New Life Games Tech Forums

**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S2000 and Vision Games. => Topic started by: Yoeddy1 on September 09, 2010, 12:26:27 AM

Title: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 09, 2010, 12:26:27 AM
Hey all,

Question regarding multi-denom...

So per IGT's website my machine will do .25/.50/1.00/High:

Currently everything's working great and I have it multi-denom set at .25/.50/1.00/2.00.  I have a 31 Keychip for my machine to configure settings.

I noticed under (I think it's accounting denom) that I cannot make any changes as it is hard set on .25.  I guess my 31 Keychip won't allow that change.  If I wanted to configure this to be any less than .25, is this possible?  I always assumed the 31 Keychip was all that was needed, but is there a clear chip as well that I need?  I'm not familiar with the clear process on an S2000.  Any advice would be appreciated.


Title: Re: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: Brianzz on September 09, 2010, 01:47:17 AM
Per Fosters earlier post to my question, you can't set a play denomination to less then the accounting denomination. And you have to clear to change the accounting denom. So you can set it at low as 1 cent as long as the accounting denom is at 1 cent. But beware of clicking meters if you have accounting set to 1 cent and a $1 denom, it'll click 100 times for each dollar you bet.

Title: Re: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: Buzz on September 09, 2010, 02:35:47 AM
Brian  The Skipper showed me how to disable the counters. Unplug the wires from the counter install a jumper wire from the black/orange wire to the one next to it.  In most cases the black is  the bottom wire. Now that I've said that someone will come back and tell me the black is the top wire. OK still install jumper from black to the one next to it. and just let the plug lie in the bottom of the machine. No more counter noise. BTW Stat hates this idea.

Title: Re: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: StatFreak on September 09, 2010, 02:37:38 AM
Brian  The Skipper showed me how to disable the counters. Unplug the wires from the counter install a jumper wire from the black/orange wire to the one next to it.  In most cases the black is  the bottom wire. Now that I've said that someone will come back and tell me the black is the top wire. OK still install jumper from black to the one next to it. and just let the plug lie in the bottom of the machine. No more counter noise. BTW Stat hates this idea.

 :103-  I do? :128-


Title: Re: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: Buzz on September 09, 2010, 02:40:21 AM
David   Are you now saying you like the idea of not having counters? 

Title: Re: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: Brianzz on September 09, 2010, 03:10:23 AM
<SPIN>chikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachik achikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachi kac
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Title: Re: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: StatFreak on September 09, 2010, 03:39:25 AM
David   Are you now saying you like the idea of not having counters? 

No, but when it comes to multi-denominational machines set up for home use with large variances between the base denomination and the playing denominations, the mechanical meters become a hindrance. All of the data recorded by the mechs is also recorded in the software meters, so one does not give up any data collection by disconnecting the meters, only redundancy.

I use the mechanical meters on my older machines and I like having the double check available, but I disconnected the mechanical meters on my Gamemaker shortly after buying it. I had set up the base denomination at 25¢ and was playing for $5 a credit at 90 coins per spin in a multi-denominational setup. That's 1800 ticks per play. After playing the machine a few days I decided to leave the game on with the meter running (:96- pun intended) until it stopped, and it was still running three days later. That was 72 hours of non-stop ticking with no end in sight.

It became obvious that the meters could never keep up with my play, so I disconnected them. If Jason, or anyone, is going to set up his S2000 to a penny denomination and play for dollars a spin -- particularly if the game takes 45+ coins per play -- the meters will quickly lag too far behind to do any good. Besides that, very few members on NLG share my enthusiasm for keeping records, and Jason doesn't strike me as the type. :5- :72-

Title: Re: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 09, 2010, 03:56:01 AM
I appreciate the feedback guys.  For home use, the meters would drive me crazy...I completely forgot about that.  I disconnected the meter plug from the motherboard on my old CEI poker machine, and when I set up multi-denoms on my Game King I remember this occurring as well.  However after playing around in my Game King menu, if memory serves, I have my accounting denom set to 1 cent, hopper set to 5 cent, default denom set at 5 cent, and I had the option of setting the mechanical meter by accounting units or dollars.  If set to accounting units the meter is non-stop counting during play.  When set to dollars (which is what mine is), the meter is silent.

Per the Game King manual:

"Toggle between displaying hard meters in accounting units or dollars by accessing the Key Chip Menu and touching Machine Options, and Denom Setup.
NOTE: If the selected accounting-unit denomination is $1 or greater, mechanical meters will display only accounting units."

I take it an S2000 doesn't have this type of setting?

Also, I'm assuming I'll need a clear chip if the battery goes bye-bye.  Which one would I need?


Title: Re: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: CaptainHappy on September 09, 2010, 08:26:32 AM
<SPIN>chikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachik achikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachikachi kac
<WIN>doublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechika doublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechika doublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechika doublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechika doublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechika doublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechikadoublechika

Funny! :208-

That brings back nightmares of my iGame set at 1 cent  accounting denomination, as I was playing $125 a spin while on dollar denomination! :25-

CH :95-

Title: Re: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: Buzz on September 09, 2010, 09:05:00 AM

I take it an S2000 doesn't have this type of setting?

Also, I'm assuming I'll need a clear chip if the battery goes bye-bye.  Which one would I need?


097 clear

Title: Re: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: golflover on September 09, 2010, 09:32:22 AM
Note to self:  When ready ask Stat how to disable the meters in a gammemaker bartop :89-

Title: Re: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: StatFreak on September 09, 2010, 11:48:20 AM
Note to self:  When ready ask Stat how to disable the meters in a gammemaker bartop :89-

Easy: disconnect them!  :200-   Hey, it's a Bally!  :96- :30- :30- :208- :208- :208- :208-

Title: Re: S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: golflover on September 09, 2010, 11:53:32 AM
WOW is it really that simple.....  :72- I was thiniking that but don;t want to screw up anything else after the jurisdiction issue... :208-

Title: Multidenom question....
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 23, 2010, 04:17:52 PM
Ok guys, need your opinions before I dive into this, and don't want to attempt it if it's going to be a waste of time.

My game is currently set up as a .25/.50/1.00/2.00 machine.  I set it up that way by adding the multidenom button and using a 31 key chip to do it.  Everything seems to work fine. 

However, if I want to change the coin value, 25 cents is the lowest that I can change it to...even with a keychip. 

I have an 097 clear chip coming, and from a recent post by Brianzz, it looks like changing the coin value to a smaller value is possible with a clear chip.  I looked up the specs on my machine though and it looks like the smallest value on IGT's website is 25 cents:

I've never done an S2000 clear before.  Any words of wisdom and is it possible to change my config to .05/.25/.50/1.00?


Title: Re: Multidenom question....
Post by: cowboygames on September 23, 2010, 05:11:31 PM
I'm no expert, but I beleive the smallest player denom you can use depends on what the accounting denom is set at. If your accounting denom is .25 then you would need a clear chip and reset that denom to .01. This should then allow you to use .01 as the lowest player denom. If .05 is the lowest denom you desire then set the accounting denom at .05 after using the clear chip. This is my understanding of how it works anyway

Title: Re: Multidenom question....
Post by: Brianzz on September 23, 2010, 06:00:42 PM
Cowboy is correct, player denominations can't be set lower than the accounting denomination. So if you account in quarters now, the lowest you can have a player denom is quarters.

Title: Re: Multidenom question....
Post by: Yoeddy1 on September 24, 2010, 12:59:26 AM
Guys, I apologize for wasting everyone's time.  I forgot that I had already started a thread about this here:

Stat, Captain, etc...feel free to blow this one away.  My mind is deteriorating.  :(

Title: Re: Multidenom question..../S2000 Big Times RW&B Denom/Clear question
Post by: StatFreak on September 24, 2010, 01:29:03 AM
Stat, Captain, etc...feel free to blow this one away.  My mind is deteriorating.  :(

Topics Merged.

I left the subjects unchanged to prevent confusion.

StatFreak :31-
:nlg-  Global Moderator