New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: kgin504 on August 20, 2010, 04:12:14 PM

Title: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on August 20, 2010, 04:12:14 PM
Hello All,

I am a newbie but got 2 used IGT S+ machines that both have error 21. I took apart the coin in optics and carfully cleaned all the dust and grime from all components and also checked that the coin comparitor's parts all moved freely but there is no LED to verify i am getting power to it. One of my problems is that I can't understand is how to perform the self-tests to verify if I have any bad components. Also does player tracking have anything to do with error 21? this machine has 3 wires (orande, grey, white) that are cut that are hanging out of the same hole as the power wire under the slot cabinet..I think they may have been part of some progressive link or maybe player tracking? Could this be giving me a problem?? As for the coin comparator I know it is a coin mechnism brand and i think CC-33 for $1 denomination but the coins continue to go to the reject chute.... Sorry if I am all over the place this thing is driving me nuts

Any suggestions may help.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: Buzz on August 20, 2010, 04:53:28 PM
 :172-  I sent you a PM

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: jay on August 20, 2010, 05:09:58 PM
Error 21 is a coin time out error.
Make sure you have a sample coin in the compartior.
Hit the white self test button once to clear
close the door.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: Buzz on August 20, 2010, 05:15:35 PM
  This might help

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on August 20, 2010, 05:37:24 PM
Holy crap Buzz....i think its a door sensor....Thanks for that troubleshoot guide ....bottom blue lamp 2 blinks per second top white lamp 1 blink per second.....either door or belly door, huh?? are these the ones i can jump out if they go bad??

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on August 20, 2010, 06:23:54 PM

I pressed the white rest button the winner paid error 21 goes away and 2 shows up in credits window....once I closed door lamps went off LCD went off and within 3 seconds the reels jolt and error 21 returns.

now what??  if it is the door optics i just read on here you can put in a Cherry switch and jump them this my next option??

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: Buzz on August 20, 2010, 07:48:19 PM (

If this is the thread you are looking at, I was wrong !!  Now it is true by using a cheery switch you can clear most errors, ( and maybe your 21 ) but you can not clear a 61/61-1 error.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on August 20, 2010, 07:54:14 PM
gotcha....i have been foolin with it and cant seem to find out why i still have this can i test fuctionaliiy of coin comp and coin in optics?? Door optics look like they are ling up and i checked with my didgital cam and they are emitting lil purple pulses.

how does the machine know if the drop door is open....i cant find optics on that one...maybe thats my problem??

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on August 20, 2010, 09:09:51 PM
OK so i ran the input/otput test and here are my results...these displays are opposite of what they should be

Still have error 21

1(coin in A)....10 1
1(coin in B)....11 0
1(coin in C)....12 0
1(door closed) were FLASHING 13 0 and 1 on the 1st test i did and now it is steady 13 0

1(card cage) 26 0

1(door drop) 31 1 flashes 1 and zero when i open and close cash door

all others are exactly how it states in the input test diagram i have.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: knagl on August 21, 2010, 05:59:28 AM
Welcome to the site, kgin.  From everything you've posted so far, I think your door optics are working just fine.

The cherry switch situation talked about in the other thread was in regards to bypassing the door optics, so it doesn't apply to your situation -- yours appear to be working correctly.

The tests for coin in A, B, and C should all show the same state -- the fact that one of them is showing a 1 and the other two a 0 says that something is wrong with your optics (which would lead to a 21 error).

You said you have two machines with the same error.  Do both of them have the same results for the coin-in A, B, and C tests?

It seems to me you have one (or two) bad optic(s) in your coin-in board causing the machine to think that there's a coin jammed in there.  In a normal machine, all three optics are open, then as the coin drops through them, they close for a short time -- first A, then A+B, then A+B+C, then B+C, then C, then none, as the coin falls through.  If the machine doesn't see the optics get closed in that order, it tilts.  If the machine sees one of those optics blocked for more than a fraction of a second, it tilts.  The latter is where you're at right now, based on your test results.

The quick fix would be to get another S+ coin optics board.  The more involved fix would be to get some good optics soldered in to replace the bad ones.  Mark aka stayouttadabunker (another member here) has worked on replacing optic components on the coin-in optics board before and may be able to give you some better insight.

Don't give up hope -- we'll get your machine up and running -- you're not too far off now, and you've done some great troubleshooting.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: Foster on August 21, 2010, 07:39:24 AM
Here are the results from my S+

10 1
11 1
12 1

They will go to 0 if they are blocked by a coin or other object. As as the path is clear they go back to 1.
a 0 showing all the time in test means I would check for blocks, install a known good set of optics. then start tracing the wiring back to the MPU.
IT could be as simple as a bad optic or loose wire or connector in the harness.  

13 flashing between 0 and 1 is normal. The resulting Input test 13 is showing you it is working properly.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: jay on August 21, 2010, 03:19:40 PM

First off a little coin theory.

When you insert a coin it gets tested by the comparitor. If it passes the solinoid is pulled back and the coin falls to the optic. If it does not then the coin hits a rake and is rejected to the coin tray.
The coin comparitor was designed to prevent slugs from being used. I am sure everyone has heard the term wooden nickle but thieves used to use wooden disks the same diameter as a nickle and a drop of lead in the middle until the weight matched.
Wooden nickles were often collected from furniture manufacturing and similar and wittled into the required shape - today we use a uniform sized biscuit to join wood.

When the coin hits the optic board (small square board with a tiny button on the back of it). These are called a ABC Optics because there are 3 of them on the board. There are two styles. The first is inline the second is slightly askew, both do the same job. The coin must pass through these optics at a set rate triggering each of the optics in precise timing otherwise a error 21 (Coin Tilt) will occour. The reason for the error vs an out right rejection of the coin is that the most common cause of this is a cheating technique called stringing. This is where a string is attached to the coin and then is pulled back up to be "replayed" over and over again to add credits to the machine.

With the solinoid controlled coin rake once you have your coin past the comparitor its virtually impossible to bring it back up again. So if you trap your cheat with a error 21 you will have the evidence of his stringing.

I agree with Foster (he is one of the most technical people on the board) - the standard state for the optics is 1,1,1 which indicates a beam of ir light is passing in the optic. Your symptom of the 21 coming on right after you clear it (by hitting the test button) probably indicates a bad optic.  You can take your small optics board apart and clean it with a q-tip and a drop or two of water. Coins are notoriously dirty not to mention many gamblers are supersticious and have been know to share drinks with the machine to loosen them up, tobaco smoke from the casino etc. I think Stayoutofthebuniker also did a thread on how to replace a optic. For the cost of a replacement optic board its probably just as fast and cheap to swap the optic board.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: knagl on August 21, 2010, 05:31:44 PM
Thanks for confirming that, Foster, I thought they should be 1, 1, 1, but I didn't have a machine handy to see for myself.  Good deal.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: stayouttadabunker on August 22, 2010, 01:17:22 AM
Where exactly are your rejected coins ending up?
In the coin tray or the coin hopper?

The reason why I asked this is because of this>>>

If the rejected coins are falling into the coin tray -
that means the "rake" on the coin comparitor is malfunctioning.
Shake the crap outta the little white molex connector with
the 2 gray wires on on top of the coin comparitor.
The receptor pins inside the Molex may be oxidized or loose.
Those 2 wires control the rakes' solenoid plunger and
keep the coins from falling onto the hopper.


If the rejected coins are ending up in the hopper, there could be a
number of things wrong with why the coin-in optics are not registering a credit and
sending the error pulse back the the machine to shoot out a [21] error code onto the display.

The best suggestion I've seen was to get yourself a new set of coin-in optic board.
They're NOT expensive!
You're gonna need a spare someday anyways because remember this one fact -
emitter/receiver optics will NOT last forever. They're like tiny little light bulbs.
Light bulbs don't last forever.
One or more of the emitter and/or receiver optics are/could be shot.

It is possible to check a set of emitter optics on a coin-in optics board with a video camera
but it's not easy for someone to do that may not be experienced with these machines.
It involves having the whole dis-assembled unit exposed outside of the machine.
That's why the guys ran you through the optics tests and I commend you very much
for figuring out how to do them!  :89- :3-

The very first question you asked but I'm not sure
if anyone replied was: "but there is no LED to verify i am getting power to it."

This light on the coin comparitor only comes on when the door is fully closed.
For the life of me, I cannot recall if it comes on when performing optics tests though...
I'm not anywhere near my S+ at the moment.
You can check to see if it's on by using a door bypass cable
for the door optics but it's not important right now.

What is important is that you place a want ad ASAP in the Classifieds" section of NLG for
a coin-in optics board for an S+ from one of our vendors or go buy a couple of them on fleabay.
Make sure it has 3 emitters and 3 receiver optics on them.
Do not mistakenly buy the S2000 2 optic boards. :60-
I did that once and now own way too many S2000 coin-in optic boards... :97-

The only thing you can do at the moment is wiggle that little white connector on top
of the coin comparitor and hope it gets the rake going again.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: jay on August 22, 2010, 07:20:43 PM
It doesn't sound like any coins are being inserted. He closes the door after a clear and 3seconds later the 21 is back.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: stayouttadabunker on August 22, 2010, 09:01:46 PM
It doesn't sound like any coins are being inserted. He closes the door after a clear and 3seconds later the 21 is back.

I've had the same problem too.
The [21] just keeps coming back without coins being inserted.
Usually the fix is to replace the coin-in optic boards and check them out.

If the emitter/receiver optics check out okay, this is when you snip off
the board component at the Q2 location.
This procedure works exceptionally well for a home machine
but is not recommended for a live casino floor machine.

Jim might have some insight as to exactly what this does when removed...
I think it bypasses the "C" optic - I could be wrong on this.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: jay on August 22, 2010, 09:12:39 PM
Nope. Mine was the Q4 line so you could bypass the compartior and use a manual mech like the Imonex.
Actually I wanted to go the otherway. Go from the crappy Imonex back to a comparitor and when I installed the comparitor it wasn't working and I had to sleuth the issue.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on August 22, 2010, 10:47:50 PM
this website is great by the way.....ok so here we i booted up both machines side by side and for some reason neither one of my coin comparitor are working(they never have now that i think about it) they are cc-33 units for $1 dollar coins.  always sent straight to the coin tray on both. I can get the diverter soldinoid to operate the flapper thru the input test so that part works but the  CC always sends coin to reject. so i jammed a piece of paper behind the rakes and started working on the coinin optics.  machine A can not satisfy the #13 input test but machine B does.  so i pulled the board from B and put it in A and now it only passes the test intermitantly.  if i remove the coin comparptor and hold the coin in my hand i can activate optic A so i guess it is failing one of the other optics tests..  so is it coin optics, comparitor and/or door optics causing error??  i wish each on had its own error code but i guess that would be to easy...haha

by the way i know the comparitor is getting power because i used a meter and am reciving voltage at the main harness and at  the CC harness molex plug(black, yellow and purple wires)  i also ohmed out the CC harness and it reads no resistance for all three. 

for starters i think i will jump the door and cash can optics with a microswitch(the top lamp is still telling me the doors are open, no need for a home machine anyway), then try to hunt down the coin optic replacement part for both machines...please  how can i further test the CC to make sure i dont have to replace that too(that one is expensive)

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: stayouttadabunker on August 22, 2010, 11:26:30 PM
Now that you're saying the coin-in optics are intermittently working -
you have me thinking this>>> Do you have the correct plastic coin encoder in there?
It sounds like the coins are not passing all 3 optics in it's falling path?
Are you dropping a large token in there or a quarter?
Is it the same as the coin that's installed in the coin comparitor coin slide holder?
Is the coin comparitor sensitivity dial adjusted correctly?

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on August 23, 2010, 12:47:35 AM
 Do you have the correct plastic coin encoder in there? yes..three little holes in a triangular pattern matching up with the optics on the board[/font]
It sounds like the coins are not passing all 3 optics in it's falling path?
Are you dropping a large token in there or a quarter? Large token
Is it the same as the coin that's installed in the coin comparitor coin slide holder? yes sir
Is the coin comparitor sensitivity dial adjusted correctly? all the way counterclockwise.

i will have some more time tomorrow to mess with can i assure my CC is functioning properly??

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: stayouttadabunker on August 23, 2010, 01:07:54 AM
Do you have the correct plastic coin encoder in there? yes..three little holes in a triangular pattern matching up with the optics on the board[/font]
It sounds like the coins are not passing all 3 optics in it's falling path?
Are you dropping a large token in there or a quarter? Large token
Is it the same as the coin that's installed in the coin comparitor coin slide holder? yes sir
Is the coin comparitor sensitivity dial adjusted correctly? all the way counterclockwise.

i will have some more time tomorrow to mess with can i assure my CC is functioning properly??

We need a CC-33 coin comparitor expert here...
I only use CC-16D's for smaller coins like quarters and nickels...

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: jay on August 23, 2010, 01:50:29 AM

But it sounds like its not currently working correctly, simply because you are suffing the rake with paper.
I know that the CC33 wiring harness connects to different pins than the CC16.
I also know tha that it gets installed upside down and backwards compared to a CC16.

Do you have any pictures of it installed ? In particular one showing us where the wires are plugged into the CC33 ?

If you apply power to the rake solinoid does it move or is it fried ?

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: Foster on August 23, 2010, 05:09:00 AM
Jay, you are correct.
The CC-33 does go in the opposite way the cc-16 or such would be installed.

The rake solenoid and circuitry in the CC-33 operates the opposite of the CC-16:
CC-16 rake closed coins go to reject chute and tray, open coins go to optics and hopper or drop.
CC-33 rake closed coins go to optics and hopper or drop, open coins go to reject chute and tray.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: Jim on August 23, 2010, 12:17:07 PM
Before anything else is tried you MUST  HAVE A GOOD DOOR OPTIC  signal before any troubleshooting can be accomplished.
the reason is quite simple!  the S+, in most tilts will allow you to access the diagnostic  tests, with these tests you can in fact troubleshoot the area of concern, however, if the door optic is not working the machine cannot reset itself ( current tilts in memory) and convey to you that all is well.  so even if you repaired a defect the machine would never know it until it can reset itself. and with the S+ , the only way it does that is when you close the door and the door optics see that action.
 As you stated in your reply# 8  the test # 13  the 0 changed from a 1 to a 0 one time then stayed on steady, that's not normal. when that door latch is all the way down the 0 should alternate to 1 and back to 0 for as long as you are in that test. CONSTANTLY. if it doesn't , then there is the first problem you have to correct  or you will just be going around in circles.


Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on August 23, 2010, 04:52:52 PM
thanks alot jim....i will get that done first

I know i asked a few times... but am I ok with putting in a switch to fake the machine into thinking the door optics and cash box optics are always closed and satisfied??

Does anyone have a down and dirty schematic on how to wire this apparatus up??  If not i will do some searching and get some training on wiring up micro switches.....

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: StatFreak on August 23, 2010, 08:52:45 PM
That is the last thing you should be doing right now, since there are errors that will not clear with the optics bypassed. I suggest that you first get your door optics working, then fix the coin optic and any other issues, and finally look into bypassing the door optics with a switch once the machine is up and running, if that is still what you want to do.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on August 23, 2010, 09:16:42 PM
OK stat freak....i did the camera test and the optics on the door side pulse purple so i believe they work...dont know how to test the reciever though
As for the cash box the roller device was broken off when i received the machine so i just taped it down(in the closed position)

I also removed reel 3 so i could see if the optics lined up with the door closed and as far as I can tell they did. How perfect do they have to be??  my door sags a little bit and you have to lift it slightly to get it to close and wiggle it to get the door key to come out. 

Man these machines are driving me nuts!!!

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: StatFreak on August 23, 2010, 09:25:09 PM
If the optic is pulsing, follow Jim's advice and try input test 13 again. The state should constantly change as he posted. If not, then either the receiver-side is faulty or the optics are not aligned properly.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: Buzz on August 24, 2010, 01:45:23 AM
I don't know the approved method of aligning the optics, with a Sharpie marker I put a line on the outside of the door that lines up with the optic in the full down position.  Then put a mark on the cabinet side the same way. Close the door and compare the black marks. WD 40 will remove the marker ink.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: CaptainHappy on August 24, 2010, 01:55:51 AM
I don't know the approved method of aligning the optics, with a Sharpie marker I put a line on the outside of the door that lines up with the optic in the full down position.  Then put a mark on the cabinet side the same way. Close the door and compare the black marks. WD 40 will remove the marker ink.

K+ for the sharing of the idea.... I knew we keep you around for something!!!!  :208- :208- :208-

CH :95-

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: Foster on August 24, 2010, 02:13:41 AM
IF in input test 13 you get the constantly changing between 0 and 1 repeatedly then his optics are working.
They will only go to s solid one if you shine a flashlight at it.
The reason is the door LED is flashed at a specific rate by the MPU logic and the output of the LED has to match the input from the receiver or the machine will not think the door is closed or something is open.


Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: stayouttadabunker on August 24, 2010, 02:35:06 AM
I want to add to Foster's post in hopes of clarifying that the flashlight method
only works on the receiver optics - not the emitters.
But I'm sure you would of guessed

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on August 24, 2010, 11:28:53 PM
ok guys here is where we are today......both machines are now passing the #13 door optics test
Machine A's  "Coin in" tests are  is (A)10 1, (B)11 0, (C)12 0..............
                    i can't get A or C to change but I can get B to 11 1 as I drop a coin.
Machine B's coin in test  (A)10 0, (B)11 0, (C)12 0..............
                       no changes during coin drops

what is the significance of the 10 0 and 10 1?  why are the difference?  I am looking to order new coin in optics times 2 for both machines.  still dont know if my coin comparators are working properly.  both have 24v coming in but i had  to jabmb the rakes with paper to divert the coin to the optics instead of the coin tray.  will the CC work at all if I have the 21 error?

Edited to change brackets [] to parenthesis () to avoid an issue with the "B" optic being changed to a bold tag

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: Foster on August 25, 2010, 12:10:26 AM
When you have a tilt or error the machine will not enable the coin comparator to accept coins. The rake will be in reject coins position.

If you are testing the optics you can take the coin comparator out of it mounts it only clips in place.

I just did the test to see how known good machine should respond in the tests.
I could not get it to change on the 10, 11 or 12 tests. I think the coin drops so fast the test modes do not show it.
I also tried the test credit button on the optic only one that changed from 1 was the 11 test it would go to 0 as I pushed the switch and back to 1 when released.

The player display did not even flicker.
And I am using a 16Mhz board, it still will let extra coin go to hopper and not count it if max coin is reached. It give the coin back at the end of the play.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: Jim on August 25, 2010, 12:56:54 AM
I am glad you have the door optic working.  long story short!  digital electronics operates on a binary number system,which means only two numbers, 0 and 1, a 0 = a low state or ground,or that it is off. a 1 = a high state or a positive voltage  in ttl logic usually 5vdc. indicates that it is on, so the code is telling the operator that test 10 is a 1 or that it is on.  the circuit has a voltage applied to it and it sends an infra red light beam thru the tiny holes in the black coin optic encoder to the receiving detector, when the detector receives this beam it is turned on and sends a command to the computer that it sees the light beam  and the computer tells the operator that info by putting a 1 in the display. when you disrupt that beam by putting a coin into the black encoder it reverses all that logic and puts a 0 in the display.
you can fashion a device that resembles a pop cycle stick and use it to put into the coin encoder and break the beams with it.this is a better way to do this opposed to dropping a coin thru. and you can test it many times over. as Foster said remove the coin comp. and you can preform the test  using the stick and observe the results.  test 11 will change from a 1 to a 0 everytime you press that small white button, you are shorting out DS2 the B emitter.  that whole assembly can be swapped between machines easily, remove the two screws behind the cc and remove assembly and unplug. on the optic board itself , I usually remove Q-2 or Q-4 depending which version board you have, it will usually fix test # 10,  on your B machine ,  you may have a V+ problem , thats the voltage that powers  the three emitters.             Jim 

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: jay on August 25, 2010, 01:18:48 AM
Have you taken the coin optic out/apart and cleaned it ?

I used to get a lot of 3200 hopper errors - cleaned the optic and never had a problem since.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: knagl on September 02, 2010, 06:40:36 PM
The comparator is a red herring right now.  Whether your comparator is working or not, it won't be the cause or solution of a 21 error.  21 lies completely in the coin-in optics.

As Foster confirmed, the optics should read 1, 1, 1, when the machine is idle.  If they aren't, you need to repair or replace the optics.  To avoid further frustration, I'd suggest replacing the optics with a set of known good ones.  If you don't have any, one of the vendors on the site (like Jim at Blueridge) should be able to supply you a set (or two) of S+ coin-in optics at a reasonable price.

Once we get the 21 error dealt with, then we can work on the comparator.  When the machine is in an error/tilt condition (which it is now with the 21 error), it's expected behavior for the comparator to reject coins to the tray rather than allow them through to the optics.  The comparator has to get the "everything's okay" signal from the machine before it will try to allow matching coins to pass to the optics.  Since everything isn't okay with the machine, the comparator rejects every coin.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on September 10, 2010, 02:16:54 AM
Ok guys it had been a few busy weeks but I have one machine up and running due to all of the great advice and a great experience with my first transaction with Jim at blueridge.  Now what I am running into is that the machine wil not accept multiple coin drops.  Only takes one credit at a time. If additional coins ate dropped they go to the hooper but are not registered as credits.  I can push the white button on the optics to generate multiple credits or hit max bet button if I have  multiple credits available but can get it to register but puting in additional coins.  What gives?

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: jay on September 10, 2010, 02:41:03 AM
It would really depend on your theme....There are 1 coin, 2 coin and 3 coin and 5 coin themes.

On my 3coin IGT slot - if I drop in 4 coins. The reels spin, and at the end I get 1 coin spit out from the hopper.
On another 3coin IGT slot if I drop in the 4th coin the coin simply falls to the coin tray.
The difference between the two is the game chip.

Perhaps you have a 1 coin chips and 3 coin glass ?     post your reel chip number and someone can clarify for sure.

Usually 1 coin games are like the $5.00 or $25.00 type themes and the dealers that have them can tell you what albotroses they are to sell.

I would not be surprized that a "parts complete" machine may be sold this way.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: knagl on September 10, 2010, 02:41:43 AM
Is that happening every time or just sporadically?  If it's the latter, it's possible that your optics have the "large coin" guide in them and that coins are falling through the optics but are not being seen by the optics to register a credit.  If it's happening every time, you've got me stumped -- I presume it's more than a one-coin theme you have in your machine?

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: stayouttadabunker on September 10, 2010, 09:50:14 AM
It sounds like the rake on the back of the coin comparitor isn't staying open long enough
and is getting caught after the the 1st coin drops through..
Remove the CC and turn it around.
Behind there is a "rake" that's held there in position with a solenoid and 2 screws...
loosen up the 2 screws and move the body of the solenoid so the
rake does not touch the sides of the rectangular hole opening.
Once in place, tighten the screws and re-install.
If the problem persists - check to see if the rake arm is bent.
Bend it back so the rake doesn't touch the sides when
the rake is closed & also when it's retracted.

Also, wiggle the 2 gray wires going in to the top of the CC.
There may be an oxidized pin causing the rake to lose its power to the solenoid
after the solenoid gets energized as the 1st coin falls through.
I doubt it's this and more of the above though, but oxidized pin
connections will give one flaky and intermittent performances.

Anyways, this is why I think you're only getting the optic boards to
read one credit each time you try to throw in 3 coins or more.
For kicks, try one coin per second...I'll betcha it will register as a credit every time. lol

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on September 10, 2010, 06:17:29 PM looks like rake on CC is fine.   drop door open still flashing  on the candle.   I read some post saying that the drop door was actually part of the lower stand not actually the cabinet.  I read that if you connect the wires together you can bypass the error I have not tried this yet.  If i go into th input tests i cannot get it to switch from  31 1 to 31 0.  I checked the cherry switch on the cash can door and this cause no effect either.  Whats wierd is that this machine was functioning last night after i switched the optics and today i have this error.  Again i cannot get it to accept more than one credit if i am inserting coins but can hit the white button on hthe optics in test mode or hit max credit on the panel if i have winnigs accrued and can play 3 credits.  wonder what is going on?? any clues?  this is a $1 double peppers 3-coin progressive machine.   I have two 2 conductor wires that come out of the bottom that go to the lower stand (looks like they hook up to magnetic alarm trans/receivers on the stand doors) also i have a 3 conductor wire with a plug on the end orange, white , gray(does any one know if these need to be terminated or not for my machine to function??

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: knagl on September 10, 2010, 07:10:53 PM
The wires leading to the magnetic sensor in the stand are the drop door wires -- twist those together and it'll see that as closed.

Keep in mind that the lower section of the candle flashing does not always equal "drop door open" -- it can signal many different things, typically that the main door was just opened and closed, and a paid game hasn't happened yet.

I can't fathom why it will register the first credit but not any subsequent credits.  Can you please post the SS chip number of your machine so we can be sure it has the correct software?  You can determine the SS chip by following the instructions listed here (  The fact that you said that the max bet works if you have winnings built up indicates that you do have 3-coin software, but I'm stumped.

Is it accepting the first coin and giving credit every time, and ignoring any subsequent coins every time?

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: kgin504 on September 10, 2010, 07:37:46 PM
woot woot all is well on machine #1!!!!   Butt connected wires from cabinet to stand and it fixed all issues.  accepting all 3 credits now!!!??? paid game had to be completed to turn off light....

off to fix machine two thanks guys!!!!

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: B-52BadByron on September 26, 2010, 05:48:05 PM
I had a 21 code that would not clear,  I replaced  the  power supply connector and that fixed the problem.  Maybe that might work.

Title: Re: Error 21 nightmare
Post by: stayouttadabunker on September 26, 2010, 10:41:57 PM
I had a 21 code that would not clear,  I replaced  the  power supply connector and that fixed the problem.  Maybe that might work.

kgin said he fixed it 16 days ago... :128-