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Author Topic: Bally Evo Hybrid Reel Control unit Failure & also arm won't release  (Read 3544 times)
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« on: September 20, 2011, 12:30:47 PM »

Ok,  I know you guys are really really good on IGT but how about Bally Evo Hybrid?  I picked up two at auction, one of them will actually accept coins and work, (there is no bill validator...yet) but the arm won't release and the other one has the "Reel Control Unit Failure" as seen in the pitures.  When they were turned on at the auction,  it did not display any error on the screen.  I checked all the connections I could find,  and as usual,  there are many that are not plugged in for whatever reason.  I can somewhat know where to look on IGT machines but theis is my 1st Ballys. If I even knew where the Reel Control unit was or looked like I may be able to grab the one from the other machine and see what happens. Also,  the main door button is not connected to anything,  anyone see any problem leaving it that way?  The optic seems to work as when I close the door it blinks the screen.


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« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 12:40:55 PM by mwade109 » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2011, 09:56:08 PM »

do a p 10 clear like you do on game maker, reel driver error should go away
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« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2011, 11:18:56 PM »

The Reel Control unit (board)  is the board that is  mounted above  the  CPU.   You can  exchange with board from working unit to see if that clears the error.   (You would may  have to do a  Ram Clr.)  Perhaps do a Ram Clr  before swapping boards...as suggested.   I have also found that error does come up with a good board,  at times...and by just opening the front door for  3  or 4 seconds....and closing it clears error too. 

Check  your  battery voltage on the  CPU   3.6  AA lithium.

Arm  release...   check to make sure your 2 wires that plug into  your  arm release solenoid are plugged in.

( Not sure what you mean by  "main  door button"  not connected ? ?     

   Your  "bill logic"   door open  .... there is a  mechanical  switch underneath  the  Cash Can   (enclosure)  just behind the speaker lower right.   theres a couple screws that hold the  brass colored covering.  You can   wire it  in  closed position.   You won't have to put a lock on the  cash can door access /  or  keep it closed with tape.

Be sure  NOT  to unplug / replug  cables / reel connectors  with  machine on... causes errors and tilts that can only be cleared with  Ram Clr. 

Hope  some of this helps.
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« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2011, 09:48:32 AM »

Thanks for the info but you are talking to a Bally virgin.  I have never worked on a Bally,  have always had IGT so can you give me more insight as to how to do a 'clear' on this machine.  I know on my s+'s and S2000's a ram clear chip is needed,  is it also needed with this or is there a different way to clear it and set it back up ?

cp: by the "main door button" I mean the white power pushbutton that the main door pushes against when you close the door.  On igt you can pull out the white button and it acts like the door is closed but on this game it just pushes in and is connected to nothing.  The wires are on the switch but the other end of the wires are just dangling.


do a p 10 clear like you do on game maker, reel driver error should go away
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 09:59:14 AM by mwade109 » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2011, 10:10:54 AM »

those doors have optics, that  button was for  player tracking stuff,
check your pm for a message
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« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2011, 12:40:13 AM »

Well, Ron (Samron slots, thanks Ron, always nice to see you two) stopped by and did a ramclear on both machines and they are running great and I new have a ramclear chip for them. Now to finish them off I need a BV and cash box. Anyone have one they want would like topart with?
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