This is an old post, even two years now. I just stumbled on this post by accident today.
I'm one of the developers of this Gamecraft machine. Nice to see a picture of it again after all these years
I didn't read the whole thread but if the main problem your having is the SRAM then maybe you just need to clear it.
If you clear the card it should re-init it's self on boot up. But first back up an image to a file just in case as I'm not 100% certain now.
Come to think of it, there is clear options in one of the settings screens. That might just fix it too.
Try both key switches that are for different levels of tech/operators.
Seems like we put compression and integrity hashing on it so if it got even slightly corrupted it won't load.
It could be the card is bad too, or otherwise just won't hold it's memory once you power down.
The system is pretty simple really. The computer is just a PC (Athlon XP CPU as I think) housed in that custom lockbox case.
One of the requirements for gambling machine regulations in some if not all states.
As you can see the software boots off the CDROM, as opposed to actual ROM that was mainstream back then (still is?).
That was my coworker whom pioneered a way to make Windows 95 embedded in a very small and bootable format.
I recall the board with SRAM on it was custom made by a contracted Engineer that did a bunch of other boards for the company.
The underpopulated parts where for some simple IO ports and what not, that as you can see is handled instead by a large commercial IO board in there.
The EXPROM that you see (that I happen to code my self) is an extended BIOS.
Just some small code that runs after the system BIOS does. It does several things to cover gaming machine regulations like verify the CDROM image,
and as I recall has some cryptographic keys in it.
If some of the lights are out then it's probably just the little bulbs inside of the buttons as being incandescent they would burn out after so many hours.
I'm pretty sure today all of that has been replaced with LED technology.
I wish I could dig up some old materials on it, but not sure where they are if I even have them any more.
Hope this helps if you still have the old machine around some place and have yet to get it working..