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**Reel Slots** Gaming Machines => SIGMA Reel Games. => Topic started by: 89chevyman on October 14, 2010, 04:35:52 AM

Title: The continuing story of "How to Get Totally Frustrated in 120 Easy Steps"
Post by: 89chevyman on October 14, 2010, 04:35:52 AM
Ok guys, I am trying every night to try and get these #*@#%$^ machines working. Every single time I get something going it stops :37- :37- :37-. I have switched boards, chips, used known good boards & every time, I get an error, then a different error :25- :25-. The newest error has Jim & I stumped :103- :103- The board is known to be good, put it into the machine, runs self tests, then BAM!!! Runaway Hopper Call attendant. Tried doing what Randy said, turned machine off, pulled hopper, started machine, Runaway Hopper 1 error!!!!!. Tried turning the machine off, put the hopper back in............turn machine on, self test BAAAM.....Runaway Hopper 2. Tried putting board into a different machine (I have 3 Sigmas). You guessed it Runaway Hopper 3. Well needless to say I got up to #7. Tells ya how many times I tried. Now, the question: How do you clear this?????? :103- :103- :103- :103- :103-   Anybody??????


Title: Re: The continuing story of "How to Get Totally Frustrated in 120 Easy Steps"
Post by: stayouttadabunker on October 14, 2010, 12:32:33 PM
lol...Take a deep breath

First of all, which model of Sigma is it?  :103-
Can you post pics too?

Title: Re: The continuing story of "How to Get Totally Frustrated in 120 Easy Steps"
Post by: 89chevyman on October 14, 2010, 02:14:31 PM
All 3 machines are Sigma SG 300s. Two are Treasure Tunnels and one Free N Easy. I will try and hold my frustrations in and put the good board back in to have it show the error so that I can take a picture to post. Now, knowing these machines, they may not be very cooperative and a little camera shy so it may take a few tries to get the pictures. It will be this afternoon, as I am going to look at, yes I know this is a typical scenario, 2 more IGT games. :25- :25- :25- :25- Thanks for the reply.

Title: Re: The continuing story of "How to Get Totally Frustrated in 120 Easy Steps"
Post by: stayouttadabunker on October 14, 2010, 02:33:26 PM
My Sigma "Treasure Tunnel Free-N-Easy" is an SG-150 Plus model.
I'm not sure what I can do to help but it's a start?
I happen to have a SG-300 manual.
Maybe we'll see something that was overlooked when you hook it back up. :89-

Title: Re: The continuing story of "How to Get Totally Frustrated in 120 Easy Steps"
Post by: Randy0777 on October 14, 2010, 09:21:27 PM
You have two choices to clear a 300. It depends on the ver of the denom chip you have on the board. Anything but ver 2 can be cleared by holding the reset key,and the pushing the reset button at the same time,as the machine is off,than turn it on (while still pushing button and turning the key) . Give it a few min's ,then it will tell you its cleared. On ver 2,you need the clear chips. I never bothered with them because of the diff denom. chips I have (check your PM). Do you have a battery on your board?

Title: Re: The continuing story of "How to Get Totally Frustrated in 120 Easy Steps"
Post by: 89chevyman on October 15, 2010, 03:07:56 AM
Hey Randy,
  Ok got the idea bout clearing the error w/reset key, but I don't know which "reset button" you're referring to? The only one I can figure is the "test button" below the power switch. I figure this must be the one you're talking about, as it's the only one you could push, while you switch the power on, while turning the reset key at the same time. Am I correct, or is there another reset button somewhere? Not going to try it until I hear back from you, don't wanna let the smoke out of anything. Thanks, Chris

Title: Re: The continuing story of "How to Get Totally Frustrated in 120 Easy Steps"
Post by: Randy0777 on October 15, 2010, 04:59:02 AM
Sorry Chris,yes,that is the one i'm talking about. But,if you have the ver 2 on your denom chip sticker,it will not work...You have to use the clear chips,or change the denom. chip

EDIT; What about the battery? And the picture of the hopper runaway #7,turn it off and try again,it will be #8  :96-

Title: Re: The continuing story of "How to Get Totally Frustrated in 120 Easy Steps"
Post by: Jimise on October 22, 2010, 12:09:03 AM
Hello Randy, Just to let you know,  The board that Chris was using does not have a battery on it.

 I tried the RAM clear on the board, and got the message ALL DATA W/O SETTING WILL BE CLEARED .  Relesed the key & button..  turned the key twice, shut off the machine, Turned it back on and...........................The error (METER CUT CHECK WIRE).
is still there.  (although the volume seemed to go back up after the ram clear. I had it set all the way down)  I must be missing something ??  
Oh and by the way Randy, You were right. It did go to hopper runnaway 8   :96-   :96-   :96-  
could it be because the battery is gone?  If you have anymore ideas,  Please let me know!!  

Thanks for your time!!   Jim.............
Sorry Chris,yes,that is the one i'm talking about. But,if you have the ver 2 on your denom chip sticker,it will not work...You have to use the clear chips,or change the denom. chip

EDIT; What about the battery? And the picture of the hopper runaway #7,turn it off and try again,it will be #8  :96-

Title: Re: The continuing story of "How to Get Totally Frustrated in 120 Easy Steps"
Post by: Randy0777 on November 16, 2010, 04:30:09 PM
Been busy moving..what the hell is up with these Ohio laws  :25-

Anyway,Jim,turn off the check for the meters. Like i said,busy moving. So on a laptop without my manual's. One of the DIPS will disable the meter check.

Chris,call me tonight after 10 pm if you can