Rewired wiper boards, reassembled the machine and had no hopper action. Tried another hopper from another machine and it spun right up but unfortunately it was just a tad bit larger or deeper placing the gears further back into the case. It then proceeded to pull the wire loom into the gears!
It barely even slowed down when it pulled 20 wires through the gears, finally severed one of the rewire job wires which is more like 22 gauge and that stopped it before I could even get to the switch.
Had to remove the upper beau plugs and angle part that holds them, unscrew the lower beau plug bracket and rip a few wies loose from the transformer to be able to get the hopper far enough out of the case to remove the motor. I tried to remove the plate but it can't be removed while the hopper is in place. The hopper actually touches the plate that separates the top and bottom areas. I think this is due to the sides not having the metal walls and the bottom has been pushed up slightly over time. While the sides have slightly spread out, I ran some larger screws in the sides in place of the old ones that were no longer getting a bite or were missing all together.
The damage was 4 wires were cut and they were all of the replaced wires that I should replace anyway. The hopper was undamaged and works just fine back back in it's original machine.
I pretty much gave up after that, 2 days work that ended up coming to an abrupt halt in just a few seconds and never was able to find out if the reels are wired correctly, I was feeding quarters into the hopper to see when it would stop when this all happened.
I bought a wire diagram for a Deluxe Draw Bell in hopes that it may show some similarities.