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General NLG Chat => Welcome wagon and General Chat (Off-Topic Post Welcome) => Topic started by: brichter on April 07, 2010, 02:23:34 AM

Title: Venting...
Post by: brichter on April 07, 2010, 02:23:34 AM
Some times I hate people...   :125- :190-

And no, they didn't even leave a note. :30- :30- :30- :30-

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: stayouttadabunker on April 07, 2010, 02:27:40 AM
Is that your bike down, brichter?

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: brichter on April 07, 2010, 02:57:09 AM

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: stayouttadabunker on April 07, 2010, 03:29:30 AM
Aw man...sorry to hear that.
Believe me - I didn't do it!  :5-

Once I got done golf coming off the 18th hole and going back to the parking lot -
someone put a huge scratch all alongside the rear I was...  :81-
But that was just about as bad as finding a golf ball dent on my trunk of the car...jeesh!  :37-

I hope it wasn't damaged too bad...rotten luck there  :8-

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: Bettor Slots on April 07, 2010, 04:06:40 AM
Man that sucks...sorry to see that. That happened to my bike once except I was still attached and ended up sliding 160 feet and then wedged up and under a pick-up.   :25- The insurance company's appraiser declared "both myself and the bike were a complete loss and totaled"  :97-

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: CaptainHappy on April 07, 2010, 07:49:28 AM

That  :58- :58- $%^*() SUCKS!!!  :8- :8- :8-

Was your Rocket OK???

Dare I ask if you checked for Video Cameras in the lot??? Some places are more than happy to help if it was caught on camera....

Bad Karma will strike them regardless!!!! :50- :50- :50- :50- :50- :50- :50- :50-

CH :95-

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: brichter on April 07, 2010, 07:56:19 AM
Bike is unimportant now, I just got back from the hospital.

Linda and her boyfriend were involved in a traffic collision about 10:30 last night, they both wound up with some stitches and bumps, bruises, etc., but nothing more major than that.

Her car (or what's left of it):

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: CaptainHappy on April 07, 2010, 08:03:41 AM
Bike is unimportant now, I just got back from the hospital.

Linda and her boyfriend were involved in a traffic collision about 10:30 last night, they both wound up with some stitches and bumps, bruises, etc., but nothing more major than that.

Her car (or what's left of it):

HOLY CRAP BATMAN!!!!  :213- You are having a couple bad days!  :58- :58- :58-

I am just so Happy to hear that Linda is OK, oh yeah her BF too. Cars can be fixed or replaced, but your loved ones are the important thing!  :89- :89- :89-

I think you might want to get your special bottle out and have a glass or two!!!  :134-

Mark :95-

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: brichter on April 07, 2010, 08:06:29 AM
No bottle present at this time, or I'd be hoisting one... :140-

Pretty stressful 24 hours, I'm off to bed. TTYL, and thanks for the good thoughts.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: StatFreak on April 07, 2010, 08:47:31 AM
I know CH said this, but I said it out loud before reading his post, so I feel entitled:  Holy crap Bill ! :o  I didn't even have time to say anything about the bike and more bad things happened! I'm glad that Linda and her boyfriend are alright. :89-

As bad as the car looks, it's precisely why they weren't seriously hurt. Modern cars are designed to absorb the shock and crumple so that the force is not transmitted to the people inside the vehicle.

Two claims in as many days... your insurance agent is going to LOVE you, but hey, that's what they're there for. Take care of your daughter first.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: Brianzz on April 07, 2010, 09:57:27 AM
Bill, I don't see any damage to your motor scooter, are you sure it wasn't an aftershock that knocked it over? Mother nature never leaves a note.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: ashyron on April 07, 2010, 02:45:11 PM
Bill, I finally have a chance to chime in and let me say the first pic I seen I just had to say 'crap!!!  stupid people' but then I scrolled down to see the auto accident and now I have to up that one to 'HOLY H E double toothpicks!!!' (since I can't actually say that here).  It's a bummer to see the bike on the ground but so sorry to hear about the accident.  StatFreak is right when he said that modern cars are built to absorb the impact.  That is one of the main reasons cars aren't made of steel anymore and more plastic goes into them.  I hope everyone is OK.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: brichter on April 07, 2010, 03:34:43 PM
The kids are ok, still no word on the other driver... but she was talking,etc as they took her to the hospital.

Brian, all the damage is on the side next to the ground... :96- :96- :200-

They can also thank air bags for surprising lack of serious injury. A few stitches here and there and some X-rays as a precaution. Linda's most severe injury was from the seat belt, she's got a big bruise on her chest from where it kept her in her seat.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: knagl on April 07, 2010, 03:38:09 PM
now I have to up that one to 'HOLY H E double toothpicks!!!' (since I can't actually say that here).

What the hell are you talking about?   :96-

Bill, glad to hear that everything's okay -- sorry it's been a tough couple of days.  It's behind us now, but a few weeks ago we got burned out of our apartment building (the fire wasn't in our apartment, but close enough that we had significant water damage to the apartment).  Thankfully we weren't hurt, and most of our stuff survived unscathed.  At the same time, though, I kept saying, "we're okay -- the other things are just that -- things, which can be replaced."  The car can be replaced.  Linda can't, so I'm glad she's okay.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: ashyron on April 07, 2010, 04:01:35 PM
It's great that her and BF are OK.  Yea I can bet she/they had bruises from the seatbelts and possibly a bruised nose from the face impacting on the air bag or vise-versa.  I can't say my most recent accident the end of February was nearly as bad as Linda's accident but I suffered a bruise on my chest and man it hurt for a long time.  The car will/can be replaced and the bike can be fixed.  Between things like this and what I see my father going through on a daily basis now, I don't take anything for granted.

now I have to up that one to 'HOLY H E double toothpicks!!!' (since I can't actually say that here).

What the hell are you talking about?   :96-

 :103- So this forum must be like what George Carlin would explain as being the 7 words you can't say on tv??  Don't make me quote them   :97-

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: brichter on April 07, 2010, 04:23:35 PM

 It's behind us now, but a few weeks ago we got burned out of our apartment building (the fire wasn't in our apartment, but close enough that we had significant water damage to the apartment). 

Thanks, Kevin.

That's the bad part about apartment living: If you're high enough to escape the water damage, the fire probably got to you. :25- At least you weren't trapped in the apartment... :89-

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: Super Joker on April 07, 2010, 04:38:23 PM
As a person that rides a bike as well (Yamaha cruiser), one question that immediately comes to mind from looking at the pic you posted is; where exactly was the bike parked? From the pics, it looks like you were trying to double-tap two parking spots. That is, if the bike was just tipped over.

Damaging someone else's things is a no-no, but even I know that taking two spots (especially on a bike) is asking for some low-life to get pissed at me and do something.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: CaptainHappy on April 07, 2010, 07:17:22 PM
As a person that rides a bike as well (Yamaha cruiser), one question that immediately comes to mind from looking at the pic you posted is; where exactly was the bike parked? From the pics, it looks like you were trying to double-tap two parking spots. That is, if the bike was just tipped over.

Damaging someone else's things is a no-no, but even I know that taking two spots (especially on a bike) is asking for some low-life to get pissed at me and do something.

I would be more inclined to guess that some stupid ass was speeding through a parking lot while eating and talking on their cell phone when they sped into a "what they thought was an open" parking space "pushing" Bills Bike into its resting position! :118- :118- :118-

CH :95-

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: stayouttadabunker on April 07, 2010, 10:17:26 PM
That makes more sense but still sucks!  :37-

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: Super Joker on April 08, 2010, 12:38:03 AM

I would be more inclined to guess that some stupid ass was speeding through a parking lot while eating and talking on their cell phone when they sped into a "what they thought was an open" parking space "pushing" Bills Bike into its resting position! :118- :118- :118-

CH :95-

I could see that happening, the bike getting pushed off and over. Especially if it was someone backing in.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: KirkLasVegas on April 08, 2010, 02:16:41 AM

I would be more inclined to guess that some stupid ass was speeding through a parking lot while eating and talking on their cell phone when they sped into a "what they thought was an open" parking space "pushing" Bills Bike into its resting position! :118- :118- :118-

CH :95-

I could see that happening, the bike getting pushed off and over. Especially if it was someone backing in.

There are some winners out there. I had one on the freeway once come up behind me in the #2 lane. I was doing the speed limit on my Harley, minding my own business. The BITCH comes up so close to my rear end , i cant see the plate! Then she comes around me, cuts me off and turns on her windshield washer. I back way off, but follow her. her kids are laughing like crazy. ABout 4 miles later she gets off the freeway and gets caught in traffic. I pull up on her right side, stop by her window, snapped her right hand mirror off and hand it to her thru the window. Told her to have a nice day and split traffic and got off the next street...
Her kids were NOT laughing, I'm sure her husband KILLED her. I bet that BMW mirror was EXPEN$IVE to replace. I was ready to trade her a Malicious Mischief charge for assault with a deadly weapon charge... :)


Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: brichter on April 08, 2010, 03:07:21 AM
where exactly was the bike parked? From the pics, it looks like you were trying to double-tap two parking spots. That is, if the bike was just tipped over.

Damaging someone else's things is a no-no, but even I know that taking two spots (especially on a bike) is asking for some low-life to get pissed at me and do something.

Not sure what gave you the idea that I was trying to take 2 spots, but the reason the bike is in the position it is because it's equipped with a steering lock, same as every other modern motorcycle.

The steering lock activates when you take the key out of the ignition, and it locks the steering head all the way against the left steering stop. According to the witness, a white Infiniti FX35 pulled into the parking space at a high rate of speed, jammed on the brakes, and still hit my bike hard enough to punt it the length of the parking space and into the bushes. If you look at the front wheel, it's still turned full left.

My motorcycle was parked on the left side, all the way to the rear of the parking space. We (the motorcyclists at work) park 2, sometimes 3 to a spot. One on the left in the back, one on the right in the back, and one at the front in the middle if they're comfortable with the close quarters. The reason motorcycles park in the rear of the spot is so cars can see from a distance that the spot is occupied.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: Super Joker on April 08, 2010, 03:55:22 AM
where exactly was the bike parked? From the pics, it looks like you were trying to double-tap two parking spots. That is, if the bike was just tipped over.

Damaging someone else's things is a no-no, but even I know that taking two spots (especially on a bike) is asking for some low-life to get pissed at me and do something.

Not sure what gave you the idea that I was trying to take 2 spots, but the reason the bike is in the position it is because it's equipped with a steering lock, same as every other modern motorcycle.

The steering lock activates when you take the key out of the ignition, and it locks the steering head all the way against the left steering stop. According to the witness, a white Infiniti FX35 pulled into the parking space at a high rate of speed, jammed on the brakes, and still hit my bike hard enough to punt it the length of the parking space and into the bushes. If you look at the front wheel, it's still turned full left.

My motorcycle was parked on the left side, all the way to the rear of the parking space. We (the motorcyclists at work) park 2, sometimes 3 to a spot. One on the left in the back, one on the right in the back, and one at the front in the middle if they're comfortable with the close quarters. The reason motorcycles park in the rear of the spot is so cars can see from a distance that the spot is occupied.

If it was simply tipped over, from looking at the picture, it would have originally been occupying two slots. Tipping my bike over from wherever it's sitting wouldn't move it a half-space away.

LOL, as a long-time rider, I'm very aware of what a steering lock is. I personally never use my steering lock. Most modern bikes have the ability to turn off the bike and remove the key with the steering unlocked, as well as locked. I also double-up when I park. But I've also seen people double-park, on both bikes and hoopties (crappy cars, not even expensive cars).

Not trying to add salt to your wounds, my apologies if it came out that way.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: brichter on April 08, 2010, 03:58:18 AM
If you look at the picture, it can't have been tipped over, as almost half of the motorcycle is in the bushes over the curb and the rear is pointed towards the rear of the parking space.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: StatFreak on April 08, 2010, 05:49:30 AM
Did I read the word WITNESS? So, you have a description and a witness. What about video tape? If this was at work, you should be able to find the suspect employee through the description of the car (white Infiniti FX35) -- or at least narrow it down quite a bit.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: brichter on April 08, 2010, 05:51:01 AM
Did I read the word WITNESS? So, you have a description and a witness. What about video tape? If this was at work, you should be able to find the suspect employee through the description of the car (white Infiniti FX35) -- or at least narrow it down quite a bit.

Better than that, the witness got the license plate. :136- :136- :136-

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: ashyron on April 08, 2010, 06:07:27 AM
Did I read the word WITNESS? So, you have a description and a witness. What about video tape? If this was at work, you should be able to find the suspect employee through the description of the car (white Infiniti FX35) -- or at least narrow it down quite a bit.

Better than that, the witness got the license plate. :136- :136- :136-

And I would bet someone is going to be in big trouble real soon.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: brichter on April 08, 2010, 06:29:22 AM
yup, can't claim they didn't know they hit it...

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: CaptainHappy on April 08, 2010, 10:10:07 AM

That  :58- :58- $%^*() SUCKS!!!  :8- :8- :8-

Was your Rocket OK???

Dare I ask if you checked for Video Cameras in the lot??? Some places are more than happy to help if it was caught on camera....

Bad Karma will strike them regardless!!!! :50- :50- :50- :50- :50- :50- :50- :50-

CH :95-

Witness, License Plate, etc.!!! I love it, I was right and as I predicted:

Bad Karma will strike them regardless!!!! :50- :50- :50- :50- :50- :50- :50- :50-

 :209- :68- :14- :190- :209- :68- :14- :190- :190- :190- :190- :190-

CH :95-

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: stayouttadabunker on April 08, 2010, 12:04:37 PM
Here's a funny story or two:
My mother just came back from a bicycle ride and parked it in front of her suburban.
She ran inside the house to answer the phone than grabbed her purse and went out and jumped in truck.
Started it up and crumpled up the mountain bike like a bent pretzel.

Another time, her and dad taveled all the way south to St.Petersburg Yacht Club
with bicycles attached to the roof of the suburban.
No problems all the way! Over 1,500 miles! Until they drove into the underground parking garage at the club -
with the bicycles still attached to the roof of their vehicle.
Ripped everything off the roof including the racks! LOL

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: Joeylc on April 08, 2010, 01:57:09 PM (

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: knagl on April 08, 2010, 03:29:07 PM
That's the bad part about apartment living: If you're high enough to escape the water damage, the fire probably got to you. :25- At least you weren't trapped in the apartment... :89-

I don't think "irony" is the right word here, but the "poor timing" of the whole thing is that we were set to close on our house a week and a half after the fire (and still did -- I have a house now!).  It turned our planned leisurely move into three days of "pack everything and get the heck outta Dodge."  At least it's all behind us now, and we were really lucky -- as you said, if there wasn't water damage, there was smoke damage.  We were very fortunate to have only light water damage (to our stuff -- the apartment walls and ceiling weren't so lucky), and minimal to no smoke damage.

Glad to see that someone got the plate number of the jackball who hit your bike -- hopefully you'll be able to get them to pay for damages.

Title: Re: Venting...
Post by: brichter on April 08, 2010, 06:53:29 PM
the "poor timing" of the whole thing is that we were set to close on our house a week and a half after the fire (and still did -- I have a house now!).  .

Glad to see that someone got the plate number of the jackball who hit your bike -- hopefully you'll be able to get them to pay for damages.

Congratulations on the house!  :3- :3-
 I'm still trying to find one, there's a lot of sketchy stuff on the market around here right now. The banks are holding onto a lot of what they have since it took such a beating when the credit crunch hit, and the regular sales are still around $700-750k.

I called my insurance this morning and gave them the information, should be smooth sailing from here. :89-