New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: Daveservo on August 05, 2010, 08:03:40 PM

Title: New to slots love this site!
Post by: Daveservo on August 05, 2010, 08:03:40 PM
 Hello to all,

 Just purchased my first slot machine last Saturday afternoon. My purchase has guided me to this website. What a terrific find! Almost every question I had was solved by trolling through the posts in this section. Thanks to the site members on this site I have learned alot about this machine.  :131-

 Here are a few things I have learned: It's an IGT S+ Triple Triple Diamond, has SS6767 and SP0872 chips and how to change the denomination with the set chip.

 Things I have done: Changed the denomination from .25 to .05 with set chip, swapped out the .25 hopper shelf wheel with a .05 version and swapped the .25 sticker with a .05 one.

 Also was able to find parts thanks to this site! Came across Slot Machines LTD by clicking the banner adds one at a time. Turns out the place was less that 15 miles from my house! Who knew Dayton, OH was a slot machine hotbed!?!?! April, the main person that works there, was the most helpfull person in the world. She took me to the "shop" area of the facility and showed me step by step how to achieve my goals. She really knows her stuff  :3- . Was able to pick up the shelf, sticker and chip for $25. From the looks of it, they had everything you could possibly need to fix a machine. Highly recommend them if you are looking for something. April is the bomb!

 Questions I have: 1) Looking at the "on-line game bible" I was able to find my machine and have found the SS6767 chip listed that occupies my board. Could I swap my chip for the SS8147 chip that is also on the list? My goal is to lower the hit percentage to the lowest possible. (Have a very luck sister in law that I need to counteract. She hit the jackpot less than 30 minutes of me having the machine plugged in!) Aslo, where would I find that chip? That was the one thing they did not have at Slot Machines LTD.  2) The arm can be pulled but it rises back to the start position very very slowly. Is this normal? 3) During my swap from .25 to .05 I didn't replace the coin head to the .05 one. Is there a practical reason why I should change it? Also, I did not change the Pin wheel or the knife. Is there a reason I should change those? Thanks in advance for the advice!

 Here is a pic of the machine.


 This a great addition to our weekly poker night! Now that its stocked with nickels look out!




Title: Re: New to slots love this site!
Post by: U.S.AutoService on August 05, 2010, 08:57:31 PM
Welcome new member !

Personally , I would leave it as it is.  You (and everyone else) will get tired of a machine that never wins.
Your sister in law will probably never hit again for 3 years.  Now that you have her hooked, keep a large supply of change for her, the house always wins.

      p.s. I always set my hopper to zero, too much trouble with coins, handpay is easyer.

  U.S.Auto Service

Title: Re: New to slots love this site!
Post by: knagl on August 05, 2010, 09:17:28 PM
Welcome to :nlg-, Daveservo!

Your sister-in-law hit the top award (3 Triple-Triple Diamond symbols)?!?!?  That's a 1 in 8,000,000 (eight million) shot!  All of the available chips have the same (long) odds of the top award, so even if you switch to the lower percentage chip, the odds of hitting the top award remain the same.  For what it's worth, you likely won't ever see another top award on that machine while you own it unless you have people playing it 24/7.

As far as your other reasons for wanting to put in a lower percentage chip, maybe I'm reading a little too much into your post, but it is highly illegal to operate a slot machine in your home and allow people to wager and win or lose money in it.  Depending on the state you live in, it may be legal to own it and operate it for amusement only, but if you let people gamble money in it, you are breaking the law (in any state).  All it will take is one friend (or that friend's angry wife) who loses too much money in the machine and an "anonymous" call to your local police department alerting them to your basement casino and you'll be wishing you had never bought a slot machine.   :60-  You stand to lose a lot more than you'll ever make on the machine -- it's just not worth the risk.

That said, if you want to purchase a different SS chip for your machine, place a "WTB" (Want To Buy) message in the Classifieds section of the forum, and one of the vendors who frequents this site will get in touch with you and sell you the chip you're looking for.

The pull arm should not be very slow to return to its home position -- either the spring is worn out, or perhaps there's something binding causing the arm to return slowly.  Is it difficult to pull down, too?  Either way, there's a post somewhere here in the S+ section of how to take apart the arm assembly, at which point you should be able to identify the issue.  I imagine that the folks at the slot shop you found would have replacement springs.  If not, that'd be another part you could post a WTB message for on here, too.

As far as the pinwheel and the knife, if it's working for you as is, you don't really need to change them.  I believe a nickel pinwheel would output more nickels per minute when the hopper is running as the pins would be slightly closer together, but the difference wouldn't be that significant.  I'm not sure if there's a quarter knife and a nickel knife, or if there's just a "small coin" knife which does them both.  Again, if your hopper is working properly with no jams as the coins exit and it spits out coins consistently, I wouldn't worry about changing what you've got.

As far as not changing the coin entry head, someone could stick a quarter in there now and jam up the coin entry area -- that'd be the main reason to change it to a nickel head.

Welcome to the site, glad you've already dug through and found a lot of the answers to your questions.  Without a doubt, this site is the best resource for home ownership of slot machines.

Title: Re: New to slots love this site!
Post by: tjkeller on August 06, 2010, 02:32:49 AM
Welcome to  :nlg- Daveservo!   :88-

You found the MOST AWESOME site on the net ever!....for Home Ownership Gaming that is!  :5-

Title: Re: New to slots love this site!
Post by: CaptainHappy on August 06, 2010, 09:12:56 AM

Please enjoy and have fun exploring here!

CaptainHappy :95-
 :nlg- ADMIN

Title: Re: New to slots love this site!
Post by: Daveservo on August 06, 2010, 06:06:50 PM
 I'm enjoying the site quite a bit. I have an Atari Tournament Cyberball 2072 arcade coin op machine that has been in storage for a about 6 years. Bought a house last fall and have since put the machine in the garage. Now I may be inspired to get it up and going. I think one of the monitors was out. Looks like this place can help me again!

 Thanks for all the well wishing and advice. I've been telling a few of my more mechanically inclined friends about the site. Always cool to find places like this.  :3-


Title: Re: New to slots love this site!
Post by: stayouttadabunker on August 06, 2010, 06:52:52 PM
Time to switch that baby out to an LCD screen!!  :79-  :96-