Okay.. here's another question... now mind you, i dont know
much about these machines. Lol, i'm new.
(( some photos here ))
The hopper: could the situation of it being only 1/3 full be a
reason for incorrect payouts. What happens is this:
70% of the time, it pays out correctly
30% of the time, it pays out wrong
When it's wrong.. it's usually short a few quarters. Even times when it should pay 10,
it sometimes will pay 8 or 9.
The hopper never pays MORE than it is supposed to... just short pays.
Next question... i have no idea if the hopper is in a fixed and permanent position? Since
i dont have piles of quarters around (yet)... i'll play the machine for 10 minutes, then shut off
open door & reach in. Problem is... the opening is pretty dang small.... and for my adult it's
really cumbersome, etc, etc, etc... Suggestion?