Can someone please explain the answer to my previous posting????
We are sorry that your previous post was overlooked as you can see that NLG is being swamped with threads and postings!!!
I will try to help you as best I can...>>>
1st of all, let's understand that the IGT S2000 Netplex system of Molex plugs are basically 2-rows of 5-pins.
So, you need to find and trace the 10-pin harness from the printer to the MPU.
Apparently you have "power" but there seems to be a lack of communication of logic signals from the printer to the MPU.
This is a pretty common problem as I'm seeing quite a few posts and threads elsewhere on NLG about this.
You need to establish the printer's logic signals now.
Try undoing and re-seating the plug behind the printer that connects to the harness that runs out to the motherboard.
Then trace the harness to the motherboard and do the same.
You do not need a Keychip to establish communications or to get into the settings - the option of Auto-Configuring your printer is available through the Operator Menu.
Basically, the S2000 "finds" any Netplexed logic signal and identifies it as to what peripheral it is....whether it's a printer, a bill acceptor, or a bonus wheel or even a possible progressive display unit.
You can "ask" your machine to look for a Netplexed peripheral such as your printer by going into the menus and "forcing" your machines to do another search for a plugged-in printer.
And yes...I don't know why but an S2000 is very welll capable of establishing Netplex communications with an additional printer!!!
I tried this once as I have a spare printer and lo and behold...BOTH printers worked when I plugged them into my machine!!!
Why anyone would have that capalbility for a slot machine is beyond me and I dare anyone with the correct answer as to why IGT would enable this! LOL
Open the door, press the white Test button once ( where ever yours is..) and you will enter the menus.
Click on the two attachments below to enlarge and go from there as to making your machine perform a Netplex "search"... Go to the Output Tests on 4.3 to Auto-Configure You printer...which is a Netplex device actually...>>>