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General NLG Chat => Home Game Rooms. => Topic started by: galahad on November 11, 2008, 08:36:18 PM

Title: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on November 11, 2008, 08:36:18 PM
I know alot of people would like to see pics and thought I'd share some of mine. Am new to the slot community having only a bally 5500, and a bally continental. The continental was a project to get get running. Took me about 2 months to finally start paying out with the right hit and denomination. Mainly was doing pinball for a couple of years. Still have a few more things to put in here, like two older slots,,(pace comet and a mills pointsetta). Always wanted a fortune teller so I made my own. Has arm and eye movement with two cd's, one for the theme song and the other for his speech. So I just thought I'd share---

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: Neonkiss on November 11, 2008, 09:41:16 PM
Love the cigarette vending machine. Always wanted one (and I don't smoke) I just like to see when they were price back then, and laugh now when I see the selling for $6.00 a pack.
Nice collection all the way around.

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on November 11, 2008, 10:02:58 PM
I have an older one in the garage, a 1930's made by DeGeiner. Don't quite have room for that yet!
Love the cigarette vending machine. Always wanted one (and I don't smoke) I just like to see when they were price back then, and laugh now when I see the selling for $6.00 a pack.
Nice collection all the way around.

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: cfh on November 12, 2008, 02:04:22 AM
One of my fortune tellers below. it's a newer one, got it for a nice price.
i have some older ones but this new one is still pretty cool. he moves
his hand, mouth, eyes, head, talks, and dispenses a card. some dotmations
in the foreground. this stuff is "in the que" to get in the basement.
(wife is mad, that's her exercise stepper in the background, and my
crap is blocking the path to it.)

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: Forrhouse on November 12, 2008, 02:15:25 AM
Nice pics. i love seeing peoples game rooms and the different games they have in them.

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: tjkeller on November 12, 2008, 03:22:49 AM
I know alot of people would like to see pics and thought I'd share some of mine. Am new to the slot community having only a bally 5500, and a bally continental. The continental was a project to get get running. Took me about 2 months to finally start paying out with the right hit and denomination. Mainly was doing pinball for a couple of years. Still have a few more things to put in here, like two older slots,,(pace comet and a mills pointsetta). Always wanted a fortune teller so I made my own. Has arm and eye movement with two cd's, one for the theme song and the other for his speech. So I just thought I'd share---

VERY nice and thanks for sharing! :3-

I do have to say that's the first time I've seen the Killer Clowns on vending machines...trying to scare kids away from candy, eh??? :72-

I agree with Neonkiss on the Smokes Seems kinda a sacrilege to put USAs in the Camel & Luck Strike positions. :25-  :79-
Then again, for 75c what can one expect?  :72-
...."First Premium Quality Cigarette" :97- If only they KNEW! :97- :97-

That's a nice collection of beer pulls you've got also...I've always wanted a Guiness. :89-

Is that Hit-A-Homer game functional?...It seems I've seen something like that before about 10 eons ago...wasn't quite sure how it worked. ???

Seems a little spooky down this just YOUR lair? (insert dracula smiley here) >:D At a stifling 62 degrees it's gotta be just about right
for that daylight nap in the wooden box. :79- I'd probably jump through the rafters if the FunHouse dummy started talking on his own in an
attract mode. :104- :138- And Lord only knows what you're keeping behind the latched wooden door behind the Salem clock! :79- :97-

I don't recognize the gray board/book toy under the Pin Bot? appears to be electronic? ???'ve got a "Hot Nuts" there's something you don't see every day!...How does it work? :61- and more importantly does
it hurt? :97- :97- :97-

That's not Cap'n Jack Sparrow behind the Bally Continental is it???

You might be better served moving that "Danger High Voltage" tag from the crate under the Bally to the power strip area next to your Fortune
Teller and the hanging power cord. :79- :72-
...By the way, the dummy, joker, spiders & Fortune Teller add to the creepiness >:D >:D >:D

Man, you've just got too much cool stuff :89- I have to  :81- myself as I am going into maximum overload  :130-

Thanks again for sharing! :3-

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: bronconut7 on November 12, 2008, 10:46:01 AM
Great stuff!  Thanks for posting your pics!

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on November 12, 2008, 04:53:38 PM
tjkeller you must have alot of time on your hands! I bet you were good at that picture game "Where's Waldo"! Make me a little nervous. I'm going to have to find out how to delete, like I said ,I'm new here. Better stick to my format of just questions! You don't know if you don't ask! Thanks for the compliments anyway!

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: tjkeller on November 12, 2008, 06:38:20 PM
tjkeller you must have alot of time on your hands! I bet you were good at that picture game "Where's Waldo"! Make me a little nervous. I'm going to have to find out how to delete, like I said ,I'm new here. Better stick to my format of just questions! You don't know if you don't ask! Thanks for the compliments anyway!

It just HAD to be done :97- :97- :97-
Wait till the photoshop-ers jump in  :30- :97- :72- :97-

No fears though...WELCOME TO NLG!!! You'll find quite the bunch here!
Thanks again for sharing your pics...we all love to see what the other guy is doing...if not for anything other than just to drool! :61- :96-

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: knagl on November 12, 2008, 07:04:48 PM

Thanks for posting those pictures -- you have a nice pinball collection!  I love Funhouse.   :89-

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on December 07, 2008, 11:32:03 PM
Just added a sigma Sneak Peek" poker machine. Traded for a pinball machine. Never really played poker or cards, but really enjoy this machine. Put in an old 5-cent candy machine, believe from the 1950's, and an old pepsi chaulk board. Had to take my "Dr Dude" pinball out of line-up, he took ill and is now in my workshop.

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on December 07, 2008, 11:36:41 PM
Sorry, attached pics wrong. Forgot to hit add attachements-

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: StatFreak on December 08, 2008, 08:09:19 AM
That's quite a collection of memorabilia galahad!  :3- :3-
I see loaf of "Fisher's" bread under the Pabst sign. Where did you get such an old wrapper? (Please don't tell me you've got 50 year old bread in there!)  :163-

I also noticed that you've collected a mechanical slot, a couple of EM's, a stepper slot, and a video slot all in one room. Cool. :89- :133-

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: Ron (r273) on December 08, 2008, 11:26:53 AM
A pretty diversified game! :3-


Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: slotparts on January 01, 2009, 06:17:46 PM
just wanted to add me again

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: StatFreak on January 01, 2009, 10:19:57 PM
just wanted to add me again

I'm glad you did. :71-  I remember your game room from the old site: it was very impressive. As I recall you had more pictures posted previously.

If you limited your upload to two pictures because of the attachment restriction, just use multiple posts. We recently had to reduce the attachment limit because of a new bug that caused an entire thread to blow up.

Welcome back! :88-

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on January 01, 2009, 10:46:00 PM
Nice collection of the older slots,slotparts. Am presently working on a pace comet, with your name and collection of the older slots any recommendations on where to get some info? Have some linkage broken on inside, am pretty sure I know where it goes, but not positive. Any Help? Thanks! Jim!
Also thanks for the info Statfreak about the picture posts. Did notice that the size was lowered.

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: slotparts on January 02, 2009, 01:41:04 AM
ok a few more

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: StatFreak on January 02, 2009, 08:50:29 AM
You have a lot of beautiful antique machines. :131-  I noticed that there aren't any coins in the jackpot windows.  :103-

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: slotparts on January 02, 2009, 03:04:33 PM
cashed them all in to buy gass  :72-

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: slotparts on January 03, 2009, 02:18:13 AM
Nice collection of the older slots,slotparts. Am presently working on a pace comet, with your name and collection of the older slots any recommendations on where to get some info? Have some linkage broken on inside, am pretty sure I know where it goes, but not positive. Any Help? Thanks! Jim!
Also thanks for the info Statfreak about the picture posts. Did notice that the size was lowered.
  could build a few machines from all the parts around this place lol what do you need

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on January 04, 2009, 05:16:16 PM
Slotparts, was that an old penny scale on the far left in one of your pics? Pretty nice looking! Who was the manufacturer? I enjoy all of the old coin-op. Picked up a watling scale from a retired pharmacist who had it in his shop. Have no room in my gameroom for it right now, but just enjoy looking at it! Really good-looking slots you have there though. Thanks for sharing! Jim!

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: slotparts on January 04, 2009, 07:01:57 PM
yes it is  A Jennings way  today also have a pace bantam and a guess your weight  get your penny back

Title: Re: Gameroom pics/ They were at it again this weekend, damn machines!
Post by: KirkLasVegas on January 17, 2009, 09:15:46 PM
Look what happened. A IGT machine snuck into the WMS part of the gameroom and three more machines appeared in the morning.i heard some gears grinding, a few bells ringing. Came down for coffee in the morning and this is what we saw...

Now I know they have "Birth" chips for machines, but how about "Birth CONTROL" chips. This is outta hand....


Title: Re: Gameroom pics/out of control machines.....
Post by: KirkLasVegas on January 17, 2009, 09:19:11 PM
We found this one lurking in the WMS section. it has not found power yet.... (its another Jackpot Limbo WMS). We think the Shopping Spree and the IGT Little Devil are to blame for this...

We now leave the door to the gameroom OPEN at night.......rascals! :)

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: StatFreak on January 18, 2009, 03:55:36 AM
 :105-  KirkLasVegas on your "new arrivals" :72- :72- :72- :72- :72-
 :136- :94-

I guess you'll have to store your machines in a condominium from now on. :5- :30- :30-  :125-

P.S. I would love to have all three four of those machines!

<ADD> Oops, missed one. :30-

I always enjoyed playing the Pinball Vision when the Mirage had it. It was a dollar machine and I won two to three hundred almost every time I played it. Just lucky, but it was a fun theme. :89-

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: Forrhouse on January 18, 2009, 04:45:43 AM
Very cool. Additions to a collection are great, but 3 of what are in my opinion special, not average, type games is awesome.
Great score on those. I am especially drooling over the Munsters.

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: KirkLasVegas on January 18, 2009, 05:00:09 AM
Thanks Eric,
The Jackpot Limbo was sitting in a corner, the bill door had been pried open,the handle missing and had about 1/2 inch of dust/dirt exhaust from diesels all over it.The dotmation box was laying down, thru the dirt I thought it was missing. Inside the machine was OK, the usual dust.
I figured I would rob it for the reels, power supply (lower) and MPU board.When i opened it up it had the 25 cent hopper, the CPU box had the cover closed and everything inside was in good shape.I opened fire on it with the air compressor and found the display box laying down. The serial data cable and 120 volt power connectors were ripped out of the Dotmation box.I simply bent the pins back in place.Tried to fire it up, no luck. battery was dead, replaced that, did a RAM clear and it fired up! it's cleaning up well.
The "Winning Streak" would not fire up either,but it was easy... someone had unplugged the serial data cable from the backplane.
Pinball has minor audio problems, I can hear the servos in the speakers, no hum..but a lot of digital noise. has to be dried out filters caps either in the supply or on the board itself. It's playable..just not "right".
"Munsters" is just plain pretty, just needed some cleaning, it's in very nice shape.

Kirk in Las Vegas

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: uniman on January 18, 2009, 11:05:37 AM
Very cool. Additions to a collection are great, but 3 of what are in my opinion special, not average, type games is awesome.
Great score on those. I am especially drooling over the Munsters.

Yes, very nice machines Kirk!   :71-
If they keep producing offspring, I would be happy to adopt a few and give them a good home!  :72-

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: bronconut7 on January 18, 2009, 01:22:08 PM
Those are great!  Congrats on your find.

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: tacman on May 07, 2009, 10:25:18 AM
jack2009, you tease! We want pics!!  :89-

 Dan (tacman)

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: StatFreak on May 07, 2009, 05:19:56 PM
Jack is history. Anyone else notice the spam at the bottom of every post?

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on June 13, 2009, 07:05:51 PM
Just added a couple different machines to the gameroom. A williams 1972 pitch and bat ball game, "Line Drive", and a williams 1971 shooting arcade called "Jungle Drums"!
Line drive has a running man unit in the backglass, the runners pop up and run the bases to whatever target you hit. Has early electronic sounds for the crowd roar, explosion, and whistling coming from the crowd. The game was sitting in a garage for a couple of years unattended and was in pretty bad shape. Sanded it down, re-stenciled and got everything working again and it's a great game to have.

Jungle Drums is next for the sander and paint job.

Just thought I'd share!


Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on June 13, 2009, 07:07:28 PM
Another pic of "Line Drive"!

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on June 13, 2009, 07:08:45 PM
And another of the backglass with the running man unit!

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: CaptainHappy on June 14, 2009, 06:23:42 AM

Nice toys! Thanks for sharing,  :3- and making people jealous!  :97-

CaptainHappy :95-
 :nlg- ADMIN

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: CaptainHappy on June 14, 2009, 06:27:51 AM

I couldn't think of anything to say because of:  :185- :185- :185-

Nice additions to what I remember was an impressive stable to begin with. Maybe you want to leave a light on at night to prevent more offsprings? But maybe you don't!!!!  :97- :97- :97-

CaptainHappy  :95-

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: enforcer on June 14, 2009, 11:34:46 AM
I like the barber pole...Is it a Marvy ??  These poles can actually be expensive.  Where did you get yours ?  Also, which dotmations do you have ?  Nice diversity to the gameroom.  You have the Fish Tales, so where is the Whitewater ?


Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: StatFreak on June 14, 2009, 02:59:09 PM
Thanks for posting the new pictures Galahad.  :3- :3- I found myself pouring over all of the details in your original pictures again.  :89-  Your game room may not be the largest but it's sure jam packed with wonderful goodies.  :131- :131- :185-
Once you close those shutter doors you must feel like you're in another world.

I was looking at the prices on your chalkboard. Interestingly, most everything on the board (including income and housing prices - if looking at a national average price) has increased about 10 to 15 fold with the exception of dairy! Milk and eggs cost only about 2.5 times what they did back then. If they had kept up with inflation at the same rate as everything else on that board, we'd be paying about $10-$14 for a gallon of milk and $7-$10 for a dozen eggs. I'll have to remember that the next time I feel like complaining that the price of milk is too high -- looking at it from the the dairy farmers perspective, they've been screwed. Btw, gas is right in the same 10-15 fold range as everything else, although it had gone to over 20 fold for a while last year.

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on June 14, 2009, 03:49:15 PM
Stat-Freak, Now I know why they call you that! Yes prices were interesting back then. Chaulk-board is nice though!
Your right, I do have a small gameroom! The other half is for the other half (wife), with crafts and painting. Have to give alittle and take a little.

I usually change items about every couple of months. Usually trade for something different, or find some broken ones to repair. Keeps my mind busy!

Have a bunch of stuff in the garage yet to put in,(jukebox, greyhound crane machine, a couple of trade stimulators, old tin advertising signs)! All in due time will make it down to the room.

My fortune teller is like the winchester house, there's always something I can add to it. Am presently working on a 1964 Midway "pitch and Bat".

Thanks for the compliments! Keep up the Stats!

I know this is mainly a slot forum, but just thought I'd show someother coin-op stuff!

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on June 14, 2009, 03:58:33 PM
The barber pole is a Marvy. Picked it up on a trip to North Carolina.
The Fish Tales pinball is alot of fun to play. Do not have much interest in the Whitewater. Played one at a show and it didn"t do anything for me. Thats like the Funhouse. I always wanted one then after some trades I got ahold of one. Has interesting features but not one of my best. I like the comic ones like Rocky and Bullwinkle, the Simpsons, etc...
I like the barber pole...Is it a Marvy ??  These poles can actually be expensive.  Where did you get yours ?  Also, which dotmations do you have ?  Nice diversity to the gameroom.  You have the Fish Tales, so where is the Whitewater ?


Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: galahad on June 14, 2009, 04:05:35 PM
Captainhappy,Thank-you for the compliments. No the light goes out at night, thats the fun of it!

I couldn't think of anything to say because of:  :185- :185- :185-

Nice additions to what I remember was an impressive stable to begin with. Maybe you want to leave a light on at night to prevent more offsprings? But maybe you don't!!!!  :97- :97- :97-

CaptainHappy  :95-

Title: Re: Gameroom pics
Post by: zarobhr on June 14, 2009, 10:54:09 PM
some of these game rooms are awesome, makes me wish i had an empty room or clean garage.