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Homebrew Player Tracking and EFT Systems. => NLG Homebrew Player Tracking and EFT Systems. => Topic started by: AndyP on April 29, 2010, 03:25:21 AM

Title: Any SAS Protocol developers here?
Post by: AndyP on April 29, 2010, 03:25:21 AM
Tried to google around a bit for some info but there really isn't much out there.

If by chance there is a dev here, why is it when I send a global 'Recieve Time' the slot responds with poll address or with 0x80?

Title: Re: Any SAS Protocol developers here?
Post by: lutcho on May 18, 2010, 09:08:22 AM

Game machines should not reply to global broadcasts. If the command was sent as a type S poll, it should ACK or NACK the message.

Title: Re: Any SAS Protocol developers here?
Post by: AndyP on May 18, 2010, 08:05:04 PM
Its was a G Poll sent with address 0, I was sending 2 bytes in the CRC with wrong endianess. Still, the machine should not have sent a NACK. Nevermind, it works now.

Title: Re: Any SAS Protocol developers here?
Post by: mr.radcon on August 25, 2010, 10:27:51 PM
 I am also looking for help with SAS5...can anybody help with WMS games and SAS? :104-

“What I need to know right now is how to wire a Williams 55x or BB video with a printer for SAS. According to the WMS manual the version of the firmware on the game I have access to should be able to talk SAS 5. I have configured the game for SAS 5. However the game does not respond to polls. Farther more if no SAS host is connected to the game the game should be "chirping" its address. I do not see the address "chirp" with my host nor my Oscope ( on any pin of the host connector). 'The Williams manual under "Host Communications" says "Note: If the game also has a printer refer to applicable printer bulletin for connections." What I need to determine is rather I am missing something with the WMS or if the comm port on the game is just flat out broken. So what I really am looking for is someone who knows how to wire up a WMS (with an Ithaca printer) to SAS.”

...or maybe someone here has some paperwork, manuals more than the standard operator manual and or info on this subject?


Title: Re: Any SAS Protocol developers here?
Post by: Gunnerbill on March 23, 2012, 02:42:36 PM
Did you have any luck getting SAS to work with Your WMS/BB

Title: Re: Any SAS Protocol developers here?
Post by: mr.radcon on March 23, 2012, 04:18:54 PM
Not yet, but funny you should ask.....I received a jurisdictional chip that I'm going to put in XU27 to see if it will enable the comm for SAS EFT transfer. IF you have any info PLEASE! let me know. Oh and I have not tested a BB yet but I'm sure the newer games will work. The IGT games are working awesome on the cashless card system.


Title: Re: Any SAS Protocol developers here?
Post by: AndyP on April 04, 2012, 07:34:05 PM
Just found an interesting bug in the software I am writing. I have two machine, IGT AVP and WMS BB2. I send a poll for SAS version (command 54) and the IGT machine works on fibre loop. I send it to the WMS machine and it puts data on the loop before it has recieved the CRC. I noticed that SASTest does not send a CRC for command 54, so I check the SAS Protocol Doco and command 54 is a type R long poll, so turn to the section on Type R long polls and this is what the doco says. Type R
This long poll type consists of the gaming machine address, with the wakeup bit set, followed by a single-byte command code.  The gaming machine’s response to type R long polls consists of its address, long  poll command code, an optional length byte, requested data, and a two-byte message CRC.

So that sections says you need a CRC. But go to the section that has details on the CRC, and you get this.

5.2  Host and Gaming Machine CRC Generation
The host calculates a CRC for all ty pe S, type M  and type G long polls...

So CRC or no CRC for type R polls? Looks like WMS does not like the CRC, and SASTest also does not generate CRC  :103- I am going to go with no CRC. This really is a badly designed protocol.

Title: Re: Any SAS Protocol developers here?
Post by: zarobhr on April 04, 2012, 11:57:48 PM
Just found an interesting bug in the software I am writing. I have two machine, IGT AVP and WMS BB2. I send a poll for SAS version (command 54) and the IGT machine works on fibre loop. I send it to the WMS machine and it puts data on the loop before it has recieved the CRC. I noticed that SASTest does not send a CRC for command 54, so I check the SAS Protocol Doco and command 54 is a type R long poll, so turn to the section on Type R long polls and this is what the doco says. Type R
This long poll type consists of the gaming machine address, with the wakeup bit set, followed by a single-byte command code.  The gaming machine’s response to type R long polls consists of its address, long  poll command code, an optional length byte, requested data, and a two-byte message CRC.

So that sections says you need a CRC. But go to the section that has details on the CRC, and you get this.

5.2  Host and Gaming Machine CRC Generation
The host calculates a CRC for all ty pe S, type M  and type G long polls...

So CRC or no CRC for type R polls? Looks like WMS does not like the CRC, and SASTest also does not generate CRC  :103- I am going to go with no CRC. This really is a badly designed protocol.

Andy re read this This long poll type consists of the gaming machine address, with the wakeup bit set, followed by a single-byte command code.
it does not say needs crc. the response has a crc put the long poll doesnt.

in fact i havent seen any single LP that only use thae address and a single byte require CRC

also some IGT machines are more lenient that other non IGT machines i have been dealing with. for example IGT if crc is sent and not needed then it still replies, but alot of non igt machine i delt with if crc is sent the command is ignore

Title: Re: Any SAS Protocol developers here?
Post by: AndyP on April 05, 2012, 12:13:51 AM
Just found an interesting bug in the software I am writing. I have two machine, IGT AVP and WMS BB2. I send a poll for SAS version (command 54) and the IGT machine works on fibre loop. I send it to the WMS machine and it puts data on the loop before it has recieved the CRC. I noticed that SASTest does not send a CRC for command 54, so I check the SAS Protocol Doco and command 54 is a type R long poll, so turn to the section on Type R long polls and this is what the doco says. Type R
This long poll type consists of the gaming machine address, with the wakeup bit set, followed by a single-byte command code.  The gaming machine’s response to type R long polls consists of its address, long  poll command code, an optional length byte, requested data, and a two-byte message CRC.

So that sections says you need a CRC. But go to the section that has details on the CRC, and you get this.

5.2  Host and Gaming Machine CRC Generation
The host calculates a CRC for all ty pe S, type M  and type G long polls...

So CRC or no CRC for type R polls? Looks like WMS does not like the CRC, and SASTest also does not generate CRC  :103- I am going to go with no CRC. This really is a badly designed protocol.

Andy re read this This long poll type consists of the gaming machine address, with the wakeup bit set, followed by a single-byte command code.
it does not say needs crc. the response has a crc put the long poll doesnt.

in fact i havent seen any single LP that only use thae address and a single byte require CRC

also some IGT machines are more lenient that other non IGT machines i have been dealing with. for example IGT if crc is sent and not needed then it still replies, but alot of non igt machine i delt with if crc is sent the command is ignore

Ahh yup. You are correct. Its the response that has the CRC!

Title: Re: Any SAS Protocol developers here?
Post by: AndyP on April 05, 2012, 12:43:27 AM
Quick fix, lucky i coded so that I can figure out what poll type it is. I still shake my head that any message over the wire can be free of a CRC. The worst one is the response to a general poll. What if a bit is wrong in the exception, no crc to catch it? Bad design.

Title: Re: Any SAS Protocol developers here?
Post by: mr.radcon on July 09, 2012, 03:54:31 PM
I was able to get a hold of this EFT chip but it doesn't seem to turn the EFT on when I insert it during a ram clear. Any thoughts?

Back to the drawing board...