New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: staz on September 01, 2010, 05:25:06 AM

Title: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: staz on September 01, 2010, 05:25:06 AM
 :99- :99- :99-i changed sim cards and after a few days  the game freezes up  netplex screen goes blank and all leds stay on and red led flashes and you hear a tican noise comen out of the speakers, i put the original sim card in and it clears up and the game reboots and  funtions normal.....what could be the issue???????? the new simm card i got was brand new.....i like the music the new simm card plays on jackpots..... could the new simm card be bad? jim at blueridge can you swap out the simm card ill try another one ?????

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: staz on September 01, 2010, 05:34:29 AM
what can i use to clean the prongs on the new simm card maybe it got dust,dirt on them?

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 01, 2010, 05:45:56 AM
I would think the only options would be to try a new card, or try a RAM clear with the new card.

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: Brianzz on September 01, 2010, 06:04:00 AM
Lay your simm on the static bag and gently rub the contacts with a pencil eraser

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 01, 2010, 06:21:18 AM
Ah yes Brian...I've seen a few of the guys suggesting that.  I need to remember that one.

Lay your simm on the static bag and gently rub the contacts with a pencil eraser

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: Brianzz on September 01, 2010, 06:24:13 AM
Staz... you may need to pop your MMLite out and check for bent pins.. or maybe just replace the entire card.. you're having alot of trouble with that machine.. which revision do you have?

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: staz on September 01, 2010, 06:26:26 AM
now im getting all leds on and red flashen led with the old sim too i hope i didnt screw up the sim board......

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: staz on September 01, 2010, 06:45:18 AM
how do i clear this red flashen led, now my original sim doesnt work either.......

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: Foster on September 01, 2010, 08:27:55 AM
Try it without any DSV SIMM installed.

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: Brianzz on September 01, 2010, 09:05:59 AM
Actually I would pull the entire MMlite, not just the simm card and see if it'll boot, if so you've got a bum card.

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: stayouttadabunker on September 01, 2010, 11:56:38 AM
Did you break off the black heat sink off of the MPU board as you pulled it out?
It's next to the red coil.
Is it loose?
It's important that this component with the big heat sink is working properly -
if not, the MPU will burn out and start acting crazy.

It is also essential that the power switch is turned off
whenever attempting to remove or replace the MPU.
I know your old simm worked.
Did this problem only happen after you removed the MPU from the machine to switch out the Simms?
Or did this happen only after a few days with the new simm card in it?
I repeat brianzz's question...what MPU and MMlite board revisions do you have installed?

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: staz on September 01, 2010, 12:15:49 PM
i dont no what rivisions means???? but i left the board out a little in the slider overnite and i just got up and i tried it with the original simm in it and it booted up.... i think i need a new board or another new simm why would that simm cuase a freeze like that its just a sound card i thought...also i tried rebootin it up like 20 times last nite and nothin and all of a sudden it works this morning wierd.......then it frooze up again after it idles for 5 minutes.....

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: staz on September 01, 2010, 12:35:40 PM
bunker can you show me wheres the heat sink? heres a pic of the board...

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: Foster on September 01, 2010, 12:51:09 PM
1270 board.
you do not have have to worry about the heat sink but its under the memory board.

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 01, 2010, 12:53:52 PM
I pulled mine out and mine has the red coil and large heatsink that Bunker is referring to, but it looks like your board might be a different revision than what i have.  I don't see any large heatsinks on your board.  

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: blueridgeslots on September 01, 2010, 01:05:43 PM
Let's have a recap on the deal, new correct simm worked for several weeks, had problems, unloaded electrical circuit machine was on, worked ok, but new correct simm for software caused a problem, now old original simm that was working causes problem, so it must be the simm causing all the problems, hmmmm no way it could be the eproms without the windows being covered or the enhanced to legacy adapter board with the IGT Service label on it possibly causing the problem, you still think it is the simm, no problemmmmmm send her on back and will exchange her fer yer with a brand new in the bag one, nooooo problem, the sears and roebucked slot part store has a no quibble policy, if you can think it up we will guarantee we will respond, no question there

BTW, the CPU Board is the S-2000 Enhanced with Legacy Adapter

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: idesign on September 01, 2010, 02:18:53 PM
Sounds like the hoosie whatsie is bad on the CPU board...... :97-

Seriously, the simm has nothing to do with it......take the simm out and run the machine without it for awhile.

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: ROCKET on September 01, 2010, 02:24:27 PM
Let's have a recap on the deal, new correct simm worked for several weeks, had problems, unloaded electrical circuit machine was on, worked ok, but new correct simm for software caused a problem, now old original simm that was working causes problem, so it must be the simm causing all the problems, hmmmm no way it could be the eproms without the windows being covered or the enhanced to legacy adapter board with the IGT Service label on it possibly causing the problem, you still think it is the simm, no problemmmmmm send her on back and will exchange her fer yer with a brand new in the bag one, nooooo problem, the sears and roebucked slot part store has a no quibble policy, if you can think it up we will guarantee we will respond, no question there

BTW, the CPU Board is the S-2000 Enhanced with Legacy Adapter


 :244-  :244- :244- :244- :244- :244-

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: StatFreak on September 01, 2010, 04:21:01 PM
You tried rebooting it 20 times in the late evening, then went to bed, and it came up in the morning but failed after 5 minutes.

Sounds like a component is failing due to heat.

I also doubt that it's the SIMM.

Staz, have you done what Foster, Brianzz, and Bunker have told you to do? Re-read the thread and follow directions. You can't troubleshoot problems like this with a scatterbrained approach. Remove the components as directed, boot the machine, let it sit for 30 minutes and report back.

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: ROCKET on September 01, 2010, 04:33:08 PM
I hate to say STATS IS 100% CORRECT .
you have to understand therory behind any type of item ever made down to the common house toaster .

understanding the therory will get you thinking first before you pull a part out ---------and condem it
or say its bad because it did work ---------then did not work etc .

there are so many contributing factors that make the equation possible to work ??

for simple instance in 99.9 % f time -- heat always expands parts
 cold ==contraction of any part

if a hot board has a loose solder point and its been running it may not make contact to complete a circut ?

but if machine is 12-16 hours cold and is turned on it may have enough contact to work for a short time .

thats why cooling fans are a item that is put in all computer components to keep the item at its current usable size and to prolong life of conponent

please get a manual and listen to others !!

we are not picking on you !!!

we are trying to help you !!

.understanding how a particular part works -can help you understand a easy way to detect what it may do when working correct or working incorect .

when i was 15 yrs old i went to a trade school and learned therory of automobiles -gasoline engines etc down to the first gasoline engine and how horspower is produced & measuered .

 it applies today in the same method it was invented back in the late 1800's -early 1900's

its just been revised ==modified + improved on -same as a slotmachine went from all metal turning wheels drums levers to all out computer doing it all for you.

you will get the hang of it


p.s. you have alot f friends ad technical gurus here-- im not saying anybdy is better than another --
in todays modern technological world ---its not the  days of compared to working nly on a chevy-buick -pontiac -olds-caddy -
to ford  ----to chrysler --its now you basicaly have to pick one maker --GT --BALY -WILLIAMS ETC

learn the most you acn for each item -- because what you do on a IGT --WILL NOT WORK ON A BALLY OR WLLIAMS ETC

simple things yes -but major things no !! i hope this entire pep talk makes things look more clear ??

p.s. lol just get off the WOF TALK OMG    :131- :131- :131- :131- :131- :131-

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 01, 2010, 04:52:37 PM
I think changing the top box fluorescent bulb or trying a different paper in the ticket printer might help.

Ok I'm kidding, I'm kidding.   :208- :208- :208- :208- :208-

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: stayouttadabunker on September 01, 2010, 06:00:41 PM
my brains are scattered.... :99-  :200-  :5-

Rocket ( cold solder joints ) and Stafreak ( Pull out the MMlite board) and others said it perfect.
Blueridge can send you all the simm cards in the world but that won't fix it - like he's saying.
We're all trying to help you but you need to follow instructions dude!

1: PLEASE, please turn off the machine and take out the MPU.
2: Remove the entire piggyback board from the MPU.
3: RE-install the MPU and THEN turn the power back on and wait a while.
    Play the game if you can...
4: If you get the same problems coming back - the problem might be the MPU board.
Now, you will be certain that the problem is NOT the sim sound cards...

This is only the beginning of a possibly long trouble-shooting process to pinpoint the EXACT PROBLEM.
Shoving the MPU in and out of the machine doesn't nothing but bust stuff and bend pins.

AFTER you tell us you've tried this...tell us what happens ( in complete details with )
and we'll go on from there....
If you say anything else - I will come over to you house with a big sledgehammer
and that will be the end of the problem...LOL
( I'm just kidding ya! ) 

Please... go back and read everything everyone told you...

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: stayouttadabunker on September 01, 2010, 06:02:02 PM
By the way Staz,
I'll be in Danbury this Friday night.
Are you far from there?

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: CaptainHappy on September 01, 2010, 07:31:04 PM
my brains are scattered.... :99-  :200-  :5-

Rocket ( cold solder joints ) and Stafreak ( Pull out the MMlite board) and others said it perfect.
Blueridge can send you all the simm cards in the world but that won't fix it - like he's saying.
We're all trying to help you but you need to follow instructions dude!

1: PLEASE, please turn off the machine and take out the MPU.
2: Remove the entire piggyback board from the MPU.
3: RE-install the MPU and THEN turn the power back on and wait a while.
    Play the game if you can...
4: If you get the same problems coming back - the problem might be the MPU board.
Now, you will be certain that the problem is NOT the sim sound cards...

This is only the beginning of a possibly long trouble-shooting process to pinpoint the EXACT PROBLEM.
Shoving the MPU in and out of the machine doesn't nothing but bust stuff and bend pins.

AFTER you tell us you've tried this...tell us what happens ( in complete details with )
and we'll go on from there....
If you say anything else - I will come over to you house with a big sledgehammer
and that will be the end of the problem...LOL
( I'm just kidding ya! )  

Please... go back and read everything everyone told you...

I have to jump in to prevent some confusion to continue here.....

Staz has the 027 Enhanced S2000 board, not the regular one that most of us are used to!!!!  It does not use a "sound card"/MMLII as that is integrated into the daughterboard or "piggyback" board which is called the legacy adapter board. On this particular MPU board you can run the Legacy board with EPROMs and Sound SIMM for standard S2000 games as is the case for Staz. In other words he can't use the MPU board without the legacy adapter! Alternately this MPU board supports a FLASH board that has a game programmed into the board, these are referred to as "R" Boards, and will fit into the same connectors as the Legacy board. Here are some suggestions that I have:

Remove the Sound SIMM and then see how the machine behaves... I suspect that the same things will happen. If so that tells you that the SIMM is not the culprit. Then you are possibly looking at the program in the eprom possibly being partially corrupt due to the uncovered windows on the eproms as I pointed out a while back. Another more likely possibility is the Legacy board or MPU board having a problem... Do you have spares of either that you can swap out and test? Also you have to inspect for any obvious damage, and make sure that everything is fully seated properly.

If this is the game that I think it is, then I really feel that having a spare MPU board and Legacy board are a good idea. The cost is minimal given the value of the machine, and I am sure that either Jim has fully tested high quality spares available at a fair price.

Another big suggestion that I have is to get a good UPS that you can plug your machines into... This is not for the backup feature, but more for the power conditioning and spike and brown out protections that the better models offer. You can pick up one of these for a reasonable price as well.

These added items are less than a few Spins at the Casino with your playing habits, but the bonus is that you have a sure win in having good spares and good power fro your special toys! :89- :71- :89-

Back to regularly scheduled assistance.....

CaptainHappy :95-

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: idesign on September 01, 2010, 07:55:32 PM

Remove the Sound SIMM and then see how the machine behaves... I suspect that the same things will happen. If so that tells you that the SIMM is not the culprit.

I guess it has to be said more than once to sink in........3 times maybe

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: stayouttadabunker on September 01, 2010, 11:19:09 PM
I'm NOT going to Danbury...hurricane a'comin'.... :138-!!!

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: Brianzz on September 01, 2010, 11:37:28 PM
I'm NOT going to Danbury...hurricane a'comin'....

Great excuse for a bad game  :89-

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: CaptainHappy on September 02, 2010, 04:17:54 AM


 :nlg- ADMIN

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: ROCKET on September 02, 2010, 04:22:31 AM
Thank you Captain it must be hurricane Earl Blowing up the Nor East coast. I stick with using common sense repairing anything ! Enough for tonight I guess !

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: Foster on September 02, 2010, 04:38:03 AM


Thank you

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: staz on September 02, 2010, 04:43:43 AM
thanks guys for all your help again, this is what happened so far i tried taken sim out and turning the game on all i got was the lights on topbox stayed on and led red flashen,so i pulled the board again reinstalled the new sim and it worked for a bit then i got an error base eprom failure so i cleared that then i got netplex link is down, then it shut off again with the red led of death flashen..... reading through these pages it clicked what jim at blueridge saiid it could be my naked base chips so i forgot i had a brand new basechip with my game made..... i switched base chips with a covered new chip and the machine now is running on like 6 hours of play time with no problems..... jim was right not having covered chips can cuase major problems..... so im crossing my fingers that i fixed the problem swapping base def wasnt the simm card.... once again i wanna thank everyone on here that helped me out...... this is a tuff machine to have for a newbie but with all your help on here im learning....

Title: Re: having problems again with my s2000......
Post by: CaptainHappy on September 02, 2010, 04:59:24 AM

Good to hear that you are up and running again... I think that the previous problem that you had may have been this as well???

Look here at my reply from a couple weeks ago... (

You should probably put a label over the other eproms as well....

CH :95-