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General NLG Chat => Welcome wagon and General Chat (Off-Topic Post Welcome) => Topic started by: jdkmunch on September 12, 2010, 02:16:05 PM

Title: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: jdkmunch on September 12, 2010, 02:16:05 PM
Well -  Beans my dog woke up last week paralyzed.    Turns out she had a herniated disc.    Well after emergency surgery and a week in the hospital not only can she walk but we are having a hard time stopping her from RUNNNG!  

We call her Frankindog now.  

For what this cost I could have had a Bluebird.   :208-  :208-  :37- :37- :37- :37- :37-

Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: ROCKET on September 12, 2010, 02:40:04 PM
 :103- :103- :103- :103- :103-
one of my neighbors is a lawyer -- my driveway is 1/2 mile long from any road -- i let my dogs run free ..

my neighbor invested in electric under ground fence installed at $4000.00 bucks

the dog never went near the busy street ever ..

he walks his dog one night to put trash cans out at curbside --dog on leash next to him gets nailed by a car !!
he brings the dog to local vet to save life >> drops $6600.00 for 4 days there . he then needs the dogs hips pinned because of the hit .

he brings dog into BOSTON MA.  they kept dog for 3-weeks several operations --they pinned both hips screwed plates etc same as a human -- he dropped $15,900.00 there at that animal hopsital .

he gets dog home buys a 20 x 20 pen 8 feet high steel for $2200.00 to keep dog in for summer

while having a trainer /rehab nurse come tri weekly to get dog to walk on all fours again ..

so ttal it up

  4000.00 --fence underfround  
  6600.00-first few nights care after hit by car
15,900.00--for operations to plate hips etc
  2200.00--for 20x 20 dog fence above ground
?????????--personal trainer ?? cost >>>>no clue 3x's a week

     $28700.00  without  dog therapy   cost ??            

  dog cost him $5000.00 in AZ . FROM BREEDER
dont ask me what kind of dog it is some yuppy mut ------thing looks like a curly hared choclate lab  ??

so if you think you spent to much ??

my relpy to him was call me next time .45 cal acp round-----==== .50 cents

Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: StatFreak on September 12, 2010, 05:33:03 PM
My last cat (before the two I have now) developed kidney failure when he was 12. I also spent four figures on emergency medical care, and then spent two weeks feeding him liquid food and water by shooting them into the back of his throat with a syringe (no needle) every two to four hours and giving him subcutaneous saline at home (with a needle). Unfortunately, he did not pull through and I lost him. If more medical care could have saved him, I would have gotten it.

A Bluebird may be nice, but it doesn't love you. Just look at his face in your avatar and you'll know the money was better spent than on a slot machine... even if we do tease you about your knee once in a while. :96--

I'm glad to hear that he pulled through and is doing well. :89- :3-

Stat :31-

Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: jdkmunch on September 12, 2010, 05:34:20 PM
true true --  and having a happy wife -   priceless

Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: CaptainHappy on September 12, 2010, 06:01:05 PM

I too have heard so many stories about how much people spend on their pets... It is staggering to think about it, but what many people do not take into account is that most consider pets as family members, just like a kid of their own! You would spend that much, actually more on your kid in that same scenario. It is all a matter of one's personal finances and feelings at the time. I understand both extremes from paying out the ass, and humanely putting the animal down. Also it depends on if the surgery is life saving, or if the animal can live an OK life without it. It is a rough decision. My family has been in those situations many times before, at a lower $ level though, but the pet has won out each time. My sister's dog Angel, who past away suddenly and mysteriously a while back, had gotten out one night and was hit by a car. (Car hit had nothing to do with her passing, it was a while back) She was taken to the emergency vet for the emergency care. The question came up about putting her down, partially due to the inability to afford the surgery costs. We ended up taking the quality of life issue into account, and felt that the big surgery was not absolutely needed, but we did do the smaller stuff. Still four figures, but that is what credit cards are made for! The bigger one was to repair, I think, a partially broken elbow. We decided to hold off and baby her, and in the long run she healed pretty fine. She just limped a bit and it got better and better on her own as they do adapt. She used to run around as fast as she used too, and even earned the nickname HOP-ALONG! We made a compromised decision and it worked out fine! It all depends on the situation, and I think that you will be happy with your choice in the long run! Give Beans some love and treats from all of us!!!

CaptainHappy :95-

Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: Buzz on September 12, 2010, 06:19:32 PM
My last cat (before the two I have now) developed kidney failure when he was 12. I also spent four figures on emergency medical care, and then spent two weeks feeding him liquid food and water by shooting them into the back of his throat with a syringe (no needle) every two to four hours and giving him subcutaneous saline at home (with a needle). Unfortunately, he did not pull through and I lost him. If more medical care could have saved him, I would have gotten it.

A Bluebird may be nice, but it doesn't love you. Just look at his face in your avatar and you'll know the money was better spent than on a slot machine... even if we do tease you about your knee once in a while. :96--

I'm glad to hear that he pulled through and is doing well. :89- :3-

Stat :31-

David WHO says my slot machines don't luv me, they must, they screw me quite frequent !!!
Munch glad to hear the Dog is doing good. Contrary to what some people think I'm not a animal hater. I just don't like CATS

Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: a69mopar on September 12, 2010, 06:45:07 PM
When it comes to loved ones, drawing the line on cost is out of the question.  We spent large on one of our dogs who only lived for a short while afterwards, I had no regrets and would do it again.
   Glad to hear the operation went well

Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: jay on September 12, 2010, 07:09:13 PM
its not a matter of money its a a matter of quality of life.....

If the Pet is going to be in a state of pain euthenasia is the appropriate measure and the most loving thing you can do for the animal.
I wish this was an option for end of life decisions for people as well. It would add a great deal of dignity to some.

Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: Buzz on September 12, 2010, 07:12:55 PM
its not a matter of money its a a matter of quality of life.....

If the Pet is going to be in a state of pain euthenasia is the appropriate measure and the most loving thing you can do for the animal.
I wish this was an option for end of life decisions for people as well. It would add a great deal of dignity to some.

 :212- :205-

Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: jdkmunch on September 12, 2010, 08:15:53 PM
With Beans  - my wife and I decided to put her down.  The doc said we would have to milk her bladder and she would have to use wheels for her legs.  We didn't want to put her through that.  But when they came in with her hooked up ready to be put down she jumped off the table and ran to my wife.  The vet said if she could do that then there would be a 95% chance that the surgery would be successful.  

and thank God it seems to have been successful.

Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: uniman on September 12, 2010, 09:00:08 PM
Glad to hear it! Go Beans Go!

Can't tell you how much I spent on one of our basset hounds who had cancer. Clinic in southern Mich. wanted to do surgery and kemo. Went to Michigan State and got second opinion. They said either way she had a year or less as she was already twelve and the cancer was throughout her body. She made it 9 months. Traveled cross country in the moving van with me and passed on here in Nevada. She was active till the day she died.

As Jay stated, it's the "quality of life".

You made the right choice! Believe I did too.

Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: jay on September 12, 2010, 09:03:16 PM
This reminds me of a cartoon I once saw.......

Involved a lady discussing her enviornmentally responsible farm and the tag line went "and when betsy stops laying eggs we will have a fine chicken meal".

The next frame had the chicken visiting the super-market and picking up a dozen eggs...

Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: jdkmunch on September 12, 2010, 10:01:16 PM
I forgot to add in the cost of the chiropractor for my wife and me - We are staying on the floor to keep the dog company while she heals.   


Title: Re: How Much Would You Spend to Save Your Pet???
Post by: stayouttadabunker on September 13, 2010, 01:45:08 AM
She's a sleepy head...get better good doggie!!!
I think she's dreaming about her treats she's gonna get