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General NLG Chat => The Slot Shop **Tech Talk** => Topic started by: staz on July 25, 2010, 07:13:34 PM

Title: whats the dif of hard tilt and soft tilt in bv options on a s2k??
Post by: staz on July 25, 2010, 07:13:34 PM
im useing a wba13 and it rejects my money i put in it like 2 or 3 times before it takes it contantly.....whats causen that to happen? i went to options theres a hard, soft, and ignore tilt option what does that mean? then theres a reject limit option which its set at 99 right now.....can someone explain what these options mean???????/  :99- :99-

Title: Re: whats the dif of hard tilt and soft tilt in bv options on a s2k??
Post by: stayouttadabunker on July 26, 2010, 02:01:21 PM
I'm not entirely sure what the options concerning hard and soft are or
what they do but I think the main problem you're having is the lack of bill acceptance.
Have you ever clean it?
To improve bill acceptance - remove the head and clean the several optical eyes/lens with a damp cloth.
Do NOT use alcohol -based liquids as they're known to cause glazing/blurring over
the plastic lens which will make things worse later on.
Just warm water on a clean damp rag will work wonders!
Clean the black rubber belts the same way as well.
You'll be amazed at how much junk/gunk is CAKED on them!
Let the unit completely dry out then re-install into the machine and you should be good to go!

Title: Re: whats the dif of hard tilt and soft tilt in bv options on a s2k??
Post by: staz on July 26, 2010, 09:16:20 PM
i cleaned it and still reject half of my 100s i put in it.....i think im due for a new wba13 ....... im still tryen to find out what hard and soft tilt mean and what ignored on the options does?

Title: Re: whats the dif of hard tilt and soft tilt in bv options on a s2k??
Post by: kforeman on July 26, 2010, 09:29:35 PM
if you have your BV set to hard tilts then when there is a tilt (bill jam, cashbox missing, etc.) the machine will put itself into an unplayable condition and the top candle lamp will flash until the problem is corrected.
if you have your BV set to soft tilts then when there is a tilt (jam, cashbox missing, etc.) the machine will still be playable but the top candle lamp will flash to let you know there is a problem.
the reject limit is just what it sounds like.  if it's at 5 then if there are 5 bill rejections with no accepted bill then the machine will lock up in a hard tilt until the door is opened and closed.  most people set this at 99 so the machine doesn't lock up when they pull soggy, wrinkly bills out of their boot!!

Title: Re: whats the dif of hard tilt and soft tilt in bv options on a s2k??
Post by: stayouttadabunker on July 26, 2010, 09:31:45 PM
I agree with most of the previous post but your machine is for your own personal enjoyment right?
If so, set the thing for" ignored", that way it will accept monopoly

Title: Re: whats the dif of hard tilt and soft tilt in bv options on a s2k??
Post by: staz on July 27, 2010, 01:40:44 AM
thanks guys i set it at 99 as the reject limit and ignored as the pther option... i noticed by setting it at ignored evrytime you take the money out of the cash box the machine doesnt recycle itself when you close the door.....

Title: Re: whats the dif of hard tilt and soft tilt in bv options on a s2k??
Post by: Firebird on July 28, 2010, 11:04:56 PM
When you clean that WBA head, make sure you take something and clean the gunk off of the plastic rollers too! I use a toothbrush with then end ground down to a point, like a scraper, does not scratch the rollers and is very effective in removing the gunk, and the brush part is good for sweeping away the debris. The gunk on these rollers will give the magnetic pickups on the head incorrect signal readings that will make the head reject bills. I would also suggest getting some calibration paper and calibrating the head.