Thats a steal, I saw that same rare machine on a local craigslist for $1500. Extremely rare!
Saw another one the other day that said they sell new for 1-3 thousand but he was selling his jap crap for the low low price of $500.
The ongoing joke with the Pachislos is a never-ending subject because the vendors price
these units ridiculously high on the open market.
However, the same goes for slot machines we normally see in U.S and Canadian casinos too.
I've seen people selling coin comparitor harnesses for S+'s for over $30 and denomination stickers for outrageous prices too.
I've also seen an gold-colored S+ actually sell for $2,499.00 PLUS $250.00 shipping tacked on top of the sale!!!!
Whoever bought that thing must of thought it was made of real gold...
The saying that fits well with these pricing schemes is that "there's a sucker born everyday"....
Regarding the quote above, I have a couple of observations I'd like to point painful as they may be...
It's absolutely nothing personal at all but just something I've noticed and lesser-informed people may not see.
Any newbie popping onto this website might think "Hmm...I thought those were 'real' slot machines?"
As I am an homeowner of an IGT machine, I am very careful about I think about these "jap crap" machines
because many, many components of an IGT is actually made in Japan....
Don't get me wrong because I really like IGT slot machines and totally agree with you that
the Pistachio machines are kind of "crap" too - but on the other hand, if a person looks inside an IGT machine, one will see
that most of them are built with parts ...that's right...from Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Mexico as well...
Wave a patriotic flag proudly all you want but the old saying "Made In The U.S.A." is
something that is not exactly synonymously aligned with IGT.
My son who's in the Unites States Air Force was telling me how proud when he was showing me a picture
of the sticker on his new pick up truck with all the newfangled gadgets that said "Built In The U.S.A."
and it WAS built actually in Indiana somewhere but the vehicle has a 'Nissan' name tag! Just an observation...
I told him anyways >>> "nice truck, son"... He learned NOTHING from me...
Personally, I really do like the IGT slot machines constructed and put together up in Canada...they appear somewhat better built -
(Maybe the Canadian companies take better care of their employees? Who knows why? lol )
Even though IGT bought the parts to make their machines from elsewhere with cheap labor costs.