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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => IGT S and S-plus Reel Games. => Topic started by: clown2948 on October 01, 2010, 02:20:23 AM

Title: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: clown2948 on October 01, 2010, 02:20:23 AM
I need some help. I did a full ram clear on my S+ and then set it up and I do not get any sound on my machine at all. Not even when I drop coins in the coin slot. The game plays as it should but no sound. Any help would be great. It has a 16 meg. board.It is a 3 coin with 3 paylines game.

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: knagl on October 01, 2010, 02:24:22 AM
Why did you do a full RAM clear?

Was there working sound on the machine prior to the RAM clear?

What SP chip do you have, so we can get you the PSR for it which will have instructions on how to adjust the volume.

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: clown2948 on October 01, 2010, 02:36:45 AM
I did a full ram clear because it was setting in a warehouse for over a year and I had to set it up. The board was removed from the machine. The sp chip is a SP1272 type 0/1/4/5. The reel chip is a 3501. The speaker just has a slight hum to it.

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: blueridgeslots on October 01, 2010, 02:43:44 AM
Switch 2-0 to 2-1 in the menu (16 mhz board tells it has that type SP)

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: knagl on October 01, 2010, 02:45:42 AM
I've attached the PSR for the 1272 -- the volume setting is listed under group 2 - page zero options, on the 4th page of the document.  I'd probably set it somewhere in the middle while you're troubleshooting, then adjust it up or down from there once you get it working.

Do you know if the speaker was working prior to storage?  Have you checked the wires to make sure they're plugged in securely on both ends?

In general, you shouldn't need to RAM clear to set up a machine.  The reason why I'm against it is that it clears every single setting, and generally takes more time to re-configure everything and "fix" everything a RAM clear "breaks" than it would to just do without it.  S+ machines don't require a RAM clear to change a game.   :71-

Best of luck -- hopefully you just need to increase the volume.

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: clown2948 on October 01, 2010, 02:49:26 AM
Hi I did that when I set it up and than I than I turned the key switch to get the volume up.Than I set the display to 5-0. But still no sound.

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: clown2948 on October 01, 2010, 02:53:45 AM
When I got the 2---0 I changed it to 2---1 than turned the reset key to get to the 3--10 to  3---1which should be the loudest sound.

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: stayouttadabunker on October 01, 2010, 03:02:19 AM
How is the wiring to the speaker?
Are the wire tabs connected?
Do you have another speaker to try?

Knagl asked you in his first reply if there was "working sound
on the machine prior  to the RAM clear"...
Then he asked you again in his 2nd reply.

I would like to ask you now:

When did the "slight hum" start? Before or after you cleared the ram?
A detailed answer will help us pinpoint the exact problem to
help you get your machine working the way you want it to.

Remember, the more you tell us - the more we will tell you... :89-

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: clown2948 on October 01, 2010, 03:13:50 AM
Hi I never tested it before I did the ram clear.The speaker is hooked up. I had to put this machine back together before I could get it to work. I picked it up from Terry Day last year.It was in his storage for a long time. I just now started to get it working.

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: stayouttadabunker on October 01, 2010, 03:16:08 AM
Is there a sound chip in the socket on the MPU board?
Or is it the soldered in type?
If so, is this a known good MPU board?

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: clown2948 on October 01, 2010, 03:18:43 AM
What number would the sound chip be. Also there are no chips missing on the board.

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: stayouttadabunker on October 01, 2010, 03:39:10 AM
It would be an "AY38912" sound generator chip in the U55 socket location on the right-hand
side below where the volume knob would be.
However, since you have a 16MHz board, there's no volume knob.
Plus, not all boards are the same.
There were many different revisions of this MPU.
We don't know what yours is.

The volume for a 16MHz MPU is controlled in the options settings.
The instructions are clearly stated in you PSR sheet you've down loaded.
You need to re-read this sheet carefully and understand it.
Once you learn how to set it - other machines will be a piece of cake.

Have you tried this MPU in another known working machine?
We'd like to see if this board is good or not.

Have you run a continuity check with a meter on the 2 speaker wires from the speaker back to the MPU?

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: clown2948 on October 01, 2010, 12:00:22 PM
Hi all is well now. I changed the mpu board to one from an extra I had and the sound now works. Is there any way I can fix that board. What do I need to look at. On my boards I do not have that chip. Thanks all who helped.

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: stayouttadabunker on October 01, 2010, 12:58:46 PM
Then you must have the 18-pin YM2413 chip soldered in on the U49 location on the MPU.
It's right where the dip switches "used" to be.
I think Brian at Rocky Mountain Slots does board level repairs.
I'd give him a call.

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: StatFreak on October 01, 2010, 07:41:48 PM
Then you must have the 18-pin YM2413 chip soldered in on the U49 location on the MPU.
It's right where the dip switches "used" to be.
I think Brian at Rocky Mountain Slots does board level repairs.
I'd give him a call.

Why?  You can pick up an S+ board for $20-$30.

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: knagl on October 01, 2010, 08:12:25 PM
Why?  You can pick up an S+ board for $20-$30.

Tell that to the person reading this post 30 years from now.   :200-  :5-

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: stayouttadabunker on October 01, 2010, 11:51:31 PM
I wonder what they cost when they first came out? lol
About the same prices correspondingly for the 044 boards nowadays?

Title: Re: No sound on my IGT S+ 1994 model
Post by: StatFreak on October 02, 2010, 03:22:25 AM
I wonder what they cost when they first came out? lol
About the same prices correspondingly for the 044 boards nowadays?

You might have to define "first came out". I'll bet the casinos paid a lot more for them as newly manufactured replacements back in the early to mid '90s than we're paying now for used 044 boards.