missing. No gray wires going to the rake.

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 17, 2011, 11:04:13 PM
You have the correct comparator for a S+  machine, one slight problem may be some of the parts are missing. No gray wires going to the rake.

lol...That could explain why the rake doesn't pull back when inserting a coin... :96-

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on January 17, 2011, 11:12:41 PM
Here is a pic of the back.  I'm gunna try testing the continuity now.

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: Buzz on January 17, 2011, 11:17:12 PM
All I can say is the pic. you posted doesn't show the gray wires plugged in. Look at the pic. Kevin posted and you will see what I mean.

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on January 18, 2011, 02:12:19 AM
Those gray wires are there.  I'll try cleaning em up and checking to see if that works. 

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on January 19, 2011, 02:22:42 PM
So here is the update...  I got the CC cleaned out and tested everything outside of the machine.  I think I've figured out the problems.  The rake will not for the life of it pull back to allow the coin to pass through.  I removed and replaced the rake/magnet and still haven't had luck.  I by passed (used a screw) the rake and now the nickel will go through but the counter will not show any new credits.  I don't know wtf...  I also tried swapping the whole unit from a working machine.  The CC and assembly works like a charm in my quarter Double Diamond Deluxe Machine.  The DDD machine counts every proper coin and rejects the bad ones.  However, when i put this CC and assembly in the 10Xpay machine it all of a sudden does not take most of the coins.  It works, just not good.  For every 10 coins dropped, 2 are credited.  The uncredited coins drop back into the tray. 

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 19, 2011, 04:11:10 PM
This 10XPay coin mech works fine in the DDD?
That doesn't make sense but does point the problem elsewhere -
like the MPU or wiring harness.

One way to make sure is to install the DDD coin mech unit into the 10XPay machine.
If the DDD CC doesn't work in the 10XPay - then we know
the problem exists further back in the line towards the MPU.

Now you get an idea how swapping out parts helps you pinpoint the problem?

However, if the DDD coin mech works in the 10XPay -
we will back to square one in trouble shooting... :37- :8-

I'm very tempted to say the problem is with the 10XPay CC harness?
Broken black ground wire perhaps?

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on January 19, 2011, 06:32:39 PM
The 10Xpay machine works okay with the DDD CC and other parts attached (coin shute, and wires).  Whats weird is that the DDD machines CC works perfectly when it is in the DDD machine. However, when I take it out and put it in the 10Xpay machine it works but only 10 percent of the time.  2 out of every coins put in will register.  The other 8coins will fall to the tray.  When I put the 10Xpay CC in the 10Xpay machine all the coins drop straight to the tray and not into the hopper.   When I put the 10Xpay CCin the DDD machine the coins fall straight in the tray.
I would like to know more about the wire harness and MPU.  How to test, what to look for.  Location, etc...  I would also like to find out if the CC rake works and how to test that.  I think thats one problem. 
Question: If I tape the rake open does the counter count the coin?  I've tried it but the counter doesn't count. 

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: a69mopar on January 19, 2011, 09:54:16 PM
did you swap the main board? 


Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on January 19, 2011, 11:59:10 PM
I have not swapped the main board.

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 20, 2011, 01:20:13 AM
It sounds like the 10XPay CC doesn't work in any machine.
The DDD CC only works part-time in the 10XPay machine.

If the above is correct then:

The 10XPay's CC is no good.
The 10XPay's MPU has problems too.


The 10XPay's CC harness is broken?

The way to check this is to put the 10XPay's CC harness into the
known good machine - which is the DDD and it's own DDD CC.

C what I mean?  :72-

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: Buzz on January 20, 2011, 06:42:06 AM
Bunker   Do you realize your working with a Slant Top with a assembly like this one.

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 20, 2011, 12:18:07 PM
Yeah Buzz,
I know it's a pain in the you-know-what to change out a harness for a slant sit down machine but
everything seems to point out to either the 10XPay CC or it's harness.

I wish he'd try swapping the MPU though like knagl suggested.
If he swapped the MPU and the 10XPay CC still didn't work - then we'd know for sure
the problem lies with the 10XPay CC harness?

I don't even want to get into the Coin-In optics just yet...

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on January 21, 2011, 03:49:33 PM
I have another picture

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on January 21, 2011, 03:52:40 PM
I'm not sure what an MPU is.  I working on ordering a new CC harness', CC and CC assembly.  I don't mind having extra parts.  Until then I guess I can keep tinkering.

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 21, 2011, 04:51:43 PM
MPU = Microprocessor Unit
The brains of a slot? There's some dispute to that I'm sure... :96-

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: knagl on January 21, 2011, 05:12:26 PM
Main Processor Unit, as far as I knew.   :71-

The MPU board is the removable circuit board that holds the chips that are the brains of your machine.  It is in the base of the machine, next to the hopper.

(NEVER remove or insert a MPU board when the machine is on -- make sure to turn the power off every time before you remove or insert a MPU board.)

Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: stayouttadabunker on January 21, 2011, 05:52:54 PM
In the 1993 S+ manual, IGT does not use the initials MPU anywhere.
In fact, they're always referred to the MPU as the "processor unit".
They never even said "main" - they've actually used the word "machine" instead.

Maybe the name is changed nowadays but please check out
this from the 1993 IGT S+ Field Service Manual...
Click to enlarge if needed! >>>


Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: a69mopar on January 21, 2011, 06:58:00 PM
MPU Board...On a slant it's the board on the left side when you take off the belly door (lower door).  In the industry it's often referred to as main board. If you work on many platforms you tend to use common terms that may not be the ones in the manual, but are understood to all.  Of course being new, asking questions always gains knowledge of these things.  The reason I asked if you swapped the main boards was to see if the problem resides in the main board.  once swapped, you will likely get an error code(usually by holding the white button for a few seconds...) that should clear easily and then would see if the problem follows the board.  Kevin and Bunker seem fine here so i'll leave it to them.  If you browse through the posts on this site, you'll see all kinds of info.


Title: Re: Reel striips stuck on stupid
Post by: motom67 on January 21, 2011, 09:29:29 PM
I have a feeling my problem now is just the CC, CC harness and the thingy below the CC (near the shute).  I ordered some parts and I'll let you all know how it turns out next week when I put it all back together.  Thanks for everything!   :279-